West Senior High Updates
2024-25 Week of January 20th

Upcoming Dates
- Jan 20 - 1/2 day of school / Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day 11:13am dismissal (No CTC Classes in PM)
- Jan 21 - Semester 2 classes begin (full day)
- Jan 23 - 2nd Semester Add/Drop Period Ends
- Jan 23,24,25, 26 Advanced Theatre Performance of 'The Curious Savage'
- Jan 27 - Extended 2nd period schedule (for 25-26 course requests)
- Jan 27 - Senior Class Meeting, (2nd hour, Auditorium)
- Jan 31 - Extended 3rd period schedule (for 25-26 course requests)
Updates & Reminders
Students sharing concerns: Reminder to students that if you ever see or hear something related to school safety, personal safety or bullying, you can report it 24 hours a day using OK2say. Ok2say info is always at the bottom of this weekly newsletter. Students can also stop by, or e-mail, their neighborhood office to share lower level concerns.
- Cell Phones: At West all students will be expected to check their cell phones/devices into a pocket at the start of each class period. Student can ONLY access phones during passing times, before/after school and at lunch in the hallway or commons. Phone use is not allowed in the classroom, or in the bathroom or locker room at any time. This includes headphones and airpod use.
- Official Final Grades for Semester 1 will be e-mailed to families in early February via an updated unofficial transcript.
- S2 Drop/Add Window: WSH students can view their 2nd semester courses in PowerSchool. If students need to meet with their counselor about adding or changing a class, they are encouraged to access the Counselor Appointment Form via the email sent to their TCAPS student account or by scanning the QR code at the reception desk in the WSH Counseling Office. Students must maintain a full schedule and meet all graduation requirements. No changing of 2nd semester courses will be allowed after January 23rd. Students that have requested an appointment should continue to attend every class on their current schedule until they meet with their counselor.
- Choir Fundraiser: The Filling Station is sponsoring a fundraiser for WSH Choirs on Monday, January 27, between 4:00 - 8:00 pm. 15% of all sales will go back to the Choir Program. Come support the TCW Choirs on Monday!
- Information is linked here for families who may be interested in registering for PreK, JK, K, or Summer Explorer’s Club.
- New Office Staff: Please see the updated/new West office staff members below:
Hannah Pohlman - Main Office / Mr. Esper's Assistant
231-933-7501 pohlmanha@tcaps.net
Rebecca Seyferth - Main Office Administrative Asst
Ashley Howe - Main & Counseling Office Administrative Asst
Class of 2025 Updates - SENIORS
Our local and regional scholarship application opens today January 15, 2025 and will remain open until March 3, 2025. This is a great opportunity to apply to a variety of different scholarships in one application. This will also be discussed with students at the next Senior Class Meeting on Monday, January 27th at 9am in the Auditorium (bring chromebook).
Every year these scholarships award over $70,000 to our students. The scholarships are from local businesses and community organizations that are dedicated to helping our students achieve their college and career goals.Make time to fill out the application before the deadline to be considered for some of these scholarships. There are some scholarships that are not academic-based so if you feel you don’t qualify still fill out the application because there might be some that fit your career goals, activites, or volunteer efforts. Scholarship recipients are announced at Honors Convocation in May 2025.
The application is through the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation.
Student Recognitions & Awards
WSH Students of the Week!
These Titans were recognized for embodying our Portrait of a Graduate traits! https://www.tcaps.net/programs/curriculum/
Academic Community Students of the Week!
Congrats to our Titans of the week within each of our Academic Communities! THE ARTS | STEM | GLOBAL
Titan Performance Training
Congrats to our Titan Performance Training Athletes of the Week!
Congrats to our Visual Arts Student of the Week!
Kiwanis Seniors of the Month!
Congrats to Mrs. Jenkins-Whall & Coach Wagner, our West Senior High Staff Persons of the Week! (it was a tie!)
Our student body selects the staff person of the week. Check your student e-mail for the ballot.
Fill the Trailer 2025!
Two Rivals, One Purpose. Titan and Trojan hockey teams have a yearly game where they collect donations for Student Support Network. (SSN); This is one of SSNs BIGGEST fundraisers! A trailer will be set up at West Senior High 1/20-1/22 collecting donations and in addition, if your child wishes, a CLASSROOM COMPETITION will be going on from 1/20-1/22. Bring donations into your first hour classroom to win a donut party! Donations are also accepted at the game, January 22, in lieu of a ticket! See poster for details and donation requests.
Sign up open to join the Arts, Global or STEM Academic Communities
WSH Academic Communities: Academic Communities are not courses. Rather, they are experiences students opt into that extend their learning in an area of interest. Students that meet all of the requirements in a given community can earn a distinction on their diploma.
Students that are interested in joining the Academic Communities at West (Global, The Arts & STEM), can learn more here: https://www.tcaps.net/programs/highschools/academic-communities/.
Students who would like to join an Academic Community at WSH can indicate their interest here: t.ly/AvVR
Athletic Department Updates
Afterschool SPEED TRAINING for all athletes runs Tuesday/Thursday immediately after 6th hour. Meet near the weight room (free).
- Athletic Event calendar: https://tcwestathletics.org/events
- Tickets & sports passes are available on GO FAN https://gofan.co/app/school/MI10300
- https://traversecity-mi.finalforms.com/parents/2281
Baker Voted Athlete of the Week!
TCAPS Updates
Superintendent Monthly Office Hours
Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) Superintendent, Dr. John VanWagoner, will have monthly “office hours”, alternating each month between in person and virtual meetings. In person office hours will be held at Horizon Books, 243 E. Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49684 on the second floor (Mezzanine level). Virtual office hours will be held via Google Meet and can be accessed here or by calling +1 475-549-0438 and entering PIN: 961 104 679#. All meetings begin at 5:00 pm. The alternating schedule will be as follows:
- Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - Google Meet
- Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - Horizon Books
- Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - Google Meet
- Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - Horizon Books
- Tuesday, May 13, 2025 - Google Meet
- Tuesday, June 10, 2025 - Horizon Books
Standing Items & Resources
Email: pohlmanha@tcaps.net
Website: https://linktr.ee/tcwsh
Location: 5376 North Long Lake Road, Traverse City, MI, 49685
Phone: 2319337500
Facebook: facebook.com/TCWSH
Twitter: @tcwshtitans
Your Neighborhood Office can provide parent access codes