Washington Central Connections
December 13, 2024
Superintendent's Message
We are fully into the holiday season now and as I visit schools it is great to see our students and staff engaged in acts of giving. This practice helps remind us that even simple acts of kindness can make a difference in someone's day or life. So often we focus only on the act of giving that we forget the act of receiving, so this holiday season I encourage you to look for ways to acknowledge someone who gives to you. It may be a smile, a hello, a gift, or a card, and I hope that when you receive one of these gestures, you take a moment and say thanks.
I know there have been times in my life when I have given something to someone and they responded with a "you shouldn't have" or "I don't deserve this" and what I really wanted to hear was "thanks." It is an acknowledgement of my effort which makes me feel valued and noticed. I hope that you have the opportunity to respond to other's generosity this holiday season.
Please take a look through this newsletter to see some of the wonderful things happening around our district. Our schools are full of fun, excitement, and learning, and I hope you can share in the joy.
I wish you peace, joy, and happiness,
Steven Dellinger-Pate
Humanity, Justice & Inclusion Update
In a letter to George Wythe in 1786, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“I think by far the most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people. No other foundation [than education] can be devised for the preservation of freedom and happiness…. Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish and improve the law for educating the common people.”
Jefferson argued for public education, for people from all walks of life to read and think together, and for them to learn to participate in democracy. During the recent elections, we encountered many examples of how hard it is to talk and think together; learning to think together takes practice.
This challenge of talking together is part of the reason for the district protocol for responding to hurtful words. In support of learning together, the protocol balances freedom and speech with responding to hurtful language. Silence and NOT talking together cause another kind of harm—sweeping stuff under the rug always makes for a bigger challenge. Silence is not always golden.
Some may remember The Magic School Bus TV show. Miss Frizzle’s education philosophy is, “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” Let’s be brave as we learn the languages of understanding and compassion.
Since the spring of 2021 our district has offered a course on racial and intersectional justice. The course is taught by our equity scholar-in-residence.
Over the years, teachers, administrators, paraeducators, and school board members have participated in the semester-long course. In addition to engaging in reading, exploring identity, and developing individual projects to support our work with students, each cohort develops a legacy project to move the work forward beyond the class.
The course is one way that our district manifests its commitment to Humanity, Justice, Community, and Belonging, one of our core values.
This spring’s course is designed to directly support our district’s ability to implement Vermont's new Education Quality Standards. Entitled Schools and Pedagogy to Thrive: Embracing Education Quality Standards, the course will explore the IRIS Framework for Ethnic Studies and will result in units of study and lesson plans that will be shared across our district. We can’t wait to see what this year’s participants create!
Best wishes to all–
Shelley Vermilya
Cheryl Ecklund Calais Elementary Teacher at the UVM Outstanding Educator of the Year Ceremony
Steven Ushakov U-32 Teacher at the UVM Outstanding Educator of the Year ceremony
Steven Ushakov and Superintendent Steven Dellinger-Pate
WCUUSD District Clerk Opening
The Washington Central Unified Union School District (WCUUSD) is seeking a qualified and motivated individual to serve as the District Clerk. This critical position plays a key role in the administration of elections within the district, working closely with the towns of Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex, and Worcester. The District Clerk will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the election process, including:
● Posting legal warnings for upcoming elections
● Ensuring ballots are accurately prepared and compliant with legal requirements
● Preparing voter checklists and verifying eligibility
● Overseeing the commingling and secure handling of ballots
● Acting as a liaison between the district and local communities to ensure smooth, transparent elections
This role requires strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and a thorough understanding of election processes. It offers an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in elections, public administration, or those looking to serve their local communities in an important administrative capacity.
Interested applicants who reside in the towns of Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex, or Worcester are encouraged to contact Board Chair Flor Diaz Smith at fdiazsmith@u32.org or Melissa Tuller at mtuller@u32.org for further information or to express interest.
December 13, 2024:
- Holiday Bazaar/Community Celebration
- Winter Middle School Dance @ U-32
- 1st-6th Concert @ Rumney Memorial
December 18, 2024:
- WCUUSD School Board Meeting ( Virtual Only) 6:15 PM
- Gifts for Giving @ Calais Elementary
- Gifts for Giving @ Doty Memorial
- K-3 Music Concert @ EMES 2:30 PM
- 4-6 Chorus and Band Concert @ EMES 6 PM
- Winter Solstice Celebrations @ Calais, Doty, EMES
December 23, 2024-January 2, 2025:
- Winter Break
January 8, 2025:
- Policy Committee Meeting 5:00 PM
January 8, 2025:
- WCUUSD Board Meeting @ Rumney Memorial School 6:15 PM
January 14, 2025:
- Finance Committee meeting ( Virtual) 8:30 AM
January 22, 2025:
- WCUUSD Board Meeting
January 23rd- February 1st :
- Hadestown Play @ U-32