Knight's Castle
Little Ferry Public Schools #BeMighty
Important Dates - February 2025
February 14 - Early Dismissal
February 17 & 18 - NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
February 20 - Regular Board Meeting 7PM
Superintendent's Corner
Mr. Matthew Perrapato
Royal Knight Family,
As the Winter begins to take shape I thought this would be a good time to make everyone aware on how inclement weather days will be handled. Decision notifications will be sent via email, phone call, and text message. The goal is to make a decision by 9:00 PM. If that is not possible, a message will still be sent by 9:00 PM indicating that a decision is pending. By 6:30 AM the next morning, you will receive a message informing you of school closure, early dismissal, or delayed opening. Please be aware that sometimes the weather forecast is unpredictable and unclear. We have many different facets to consider when making these decisions such as: bussing, road conditions, building conditions, town travel conditions, staff travel conditions, staffing, DPW, etc.
The schedules are below. Please note that if a delayed opening is called the doors will not open until 9:40 AM. Before Care is not provided on delayed openings and we can not open the doors prior to 9:40AM for a myriad of reasons.
Your Superintendent,
Matthew Perrapato
Washington School
Elementary Update
Dear Washington Elementary Families,
Happy February! We are officially halfway through the school year. Thank you so much for a successful conference night and day. It is truly valuable to have you as a partner in your child’s education.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
We are gearing up for another exciting Random Acts of Kindness Week. This year’s theme is “Make Kindness the Norm.” Please review the spirit days below:
Monday, February 10, 2025-Team Up and Be Kind - wear your favorite jersey
Tuesday, February 11, 2025- Color the World with Kindness! Wear matching colors with your grade level (Pre K & K - Red, 1st & 2nd- Orange, 3rd & 4th - Yellow)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025- Share the Spirit of Kindness! - wear Little Ferry gear or school colors
Thursday, February 13, 2025- Wild About Kindness! - wear animal print or camoflauge
Friday, February 14, 2025 - Show Your Love! - wear red, pink, or heart print clothing!
Friday, February 14th - Valentine’s Day
Our class parents will be providing the students with a treat to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Thank you to our class parents and the LFPTA for all that they do for our students.
Kindergarten Class of 2026 Registration
The Road to Kindergarten is kicking off for our Kindergarten Class of 2026. Please see the attached road map for more information. Registration is live on our website. (PLEASE NOTE: If you are currently enrolled in our preschool program, you do not need to register again.)
Any questions, please email: TPeragallo@lfboe.org Thank you.
Outdoor Recess:
As the weather continues to be on the colder side, I want to remind you that outdoor recess during cold months is important for maintaining a balanced healthy school routine. Please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
As always if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
All the best,
Tonilyn Peragallo
Middle School Athletics
Memorial School
Middle School Update
Memorial Middle School Families,
Here are some important updates and upcoming events at Memorial Middle School.
As the weather gets colder, we want to remind parents that middle school students go outside for recess every day, weather permitting. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately to stay warm and comfortable. Jackets, gloves, scarves, and hats are highly encouraged to protect them from the cold.
Chronic Absenteeism
Regular school attendance is essential for your child’s success. Research shows that missing just 10% of the school year—approximately 18 days—can significantly impact academic achievement and social development. Frequent absences, whether excused or unexcused, can create learning gaps, disrupt classroom routines, and make it harder for students to stay on track with their peers.
Heart Health Awareness Fundraiser
Throughout the month of February, our middle school grade levels will be competing against each other in "penny wars" to raise money in recognition of heart health awareness. The grade level that contributes the most money will earn a sweet treat at the end of the month. All money will be donated to the American Heart Association.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
We are gearing up for another exciting Random Acts of Kindness Week. This year’s theme is “Make Kindness the Norm.” Please review the spirit days below:
Monday, February 10, 2025-Team Up and Be Kind - wear your favorite jersey
Tuesday, February 11, 2025- Color the World with Kindness! Wear matching colors with your grade level (Pre K & K - Red, 1st & 2nd- Orange, 3rd & 4th - Yellow)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025- Share the Spirit of Kindness! - wear Little Ferry gear or school colors
Thursday, February 13, 2025- Wild About Kindness! - wear animal print or camoflauge
Friday, February 14, 2025 - Show Your Love! - wear red, pink, or heart print clothing!
Important Dates
Friday, February 14th - One Session Day
Monday, February 17th & Tuesday, February 18th - No School
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Gina Rizzi
Special Education Update
Progress Reports
Progress reports for Middle School second marking period are available through your Genesis account.
Upcoming Events
NJ4S Bergen is offering a number of local events including Healthy Habits for Little Ones and 7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens. All of the programs offered through NJ4 S Bergen are free of cost.
Click below for more information.
New Related Service Delivery Model
In an effort to provide more effective and curriculum-based speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy, the Little Ferry Public School District has implemented a collaborative Service delivery model. The model, supported by the Association of Speech Language and Hearing Association known as a 3 to 1 model provides students with 3 weeks of direct service and one week of indirect consultative services for additional student support in varied settings.
The positive outcomes from implementing this approach include improved quality of services, increased opportunities for collaboration, greater ability to identify students needing services, and increased ability to integrate IEP goals with classroom curriculum.
Best Regards,
Allison LeGates
Director of Special Services
Dear Preschool Families,
Happy February! We are already halfway through the school year! Thank you for joining us for parent/teacher conferences, we love working together to help your child learn and grow!
Random Acts of Kindness Week
We are gearing up for another exciting Random Acts of Kindness Week. This year’s theme is “Make Kindness the Norm.” Please review the spirit days below:
Monday, February 10, 2025-Team Up and Be Kind - wear your favorite jersey
Tuesday, February 11, 2025- Color the World with Kindness! Wear matching colors with your grade level---Pre K is wearing Red!!
Wednesday, February 12, 2025- Share the Spirit of Kindness! - wear Little Ferry gear or school colors
Thursday, February 13, 2025- Wild About Kindness! - wear animal print or camouflage
Friday, February 14, 2025 - Show Your Love! - wear red, pink, or heart print clothing!
Friday, February 14th - Valentine’s Day
Outdoor Playtime:
As the weather begins to get colder, I want to remind you that outdoor playtime during cold months is important for maintaining a balanced healthy school routine. Please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. They will be going outside everyday so it would be helpful to dress them in warm layers, including jackets, hats, gloves, mittens and scarves.
Extra Clothes: Please check with your child's teacher and make sure your child has a extra set of clothes for the winter months. Extra clothes should include: a shirt, pants, underwear and socks.
Children eligible for our preschool program must turn 3 by October 1, 2025.
As always if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Educationally Yours,
Kerry Bager
Supervisor of Early Childhood
Curriculum Corner
Dear Families,
We understand that this winter has brought an uptick in illnesses like norovirus and the flu, and we appreciate your efforts in keeping sick children home to rest and recover. However, we also want to emphasize the importance of consistent school attendance when students are healthy. Missing 18 or more days—just two days a month—places a child at risk of chronic absenteeism, meaning they miss critical instruction, fall behind in learning, and may even face retention. Every school day is an opportunity for growth, connection, and success, so let’s work together to build strong attendance habits and ensure your child thrives! If you need support in getting your child to school, please reach out—we’re here to help.
All the best,
Jimmy Dunn
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Portrait of a Knight
Please complete our initial survey about the Acronym you think is best. SURVEY
Creative Thinker
Authentic Role Model
Supportive Peer
Trustworthy Leader
Lifelong Learner
Effective Communicator
Kind Peer
Noble Classmate
Inquisitive Learner
Goal Oriented Student
Hardworking Scholar
Thoughtful Schoolmate
Supportive Peer
Honest Student
Inclusive Schoolmate
Enthusiastic Scholar
Life Long Learner
Determined Leader
Adaptable Student
Respectful Peer
Motivated Leader
Open-Minded Human
Resilient Scholar
This is the district goal:
Development of "Portrait of a Knight" and New Mission and Vision Statements
District Goals
Here are this year's district goals.
1. Improve Tier I Instruction
2. Improve Tier II Supports for Students
3. Development of "Portrait of a Knight" and New Mission and Vision Statements
4. Improve Data Analysis Practices to Inform Instruction
Professional Learning
- District Professional Learning Community (PLC) book club: Teacher Clarity Playbook
- Middle School Mathematics PD on Experience Math
Attention Adults Seeking Local English Classes
Check out the attached list of local English classes for adults.
Lists are translated into Spanish, Korean, and Arabic.
Health Curriculum
Health opt out available in the links below:
Grade 1-
Grade 2-
Grade 3-
Grade 4-
Grade 4 FormGrade 5-8
Classes have a health 1 marking period per year. Growth and development topics can be opted out on the Genesis Parent Portal.
Upcoming Events:
- General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, 2/25 - Join us in the Multipurpose Room at 7pm to hear about upcoming PTA events and to celebrate PTA's Founder's Day!
- Scholastic Book Fair March 3-7th : All students will be able to visit the fair during the school day in the Media Center. Check out our Book Fair Website to preview titles or set up an optional E-Wallet to avoid sending cash to school. Volunteers are needed to help with the fair!
- Book Fair Community Night on Wednesday, March 5th 6-8pm. All are welcome to come to the Media Center to shop for books during our Community Night!
LFPTA Membership Drive Update
Thank you to all who have joined the LFPTA this year. We are up to 168 members and counting!
There are two ways to join: online at our Givebacks website or with a paper membership form (attached below). You can fill out and return the form with your dues payment (cash or check to LFPTA) to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Box Tops for Education
Thank you to all who have downloaded the Box Tops app and scanned receipts to earn money for our school! It’s quick and easy, and anyone can join! We have currently earned $255.70 for this school year with just 15 participants! Imagine how much we can earn with more participants! Please see below for details on how to sign up.
Givebacks - Fundraising at its Finest!
Did you know that you can earn money for the PTA by doing your everyday shopping? With Givebacks, you sure can! All you have to do is register your credit card, and any purchases you make at participating retailers results in a donation to the LFPTA! Click this link to sign up and see below for details.