Warhawk Welcome
2024-2025 Back to School Information
In this Edition......
Warhawk Culture
Important Dates and Events
WCHS Sports Performance Center and Campus Branding Project
Student Schedule Information
WCS Student Handbook
Back to School Forms
School Fees & EZ Pay Information
Off Campus forms for Junior and Seniors
Parking Permits
Locker Request Form
Lunch Application
Warhawk Athletics
Attendance Information
School Clinic Updates
School Transportation
Warhawk Academic Boosters
School and Community Events
Warhawk Culture
Welcome to Westerville Central High School, Home of the Warhawks! As I enter my 3rd year as the principal of Westerville Central High School, I am extremely grateful and proud. I am proud of the strong relationships built, the culture we are building together and the elite experiences we are providing our students!
A major focus for Westerville Central High School is culture. Our intentional focus on building a successful culture is critical as we work through the three areas of focus for WCHS - Academics, Culture and Equity. We believe that you don't get the culture you want, but rather you get the culture you LEAD and what you practice, permit and promote. We all must be intentional, purposeful and skillful. When it comes to the culture of Westerville Central High School, everything matters; when we build our culture, everyone has an impact.
Since August of 2022, we have been on a culture journey together. We started with staff, students, parents and community leaders to identify the core values, the heart, of our school… Through collaboration and dialogue, we identified three core values that are the Warhawk Blueprint:
Relentless Pursuit of Growth - Pursue Excellence
Better Together - Think we, Not me
Own it - Make a difference, Act with purpose
These values are our guidepost; our values provide alignment in all we do. We use these values as the focus of our Warhawk Culture Playbook. Our playbook gives us a unique advantage. The Warhawk Culture Playbook will guide and ground us as we work together for many years to come. The Warhawk Culture Playbook is only the beginning of our culture journey. Our core values provide the standards for how we behave towards each other, interact with our students, and partner with our families. We look forward to sharing this vision with you all as it will take ALL of us rowing in the same direction, using common language and holding each other accountable to the standards we have set for ourselves and the WCHS community.
Rise Together Warhawks,
Mrs. Sayre
Westerville Central High School
Follow me on X: @dsayre32
Stay Connected to WCHS
Follow us on X: @Warhawks_WCHS
Follow us on Instagram: @warhawkswchs
Welcome Back Warhawks!
Welcome back to school Warhawks! We are excited for you to be back in our building again. For all our new students and incoming Freshman, welcome to our Warhawk Family! Included in this newsletter are all the important information you will need for this upcoming school year.
August 5 - Student Schedules released in PowerSchool
August 7 - 9am-12pm - WCHS Building Open to walk schedule, pay fees in-person, support with completing forms in PowerSchool.
August 12 - 6:00-8:00: Warhawk Welcome Night
All families and students are welcome to walk schedules, meet teachers, & attend activity fair.
- 6:00-6:30 Class of 2028 and New Student Welcome Meeting in Auditorium
August 14th 7:25am-2:05pm: Freshman First Flight - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL for ALL FRESHMEN
August 15th 7:25am-2:05pm - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL (ALL STUDENTS ATTEND)
August 19th: - Fall Student Picture Day
Warhawk Sports Performance Center and Campus Branding
Please join us in reaching our goal by August 9, 2024!
Student Schedules
August 5 - Student Schedules released in PowerSchoolStudents should log into PowerSchool using the web browser, not the App, to access your schedule.
August 7 - 9am-12pm - WCHS Building Open to walk schedule, pay fees in-person, support with completing forms in PowerSchool.
August 12 - 6:00-8:00: Warhawk Welcome Night
All families and students are welcome to walk schedules, meet teachers, & attend activity fair.
- 6:00-6:30 Class of 2028 and New Student Welcome Meeting in Auditorium
WCHS School Counseling Team
Here are the last name alpha ranges for the team the 24-25 school year:
A-Ef: Mrs. Monica Johnson
Eh-Ke Mrs. Mackenzie Strubel
Ki-Rh Ms. Erica Guice
Ri-Z Mrs. Carrie Ackermann
Use your student email address to schedule an appointment with your counselor:
(Only for students who do not have 5 classes scheduled, CCP students, or students missing a core class)
Schedule Change Requests
Reasons to request a schedule change:
- Missing a core class (English, Math, Science, Social Studies)
- Missing a graduation requirement as a senior
- Needing to add a class for athletic eligibility (5 classes each semester)
- Needing to adjust your schedule because you are taking CCP classes on a college campus or online
We do NOT make schedule changes for the following reasons:
- Changing lunch or study hall periods
- Rearranging classes for early release/late arrival purposes
- Teacher changes
- Making changes to the courses you requested/verified in the spring
WCS High School Student Handbook
Please take a moment to review the WCS High School Student Handbook. Once you have reviewed please have your student sign into PowerSchool through the web browser and sign off under Forms, that they have received and read the Code of Conduct. Thank you!
*This is a required Form that all students must sign.
Back to School Forms
Click here to access your PowerSchool account:
Required: 4 forms for parents, 1 form for students
**The District site is the preferred method of accessing PowerSchool. The app does not support the processing of forms. Note: on your last form about contact info you may get a “Pending” status. That is okay, just needs to be reviewed by WCS.
You will be directed to the District PowerSchool log in page. Click on the first blue entry labeled “Login and User Guide”. Next you will click on “Parent Portal”. If you have issues with logging in please contact Carrie Shaffer at 614-797-6830 or email at shafferc@westerville.k12.oh.us. Your student will also need to log in to their student account to complete the one form they are required to sign.
School Fees
Fees can also be paid via check or money order Payable to: WBOE
Mail to:
Westerville Central HS
7118 Mt. Royal Ave
Westerville, OH 43082
All fees, including parking permit fees will be paid on-line via EZ pay. Here you can also load money to lunch accounts and pay athletic fees. If you have any questions about fees please contact Dawn Hatten at 614-797-6803 or hattend@westerville.k12.oh.us
Warhawk Girls Track & Field
Warhawk Theatre
Warhawk Marching Band and Color Guard
Off Campus Forms for Juniors and Seniors
Off Campus Forms are located in PowerSchool and must be completed by the parent/guardian. Please log into PowerSchool to complete these forms.
Late Arrival
Early Release
Senior Off Campus Lunch
These forms are for Juniors and Seniors only. Juniors are allowed to utilize Late Arrival or Early Release if they do not have an academic class 1st, 2nd, 9th, or 10th period. All students must have 5 classes on their schedules. Only Seniors are allowed to fill out Off Campus Lunch forms. If you have a first period Late Arrival, you must be present for “Fly Time” which is our attendance period between 1st and 2nd period. **If you ride a bus, you cannot apply for early release or late arrival!
Parking Permit
The Parking Permit Form is linked here, this form must be completed by a parent or guardian.
Locker Request Form
Juniors and Seniors may request a locker by completing the Google form linked above.
Lunch Applications
Food Services Department for Westerville City Schools
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
F/R Application & FAQs - English
- This document includes Free and Reduced application questions and answers, as well as instructions on how to complete a free and reduced application.
LINQ Connect - Free & Reduced Online Application Information
Athletic Information 2024-25 School Year
If your student is playing sports, you can fill out all forms needed in Final Forms. You only need to do this at the beginning of the year or before each season.
2024-2025 Ultimate Warhawk Student, Adult and Family Season passes for Westerville Central home athletic events are available for purchase...Click here to buy yours now!
Practices for Fall Sports begin at the end of July. Conditioning and workouts are ongoing….contact the coach of your sport for more information. Click here for the coaches directory.
The first home contests of the Fall 2024 season is Friday, August 16 - versus Westerville South - VB 4:30 pm, Girls Soccer 5:30 pm, Boys Soccer 7:15 pm
The first home football game will take place at 7 p.m. against Westerville North on Friday, August 23.
The WCHS Homecoming Football Game is October 11 against Gahanna.
For additional information or questions, please contact the Westerville Central Athletic Department at 614-797-6827 or click here to visit the athletic department website.
Athletic Director: Andy Ey Eya@westerville.k12.oh.us
Support Staff: Teressa Snedegar snedegat@westerville.k12.oh.us
Attendance Information
- An app on their mobile device, (SafeArrival has a blue icon and the words SchoolMessenger)
- A secure website (http://go.schoolmessenger.com/#/home)
- A toll-free telephone number (1-844-431-0874) or the WCHS Safe Arrival number (614-797-6820)
If a parent/guardian forgets to report their student's absence, they will begin to receive automated notifications once the child is marked absent at school. The notification process ends when the parent/guardian confirms the absence through SafeArrival.
Future absences, such as known health appointments, college visits, etc. can be reported ahead of time.
School excuses/doctor notes/college visit verifications should be obtained for absences and delivered to the Attendance Office.
Attendance Secretary-Mrs. Parrish, parrishc@westerville.k12.oh.us External Number: 614-797-6821, Internal Extension: 23110
School Clinic Information
Hello Warhawk Families!
I hope you all have had an enjoyable summer so far. Just a few reminders and information in regards to clinic processes as we approach the beginning of the school year. Please familiarize yourself with our district Health Services page, where all the following information and additional resources can be found.
Please remember to complete your student’s health forms and also register for SchoolCare via the parent forms in Powerschool.
Parents of incoming 2024-2025 SENIORS: Students are required to have proof of the Meningitis vaccination within two weeks of school starting, or the student may be excluded from school until it is received.
If you have a student missing any other required immunizations, the same guidelines apply.
Medication Policies/ Information:
If your student will require medication during the 2024-2025 school year, please complete and return the appropriate forms to your student’s school. No
medications will be stored or administered without the appropriate form completed by
the medical prescriber and parent/guardian (form links below).
ALL CONTROLLED medications will need to be brought directly to the clinic by a parent or designated adult.
Please remember ALL medication must be stored and provided in the original pharmacy labeled bottle/container or original over-the-counter bottle.
Links to Medication Forms:
Medication to be stored and administered at school: Prescription or Over the counter medication that is kept in the clinic requires both parent/guardian and medical prescriber signature.
Over the counter medication for the student to self carry and administer ONLY a Parent/guardian signature is required. Medication will not be stored in the clinic or administered by school staff.
Allergy Forms
Asthma Forms
Seizure Forms
Diabetes Forms
I am looking forward to seeing some familiar faces, as well as meeting some new ones very soon!
Amanda Ward, RN, BSN. LSN
Ohio K-12 2024-24 Student Insurance Enrollment Forms
Transportation Questions
- Attendance Area Map -- Interactive: An interactive map to identify your child's school of attendance based upon home address.
- Quick Start Guide: Understand your student's busing information in PowerSchool.
- Specific busing information is in the PowerSchool Parent Portal
- Search your address for your Home School of Attendance
- HERE is some information about transportation for KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS
Warhawk Academic Boosters
Be sure to check out the Warhawk Academic Booster Club which promotes, encourages, and rewards academic growth for all of WCHS students. The club will be hosting their annual Arts & Crafts Market on 10/19/24, raises funds for over $10,000 in Scholarships, provides grants to educators, shows staff appreciation, and MUCH more! Become a member TODAY so you don’t miss a beat!
Warhawk Academic Support 24-25
Please click HERE to view the many options available to get help this school year! Better Together!
Upcoming Events
Westerville Education Challenge - Night of Hope 5k
Westerville Education Challenge is a long standing non profit in Westerville that supports several programs in the districts. This upcoming school year, WEC is providing Hope Squad in all the high schools and middle schools, Where You Belong program in the middle schools, Parent Prep for parents and caregivers in our district, care for Twinkle the support canine and scholarships for graduating seniors. We hope to provide a program for elementary students in the near future. The Night of Hope 5K is our only fundraiser for the year.
Please share and join us for a wonderful night of the Westerville community coming together to support the students and families of Westerville City Schools.
Please see details linked HERE
WCHS Marching Band Preview - Marching Band community preview, is Friday 8/2/24 at 7:15 pm at Warhawk Stadium. There will be food trucks there if you'd like to come early and eat dinner before the show.
WCHS Chipotle Fundraiser - Save the date! Join us August 28, 2024 from 4pm-8pm at the Maxtown Rd. location (63 Maxtown Rd. Westerville, Ohio 43082-7128). Funds raised will go directly to support student activities at WCHS! All funds raised will go directly to support student clubs and activities at
Westerville Central High School Warhawks
Principal: Dawn Sayre
Assistant Principal: Tyler Holmes A-G
Assistant Principal: Eric Nickel H-N
Assistant Principal: Stacy Smith O-Z
Athletic Director: Andy Ey
Important Numbers:
Main Office 614-797-6800
Attendance 614-797-6820
Fax 614-797-6801
Instructional Time: 7:25 AM - 2:05 PM
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Website: https://www.westerville.k12.oh.us/29/home
Location: 7118 Mount Royal Avenue, Westerville, OH, USA
Phone: 614-797-6800