Westview Wildcat Weekly
Wildcat Family Newsletter - Saturday, August 12, 2023
First Day of School at Westview MS
All Westview Middle School staff returned to work this past week. During the week, our staff engaged in ongoing professional learning, team planning, and classroom preparation. We are thrilled to see our students next week!
The first day of school is Tuesday, August 15, 2023. You can also review our PfISD district calendar for important dates.
Our doors open for students at 7:50 a.m., and 1st period starts at 8:20 a.m. Students will enter through the main entrance to enter the building. When students arrive on the first day of school, they will be directed to a classroom designated classroom to pick up their schedule. Students will follow their full schedule and will be dismissed at 3:35 p.m. when the school day ends.
Bell Schedule
- 1st period begins promptly at 8:20 a.m., and the last class ends at 3:35 p.m.
- Wildcat Hour (advisory) is between 6th and 7th periods, which is our advisory period. During this time, students will engage in Social-Emotional Learning activities, relationship building, conferencing with teachers, and help with classwork/academic support/enrichment/intervention.
Students will have lunch depending on which teacher they have 5th period. We will continue to remind students which lunch they need to attend.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast: served daily to students from 7:50 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. Students will be released from the cafeteria to 1st period at 8:15 a.m.
Lunch: Students will have lunch depending on which teacher they have 5th period. We will continue to remind students which lunch they need to attend.
Westview Middle School will provide free breakfast and lunch to students for the 2023-2024 school year: (Click the campus below to log-in to Skyward)
Seven campuses in PfISD are now qualified to operate under the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), which allows PfISD to provide breakfast and lunch at no-charge to all students, eliminating the need for the free and reduced meal application under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). PfISD is requesting that families complete our District's Socioeconomic Information Form. Your reported income levels found on the form and the form itself will not be sent to TEA. PfISD will only report a student's socioeconomic status to TEA using the information found on the form.
The online form is available online through the Skyward Parent Portal, available by clicking “Log in here” at: pfisd.net/skyward
Student Attendance
Student attendance will be marked daily for all periods, and students must be physically present in the classroom to be marked present. Students who arrive more than 10 minutes late to class will be marked present to the classroom as well.
We will continue to track student tardies. Students who have excessive tardies to class are subject to disciplinary consequences.
PfISD Bus Route Finder
If you are still not sure of your student's bus number and pick-up/drop-off location, you can click on this link to find this information. This link is active for the 23-24 school year.
Late buses will start running the 2nd week of school and will pick up students at 5 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays only. There will not be a late bus on Wednesdays or Fridays.
7th Grade Vaccination Records
If you still need to turn in this documentation, please submit this to the front office or nurse on Monday, August 14th to avoid any delays in your student being able to attend classes.
Student Registration
As a friendly reminder, the following documents are accepted as Proof of Residency:
- Mortgage statement from the last 30 days
- Lease from the last 30 days
- Legal affidavit regarding sublease
- Legal affidavit from landlord affirming tenancy
- Section 8 agreement
- Utility bill or work order dated within the past 30 days
- Water bill
- Gas bill
- Electric bill
- Utility work-order (for new residents)
When registering your student, please have copies of the following as well:
- Child's birth certificate
- Immunization records (especially important for incoming 7th grade students)
- Child's social security card, if available
- Recent report card, if available
- STAAR results, if available
Meet the Teacher - Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Our next big school event on the calendar is our Meet the Teacher Night.
- Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
- Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. (Introduction from Principal Jaramillo); 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Meet the Teachers)
Please bookmark this date on your calendar! This will be a great opportunity to meet your student's teachers and receive information about classes.
Electronic Devices & Cell Phones
- 1st time phone is confiscated: Phone is taken up and turned into office. It will require the Parent/guardian to pick up. Emergency contacts are not allowed to pick up the property.
- 2nd offense and beyond: Phone taken up and thereafter turned into office. Parent/Guardian must pick up with $15.00 return fee. Emergency contacts are not allowed to pick up the property.
The student is never allowed to pick up their phone. Only a parent/guardian will be allowed to pick up the cell phone.
Airpods and headphones fall under electronic devices and should not be used during instruction as these can be distracting and take away from student learning/engagement.
Outside Food Deliveries to Students
As part of enhanced safety at campuses starting last school year, all Pflugerville ISD campuses do not accept deliveries from meal delivery services or restaurants for student lunches. Campuses no longer have drop-off tables for student meals. Parents may still bring outside food for their children if they plan to deliver the meals directly to their child’s designated lunch period. All guests are required to follow existing safety protocols and check in with ID at the front office.
Mandatory Student IDs
Safety continues to be a top priority here at Westview Middle School. Per district policy, all secondary students are required to wear campus-issued student ID badges around their neck at all times during the entire school day. ID(s) must be worn and not kept in a backpack/purse/wallet.
The first student I.D. badge is free, and the additional issuances of an I.D. badge will cost the student $5.00. Lost or defaced badges must be replaced at the cost of the student.
Campus Visitors & Student Pick-Up
Visitor's badges must be worn on the shirt and must be visible at all times. Any adult without a badge will be escorted to the main office immediately to check-in.
A parent or authorized adult must come to the office and show identification to sign the student out. A campus representative will ask the student to report to the office. For safety purposes and stability of the learning environment, we cannot allow any unescorted adult to go to the classroom or other area to pick up the student. If the student returns to campus the same day, the parent or authorized adult must sign the student back in through the main office upon the student’s return. Documentation regarding the reason for the absence will also be required.
Important Contacts at WVMS
Assistant Principals
Sonya Jackson - 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Marissa Gamez - 8th Grade Assistant Principal
Joe Valenzuela
6th Grade, 7th Grade (last names A-M)
7th Grade (last names N-Z), 8th Grade
Main Office
Attendance Specialist
Save the Date
First Day of School: Tuesday, August 15th @ 8:20 a.m.
Labor Day (No School): Monday, September 4th
Staff Development (No School): Tuesday, September 5th
Meet the Teacher: Wednesday, September 6th - 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Student Holiday (No School): Thursday, October 5th
Student Holiday (No School): Friday, October 6th
Student/Staff Holiday (No School): Monday, October 9th
End of 1st-9 Weeks: Wednesday, October 20th
William Jaramillo, Principal
Email: william.jaramillo@pfisd.net
Location: 1805 Scofield Lane, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: (512)594-2211