Cameron Family Newsletter
November 26 , 2023
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Dates to Remember (Sept - December)
December 7: Early Release- 11:40 Dismissal
December 25- December 29 No School- Winter Recess
Dismissal Procedure Update
Please send a note in with your child if they are being dismissed.
Parents should come to the front office and show their ID when dismissing their child. If you are sending someone to pick up your child who is not on your contact list please send a note with that person and ask them to bring their ID into the main office.
VERY IMPORTANT! All FPS middle and high school students are required to wear their badge each day. Students are being asked to take their badge off at the end of the day and put it in their bag so they can put it on when they get to school the next day. Grade 6 students have been given new yellow lanyards and grade 7 has been given green lanyards. The 8th grade will continue to wear their blue lanyards.
Please reinforce this with your children.
Cameron Ski Club
Sign-ups for the Cameron Ski Club at Wachusett Mountain start on October 26th. Skiing is after school for six consecutive Thursdays starting January 4, 2024 (with possibility of postponements due to weather or evening school events). Cost is $179 for the 6-week lift ticket if purchased by December 1st (then increases by $30). Equipment rentals and group lessons are also available. For more information, please complete the Ski Club Interest Form. If you have questions, please email John Reilly.
A New Tool for our Portuguese Speaking Families
A cidade de Framingham sempre busca novas maneiras de se conectar com seus moradores e empresas. É por isso que estamos lançando uma nova ferramenta de comunicação: um grupo de WhatsApp em português especialmente para a comunidade brasileira.
Com essa iniciativa, os brasileiros residentes em Framingham terão uma interação mais transparente com a cidade. Iremos divulgar notícias importantes, como fechamentos de estradas, problemas no Sistema de abastecimento de água, eventos da cidade, atrasos na coleta de lixo e muito mais.
Não podemos esperar para começar a nos conectar com você! Junte-se ao grupo de WhatsApp da cidade de Framingham agora mesmo. Para participar, basta digitalizar o código QR na imagem abaixo ou entrar pelo link:
Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar essa novidade com seus amigos e familiares que também falam português. Estamos ansiosos para te ver lá!
CarpooltoSchool powered by Go Together
In case you missed the District’s announcement (, CarpooltoSchool powered by Go Together is live! If you need help in getting your student(s) to and from school OR you have the ability to offer ride support to fellow FPS families, please read the details to get started.
If you have completed a CORI form within the last 3 years, you can complete this google form. We will share your basic information with CarpooltoSchool and they will send you a welcome email with instructions.
If you do NOT currently have an active CORI approval, please complete the process outlined on the Human Resources website. The Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) forms are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. For approval inquiries, you can contact Once your CORI is approved, we will share your basic information with CarpooltoSchool and they will send you a welcome email with instructions.
Wrestling Program
The head wrestling coach and FHS, Erik Delehanty started a Framingham middle school program last year.
The program will run from December 11-February 15 on Mondays and Thursdays from 6:00-7:15 PM at Framingham High School. No Prior Experience is needed. There is a $25 cost but we will waive the cost for any families who cannot afford the registration fee.
"As a Physical Education teacher at King Elementary school here in Framingham I see how beneficial a sport like wrestling could have on so many of our students within our community."
.Why Wrestling
No matter your body type, height or weight, boy or girl, there is a place for you on the wrestling team.
Please contact Coach Erik for more information.