MMS Parent Newsletter
February 3rd - February 7th
Number Of Days Of School Remaining: 70
Mission Statement
"McCormick Middle School is a team of dedicated educators that will create a safe environment where students are motivated to achieve academic success. We will empower our students to be respectful and engaged learners resulting in a culture that inspires excellence not only in their school, but also in their community."
McCormick Middle School
(Email) James.Cruz@hayscisd.net
(Cell) 512-698-7007
Email: James.Cruz@hayscisd.net
Website: https://www.hayscisd.net/Domain/24
Location: 5700 Dacy Lane, Hays, TX, USA
Phone: 512-268-8508
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mccormickMS
Click on the "submit your questions here!" I check this frequently and will get back to you.
Hays County Resources
Save The Date (Reminders)
February 4th - ELAR Benchmark
February 11th - Rising 6th grade student/parent visit
February 13th - Valentine Dance 5:30pm
February 14th - No School/Teacher Workday
February 17th - No School/Student & Teacher Holiday
March 1st - Academic UIL
March 17th-21st- Spring Break
Monday-Thursday Regular Bell Schedule
Friday Tiger Time Bell Schedule
MMS Parents
This Tuesday, February 4th, all students will be taking the ELAR Benchmark test. Here are a few reminders about the upcoming test:
- Students need a charged Chromebook
- Students need to get plenty of rest and eat breakfast
- Lunch drop-offs are not allowed on Tuesday. Students will be eating in the classroom.
- If possible, please do not pick up your child early. We should be done testing by 2pm. Any student absent will need to make-up the test on Friday
- Our Valentine Dancy will be on Thursday, February 13th 5:30pm-8:00pm. Tickets will be sold during lunch starting next week. We do not have school on Friday, February 14th, that is why we are having the dance on a Thursday.
- Please check your child's chromebook for damages. Look for crack screens, missing keyboard keys, or any other damages. If you come across any damages, please have your child inform our librarian, Mrs. Mitchell, and she can get it repaired.
Parent Reminders
- We are not able to pull out your child from class and have them wait for you in the office. Students must remain in the classroom until parents arrive.
- Please make sure your child brings their chromebook charged to school every day. Students are assigned lunch detention after multiple infractions.
- We are not able to pull your child out of class for you to talk to them. You are welcomed to leave a message, with our receptionist, for your child and we will hand deliver the message.
- We have very limited space for parents to eat with their child during lunch. Families will have to sit with other families. Also, eating outside is an option at our picnic tables.
Thank you
Mr. Cruz
Open the band document below for information on how to get an instrument
Congratulations to our McCormick Theatre
for finishing in 3rd place at the Hays UIL One Act Play event
Keep up the great work!
Congratulations to some of our students who competed at History Day.
We have some students moving on to regionals! Way to go Tigers)
Julian Laraway- 3rd place prohibition exhibit going to regionals
Alessandro Serrano- 3rd place for website going to regionals
Christian Washington- 5th place performance going to regionals
Laila Bloor & Caden Coan 5th place
Attending Extra-Curricular Activities
We enjoy having students attend our extra-curricular activities. When a game is over, students need to be picked up within 30 minutes. Any student that is not picked up within that time limit may not be able to stay for athletic events. We appreciate your help with this.
Students can redeem their Tiger Tickets for prizes from our Tiger Store!
PTA: McCormick Middle School
School District: Hays CISD
McCormick PTSA
Please sign up your student so they can receive the following:
* Get in free to school dances
* Participate in school wide decisions for student activities
* Celebrate monthly a treat from PTSA
Visit our MMS PTSA Website at mmsptsa.com
Please join our amazing and wonderful PTSA. We have some great things planned for this school year and we need your help. Click on the link above to join! You can also follow our MMS PTSA on Facebook at
Message from Counselors
Course Selection Counselor Class Visit Dates:
Feb 5 2025- Rising 6th Graders (Pfluger ES)
Feb 6, 2025- Rising 6th Graders (Sunfield & Tom Green ES)
Feb 7, 2025 - Rising 6th Graders (Camino Real ES)
Feb 11, 2025 Elementary Visit to MMS & Parent Night at 5:00pm
8th Graders: If you missed it, be sure to check out the Johnson High School presentation linked below. Please rest assured, if your graduation plan is in Schoolinks, you already have your 9th grade course selections in. Sign up if you have any questions!
6th & 7th Grade Parents!
This week counselors visited Math classes to talk about course selections for next year. Choice sheets are due back to Math Teachers by Thurs, Feb 6th. The slideshows presented in class are linked below in case your child was absent or you would like to see the information first hand. Thanks!
Rising 7th Grade Course Selection Presentation
Rising 8th Grade Course Selection Presentation
Please consider participating in the Spark Love 5K benefiting the HaysHopeToGo program. Launched on 2019, HaysHopeToGo provides food for hungry children. Currently, they provide meals for 900 children in Central Texas, including 425 Hays CISD students. This wonderful organization needs our help to raise the funds to provide those much needed meals. Hopefully, we will see you there!
Click here for more info:
Course Selection Counselor Class Visit Dates:
Feb 5 2025- Rising 6th Graders (Pfluger ES)
Feb 6, 2025- Rising 6th Graders (Sunfield & Tom Green ES)
Feb 7, 2025 - Rising 6th Graders (Camino Real ES)
Feb 11, 2025 Elementary Visit to MMS & Parent Night at 5:30pm
As always, if your child has questions or would like to visit with a counselor, they can fill out the Google form below to request a meeting.
6th Grade Counselor - Gracie Kelley gracie.kelley@hayscisd.net
7th Grade Counselor - Rosario Rodriguez rosario.rodriguez@hayscisd.net
8th Grade Counselor - Maria Herrera maria.herrera@hayscisd.net
What is your child doing next week?
Click on the link below to see what your child is doing next week in class.
We have a tab for electives and a tab for each grade level.
Preorder Yours Today!
$40 Jan 1st to May 22nd -OR- Until Sold Out
Students May Bring Cash/Check to Coach Clewell in Room 214
(In Person Sales Do NOT Have a Processing Fee)
*If paying with cash, please bring exact amount. We do not keep change on hand.*
Please Make Checks Payable to MMS Yearbook
Purchase Online at: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/index.cfm/job/15136
School Code: 15136
(Online Sales Have a Processing Fee of an Additional $3.99)
Johnson High School Cheer Tryouts
Student Drop Off In The Morning (Only)
All student drop offs in the morning need to be at the back of school. We will keep the back door open till 8:10am. The doors will be locked at 8:10am. Any student that arrives after 8:10am, can be dropped off in the front of the school.
We need to keep the front of the school clear for buses to drop off and leave in a timely manner.
On days with bad weather, high traffic, or other reasons to cause a traffic back up, we will waive tardies for that day.
Our doors open at 7:30am each day. I will not have any supervision outside until 7:30am. You can drop off your child earlier but there will not be any supervision. We will release car riders at 3:39pm each day.
During dismissal
All student pick ups will be at the back of the campus. PLEASE DO NOT do any U-turns when you are in line. This is a safety concern. As you know the line at parent pick up is extremely long.
The following items are some things your child can do to make the line go faster:
- Make sure your child is looking for you
- Try not to get out of your car for your child to put things in trunk
- Drive all the way up the loop until you cannot drive up anymore
Hot Temperatures During Dismissal
During dismissal students have a choice to wait outside for their parent to pick them up or can wait in the foyer area (to stay out of the sun). Students will be allowed to do this when it is too hot to wait for a ride.
School ID Badges
All students have been given an ID badge. If your child has lost their ID, they will need to purchase one in the front office for $5. If they need to purchase a lanyard, it will cost an additional $2. Students can use their own lanyard.
Early Checkouts
There will be no early checkouts after 3:00pm. We are not able to pull your child from class and have them waiting in the office for you.
Water Bottles/Lunch Kits
All water bottles and lunch kits will be thrown away every Friday at 4:00pm. Please have your child check the cafeteria for lost items.
Chromebook Device
All students need to bring their chromebook device fully charged every day to school.
Cell Phone Policy
Middle School Campus
This procedure is intended to support student learning while minimizing student distractions and disruptions. The procedure will also support and enhance current safety procedures and protocols. Teachers are expected to incorporate technology as a part of their lesson plans as long as it supports the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Students may use their own technology (laptops or iPad) to support the learning objectives in the classroom
Student use guidelines during the school day (8:10 AM-3:35 PM)
Students may use their personal electronics on campus before 8:00 AM and after 3:35 PM.
Cell phones must be out of sight and on airplane mode in the classroom.
Students will not have their cell phones out during class or passing periods.
Cell Phone use is prohibited in bathrooms, locker rooms, changing areas or any area considered private.
Principals may allow students to use their cell phones during lunch time.
Violation of electronics procedure
Students who violate the procedure will have the following consequences.
1st Offense – Warning
2nd Offense – Confiscation of the device. Device returned at the end of the day.
3rd Offense – Confiscation of the device and parent notified. Device returned at the end of the day.
4th Offense – Confiscation of the device, mandatory parent meeting. Assign one hour of after school detention. Device returned at the end of the day.
Multiple Offenses – Confiscation of the device, may charge a $10 fee, and be assigned In-School Suspension. Device returned at the end of the day.
Students who fail to surrender devices will elevate consequences immediately. Confiscated phone will be returned to the student at the end of day.
Parent expectations
Parents can help their child support this policy, the learning environment, and our school’s mission by:
Discussing the school expectation with your child
Picking up confiscated devices in a timely manner between 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Dress Code Policy
1. Basic Principle:
a. Certain body parts must be covered for all students.
b. Clothes must be worn in a way such that the genitals, buttocks, breasts, and nipples are fully covered with opaque fabric.
c. All items listed in the "must wear" and "may wear" categories below must meet this basic principle.
2. Students Must Wear, while following the basic principle of Section 1 above:
a. A shirt
b. Pants/jeans or the equivalent (for example, a skirt, sweatpants, leggings, a dress, or shorts); and
c. Shoes
3. Students May Wear, as long as these items do not violate Section 1 above:
a. Religious headwear.
b. Hats facing straight forward or straight back that must allow the face and ears to be visible to staff and not interfere with the line of sight;
c. Hoodie sweatshirts (wearing the hood over the head is not allowed),
d. Fitted pants, including opaque leggings, yoga pants, and "skinny jeans";
e. Ripped jeans, as long as underwear and buttocks are not exposed;
f. Tank tops, including spaghetti straps and halter tops;
g. Athletic attire; and Hays Consolidated Independent School District
h. Hairstyles of any length and style.
4. Students Cannot Wear:
a. Violent language or images.
b. Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity) or any other substance prohibited under policy FNCF(LEGAL);
c. Clothing that promotes gang affiliation.
d. Hate speech, profanity, or pornography.
e. Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class or consistently marginalized groups.
f. Any clothing that reveals visible undergarments
g. Swimsuits (except as required in class, field trips, or athletic practice)
h. Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon; or
i. Any item that obscures the face or ears (except as a religious observance).
The student and parent may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the general guidelines set out above and with the student dress code outlined in the student handbook.
Enforcement Dress code enforcement shall be the responsibility of the administrators on campus. If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school.
If not corrected, the student may be assigned to in-school suspension, or another location, for the remainder of the day or until the problem is corrected, or a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Repeated or severe offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Hays CISD Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.
Students in violation of Section 1 and/or 4 shall be provided three options to be dressed more to code during the school day:
a. Students shall be asked to put on their own alternative clothing, if already available at school, to be dressed more to code for the remainder of the day.
b. Students shall be provided with temporary school clothing to be dressed more to code for the remainder of the day.
c. If necessary, the student's parent may be called during the school day to bring alternative clothing for the student to wear for the remainder of the day
Important Message About Transportation
Greetings Hays CISD Parents,
Hays CISD uses SMARTtag technology to keep parents aware of the location of their child’s bus while their child is on board.
Here are helpful SMARTtag resources:
General info about SMARTtag:
Link to download the SMARTtag Parent App:
SMARTtag Parent App Instructional Video (YouTube):
Eating Lunch With Your Child
Parents are welcomed to eat lunch with their child. We are limited in space. Families will have to sit with other families. Below are the expectations that parents/guest will need to follow:
After being RAPTORed in by the front office…
- Parents/Guest must arrive during the scheduled lunch time
- Your ID sticker must be visible at all times.
- You need to eat with ONLY your child at the designated parent tables. Students are not allowed to take a friend with them to eat.
- Please refrain from walking around the cafeteria and interacting with other students.
- If other relatives(including children) are with you, they must sit at your designated table with you at all times.
- After lunch, when students are released from the cafeteria, please report directly back to the front office to check out.
Hays CISD Lunch Policy (Reminder)
I have noticed parents bringing food for their child and friends. I wanted to remind everyone about the Hays CISD Lunch Policy. Parents can only bring food for their child only. Students are not allowed to share food with other students. The message below is our Hays CISD lunch policy:
Except in emergencies, delivery of messages or packages to students will not be allowed during instructional time. A parent may leave a message or a package, such as a forgotten lunch, for the student to pick up from the front office during a passing period or lunch.
Delivery Services for Student Meals
As part of enhanced safety at campuses, beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, all Hays CISD campuses will no longer accept deliveries from meal delivery services or restaurants for student lunches. And, campuses will no longer have drop-off tables for meals. Parents may still bring outside food for their children if they plan to deliver the meals directly to their child’s designated lunch period. Meals can only be dropped off during student's lunch periods. All guests are required to follow existing safety protocols and check in with ID at the front office.
I appreciate your help with this.
Bus Information
Bus Discipline Process
· 1st offense- Trans Warning: Transportation contacts parents (notate in TEAMS)
· 2nd offense- Trans Warning: Transportation contacts parents (notate in TEAMS)
· 3rd offense- Bus Referral (To school admin assigned)
o School contacts parent to initiate bus contract
§ Informs parent subsequent referrals could result in suspension of bus privileges
· Major Offenses (drugs, assaults, fights, sexual misconduct, etc.) will bypass the warnings and a Bus Referral will be entered. Transportation will contact a parent or guardian about the referral then AP will follow up with a call to process the referral.
· Student ID Offenses will bypass the warning systems and be sent straight to the campus per Jeri Skrocki. Not wearing your ID to where it is visible for the driver is a safety matter and needs to be handled by the campus.
(These won’t be turned into the campus until we have verification that all students have the 2024-2025 Student ID’s. However, students should still be wearing the ID they were issued last year if they were a Hays CISD student.)
· Any questions over a referral sent to your campus? Please contact the Transportation Supervisor listed above for your campus.
Late Bus Information
Any student that needs to stay after school will be provided a late bus. This bus will pick students up at MMS and will take them to a "hub" location. Your child will be dropped off at a certain area. The times will differ depending on traffic.
Please have your child check their advisory course in schoology for the exact location where your child will be dropped off. Parents might need to pick up their child at the "hub" location. Please email transportation at Transportation@hayscisd.net
Birthday Shout Out!
Gifted & Talented Information
More information to come!
School Supply List
Students will keep some of their supplies and some supplies will be given to their teacher on the first day of school.
Lunch Deliveries
Hays CISD Meal Delivery Services
Hays CISD campuses will no longer accept deliveries from meal delivery services or restaurants for student lunches. Parents may still bring outside food for their children if they plan to deliver the meals directly to their child’s designated lunch period.
The person dropping off food must be on the student information page in TEAMS. All guests are required to follow existing safety protocols and check in with ID at the front office.
CNN Student News
We will show all students CNN 10 Student News every morning before 1st period. This is an excellent, non biased, news source that reviews current news events for students. It is targeted towards students.
I have provided the link for you for review. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Students attending sporting events
Students are welcomed and encouraged to attend athletic events. Students are expected to watch the game and to show school spirit. All students must have a school issued ID badge with them in order to attend athletic events. Temporary ID's will not be accepted.
Students that are exhibiting inappropriate behavior, using inappropriate language, and not remaining in the gym or football field, will be ask to leave and will not be allowed to attend any sporting events at McCormick.
Football/Basketball (In the small gym)
Parents attending the A team game will need to wait outside the gate until the B team game is over. For basketball (in the small gym), parents for the A team game will need to wait in the hallway. This will allow time for parents to exit the game in a safe and efficient way.
Also, due to the lack of space in the small gym, parents/visitors will be seated first. Students may be asked to stay in the big gym only to watch the sporting event.
Please read and watch
Dear Hays CISD Family,
We have published part 2 of episode 1 (Fighting Fentanyl: Help is Here) of our Fighting Fentanyl video series.
The link to it online in English and Spanish is: https://www.hayscisd.net/fentanylvideos
As we continue our conversation about the dangers of fentanyl, we will continue to produce additional videos and resource materials.
The main fentanyl webpage is www.hayscisd.net/fentanyl.
Please review our parent drop off and parent pick up procedures.
Please watch the video below on how to fill out the the lunch application form!
Lunch Application Forms
Child Nutrition
Lunch Application
Only needs to be done 1 per household
Or also adding money to child’s lunch account
Visitors On Campus
We are so excited to open our doors to visitors again! As always, safety will remain our number one priority. Please review the District Safety Procedures prior to visiting our campus by clicking here.
A few reminders:
- All visitors will continue to check in at the front office
- All visitors will need to show official state identification (Texas Driver’s license or state issued ID card)
- Visitation may be denied due to lack of appropriate identification required for criminal background screening
- All students must wear their ID tag while on campus. Please make sure your student wears their ID daily.
We are excited to offer volunteering opportunities again! Interested in volunteering? Learn more: Hays CISD Volunteers In Public Schools (VIP)
Please click here for additional information and safety reminders: Campus Safety Protocols
We look forward to seeing you soon!
¡Nos da mucho gusto volver abrir nuestras puertas a visitantes de nuevo! Como siempre, la seguridad siempre será nuestra primera prioridad. Por favor revise los Procedimientos de Seguridad del Distrito antes de visitar alguno de nuestros campus al hacer CLIC AQUÍ.
Unos cuantos recordatorios:
- Todos los visitantes deberán registrarse en la oficina de la entrada principal.
- Todos los visitantes necesitan mostrar su identificación oficial del estado (Licencia de Conductor o Identificación del Estado de Texas)
- Se podrá negar la visita en caso de falta identificación apropiada para la verificación de antecedentes.
- Todos los estudiantes deberán usar su Credencial de Identificación mientras estén en el campus. Favor de asegurarse que su hijo(a) porte su ID diariante.
¡Nos emociona poder volver a ofrecer oportunidades de participación voluntaria nuevamente! ¿Le interesa participar como voluntario? Infórmese más en: Voluntarios en Escuelas Públicas de Hays CISD (VIP)
Haga CLIC AQUÍ: Protocolos de Seguridad en el Campus para mayor información y leer los recordatorios de seguridad.
¡Esperamos verlos muy pronto!