Diversity & Equity Newsletter
December 2023
Awareness & Heritage Days
Universal Human Rights Month
On December 10th in 1948 the United Nations wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Simplified, the 30 rights outlined in this declaration are:
- We are all born free & equal.
- No Discrimination. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
- We have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
- Nobody has the right to make us a slave, or to keep slaves.
- Nobody has the right to hurt or torture us.
- These rights are universal, no matter where you go.
- We are all equal before the law.
- Our human rights are protected by the law.
- We have the right to not be unfairly detained
- We have the right to a fair and public trail.
- We are always innocent until we are proven guilty.
- We all have the right to privacy.
- We have the right to travel within our own country.
- We have the right to seek a safe place to live, including fleeing our own country.
- We have the right to belong to a country.
- We have the right to marriage and family, if desired.
- We have the right to our own things.
- We have freedom of thought. We can think and believe what we want, including religion, and change those thoughts and beliefs as we want.
- We have the freedom of expression. We can think what we want and share it with others.
- We have the right to public assembly. We can gather with friends to peacefully defend our rights. We can not be forced to join a group.
- We have a right to take part in the government of our own country. We can choose our leaders.
- We have the right to affordable housing, medicine, education, and childcare, enough money to live on and medical help if we are ill or old.
- We have the right to work, earn a fair wage, and join a union.
- We have the right to rest from work and to play.
- We have the right to food and shelter.
- We have the right to education.
- We have the right to copyright our creations.
- We have the right to a fair and free world.
- We have a responsibility to one another to protect these rights and freedoms.
- Nobody can take away these human rights.
Universal Hour of Peace
The Universal Hour of Peace is observed from 11:30pm UTC on December 31 until 12:30am UTC on January 1. In Philly time, that is 6:30pm - 7:30pm on December 31!
Universal Hour of Peace is a time reserved for self reflection and peaceful thoughts for the future of all people on Earth. Take some time with yourself or your family and think about way you can make a difference and bring peace and belonging to your own community!
Glossary & Suggestion Box
Diversity Terminology & Language Glossary
Check out the Diversity Terminology & Language Glossary for current terms and language used to talk about diversity topics. This document will be frequently updated to keep on top of the ever-changing conversations about language usage.
Diversity & Equity Suggestion Box
Do you have a topic or issue for the Diversity & Equity Committee to discuss? Have you found a resource, tool, etc you think would be beneficial to our goals? Do you have any questions or suggestions? This form is anonymous.
Expand Your DE&I Knowledge
Jamie Jenkins
Jamie is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters