Wixom Howler Edition 4
September 6, 2024
Wixom Calendar Dates
9/10&9/11-Curriculum Nights
9/24 Half Day of School
10/3-No School for Staff and Students
Safety and Security for Wixom Elementary School
For the safety and security of Wixom Staff and Students we are asking the following:
- Be sure to have your Wolf Pup Number Each Day.
- If you need to pick your child up early, we ask that you sign them out on the sheet in the vestibule and wait patiently until your child is called down.
- Please do not prop any doors or hold the door once you have been buzzed in. It is important that we are aware of every person coming into the school building at all times.
- Please be patient with the office staff as we do our best to take care of your needs.
Curriculum Night Schedule September 10th & 11th
Curriculum Night is an opportunity for you to come and learn about the Walled Lake Consolidated Schools Grade Level Curriculum. Please checkout the schedule so you know when to attend.
***ChildCare will be provided during Curriculum Night.
Later Arrival and Item Drop Off
If your child is late to school or you have items to drop off, we have a sign in sheet inside the first set of doors.
Book Fair Information
Dear Wixom Wolves Families,
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Wixom Elementary! Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. AND—as always—every purchase at the Book Fair benefits our school.
Here’s what you need to know about the big event:
Students will get a chance to preview the Book Fair during their Media time on Friday, September 6 and Monday, September 9.
- Students will be able to shop at the Book Fair when their class signs up during the school day from September 10 through September 13 and during their lunch recess time.
- We will also have extended hours for parents to shop during Curriculum Nights on September 10 and 11.
Like any activity we host, we need parent volunteers to help run our book fair. Please use this to sign up to help with the Book Fair. We can't do this without parent volunteers! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409054CA9AD28A4F58-50966754-wixom#/
If you choose not to send cash, you can set up an eWallet—your child’s digital payment account. Before the Book Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy.
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Book Fair online. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Every online purchase will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/wixomelementaryschool1
Thank you as always for your continued support of our school!
Wixom PTA
Wixom Birthday Celebrations!
Just like last year, we do not allow any type of birthday treats at Wixom Elementary. This means no food treats nor other types of non-food goodie bags. Please save the birthday celebrations for home.
At school we promise we acknowledge every child's birthday by wishing them a happy birthday on our school morning news. Then they also get a special birthday pencil and sticker from Mrs. Giles and the classroom teacher celebrates in their own way too. We acknowledge all summer birthdays for their half birthdays.
If you still feel that you want to do something extra for your child's birthday, we suggest you donate a book to your child's teacher's classroom library, have your child read their favorite book to the class, or work with the teacher to come in or have a special person read to your child's class.
We also will not hand out birthday party invitations at school unless you plan to invite the entire class to your child's party. Your child's teacher can always help you connect with other patents if you need contact information for birthday party invitations.
All of our Wixom families are encouraged to join the Wixom PTA! Becoming a PTA member helps support our school and all of our students. There is no volunteer commitment as a member; you can choose your level of involvement. Look to the Howler throughout the year to sign up to help at events. All students of registered PTA families also receive FREE popcorn on our monthly Popcorn days.
Please visit the Wixom PTA website to join. You can also follow our Wixom PTA on Facebook @Wixom Elementary PTA.
Upcoming PTA Sponsored Events:
Fall Mumkin Sale from August 29th-September 13th: Shop online for fall mums and Mumkins. Look in your child’s folder for a sale brochure soon. All products will be delivered on September 28th.
Scholastic Book Fair from September 9th-13th: Students will be able to shop the Book Fair with their class and at lunch time. Families can also shop in the evening during our Curriculum Nights.
Buddy’s Dining to Donate September 26th: Have dinner plans done for you AND help the PTA at the same time! Look for more information about placing your order soon.
Popcorn Day September 27th: $1 for a bag of popcorn on Popcorn Days. PTA members receive free popcorn for all students in their families all year long!
Skate Night at Bonaventure September 27th: Join us for skating from 5-7PM. $12 gets you entry and skate rental for the night! The theme is wear your best neon colors!
PTA Events
Welcome Back Wixom Wolves! Our Spirit Shop is open and ready to take orders. Come see our new designs! The shop will be open until September 13th. Orders will be delivered to Wixom Elementary the week of October 7th.
Mark your calendars for this year’s skate nights! Meet your friends at Bonaventure Skating (24505 Halsted Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48335) from 6:00-8:30 PM for a private skate party! Admission and skate rental is $12. There are pizza deals and playplace tickets available for purchase at the door. This year, each skate night has a theme, so dress to impress!
Friday, September 27th: NEON Party
Thursday, October 17th: Halloween
Friday, January 17th: Luau
Friday, February 28th: Sports
Calling all businesses! We are looking for businesses to support the 2024 Color Run being held on October 11th. If you, or a business you know, wants to support our school and receive advertising please contact Dana Marks, Fundraising Chair, at wixomelem@gmail.com
PTA Meeting
Our first PTA Meeting of the year is Tuesday, October 1st at 6:00 PM. All members of the PTA are welcome to attend. The meeting will be held in person in the Media Center. Childcare will be available. We will also offer a virtual option through Zoom.
Authorization to Administer Medication Form
If your child needs to have medication administered at school, parents must complete an Authorization to Administer Medication Form.
Once the form is completed, drop it off at our main office. The main office will be open daily, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday, beginning August 12th*.
Sign Up for SMS Messages via Skylert
In addition to receiving phone calls and email notifications from the school district in the event of a school closing or emergency, parents can also sign up to receive SMS Text messages.
Find the helpful step-by-step instructions linked below as well as the video tutorial on signing up for SMS messages.
Free Breakfast and Lunch for ALL this Year
Michigan lawmakers have approved funding for universal free meals at all schools throughout the state. The program covers free breakfast and free lunch for students from Pre-K through 12th grade for the 2024-25 school year. Wixom will offer breakfast items each morning until approximately 9:00 AM and lunch during your child’s scheduled lunch period.
We continue to encourage all families to apply for the Food Assistance Program this year because this program also gives our school extra funds for hiring additional teachers and purchasing supplies based on family income levels. All of this information remains confidential. Click here for more information on applying for the Food Assistance Program.
Box Tops For Education Earns Money for Our School
Did you know you can earn funding for our school with Box Tops for Education? Instead of cutting out individual Box Tops off of products you purchase, you can submit receipts online or in the Box Tops for Education App. You can quickly and easily help support our school by signing up today, downloading the app, and uploading receipts every time you shop.
Download the Box Top App and make every shopping trip count for Wixom Elementary.
Principal: Taneia Giles (TaneiaGiles@wlcsd.org)
Principal Secretary: Mrs. Michele Abele (MicheleAbele@wlcsd.org)
Building Secretary: Mrs. Tamara Baker (TamaraBaker@wlcsd.org)
Office: 248-956-3400
FAX: 248-956-3405
Absence Line: 248-956-3490
Late Bus Hotline: 248-956-5199 - All late buses will be listed on the hotline if the driver is running TEN OR MORE minutes late.
301 North Wixom Road
Wixom, MI 48393