PaTTAN BVI Newsletter
August 2022
Table of Contents
- In the News
- It's That Time of Year
- PaTTAN's Desk
- On the Horizon
- Leisurely Learning
In the News
National Agenda for STEM Education for Students with Visual Impairments
The website, (housed by The Ohio State University) offers valuable information related to STEM. For example, the resource section offers valuable tools that are divided into three categories:
Classroom Resources/Courses, Research Resources, Conferences and Organizations.
ILS Modules
- Module 1: Handwashing and Making Lunch [PDF]
- Module 2: Morning Routine [PDF]
- Module 3: Trays, Cutting, and Spreading [PDF]
- Module 4: Dressing Skills [PDF]
- Module 5: Clothing and Organizational Skill [PDF]
- Module 6: Laundry Skills [PDF]
- Module 7: Evening Routine [PDF]
- Module 8: Basic Maintenance Skills [PDF]
- Module 9: Virtual ILS Workshop [PDF]
Free and Easy Tactile Graphics: Tactile Graphic Image Library from APH
*You may need to edit the graphics to meet your student's individualvneeds.
It's that Time of Year
It's Changed! Pennsylvania Federal Quota Order Deadline
American Printing House (APH) has moved its Federal Quota (FQ) spending deadline. In order to process your orders in a timely manner, all FQ requests must be submitted prior to September 5th. Any orders submitted after September 5th will be processed the following cycle year which would begin on October 1st.
Orders must be needs-based to support the education of FQ students.
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) will use the remaining money to purchase and store commonly requested FQ products over $1,000. These products can be requested if a FQ student does not have allotted money available. If approved, requested products will be shipped to your organization and will not count against your FQ allotment.
Please consider not spending your remaining allotment unless a student need is identified in support of this initiative.
Federal Quota Add New Student Form
State Testing Enrollment Deadlines for Accommodations
Below are the typical dates that have been used in previous years as deadlines for enrollment and accommodations:
Winter Keystone is second week of September
Spring PSSA is last week of September
Spring Keystone is last week of November
Summer Keystone is the first week April
From PaTTAN's Desk
New! Teacher Desk Reference: Visual Impairment
New! Vision Therapy and Educational Visual Impairment Services: What's the Difference?
New! Visual Impairment Scale of Staffing Pattern Analysis
PaTTAN BVI Family Consultant Position
- Be responsible for assisting and providing leadership in communication with families and educators on improving services to students who are blind or visually impaired.
- Design and develop family engagement training materials and resources in collaboration with educational consultants and other family support specialists that will be used across statewide BSE/PaTTAN initiative areas.
- Provide training and technical assistance and professional development to families and educational professionals.
- Work collaboratively with statewide family organizations.
Please pass this information on to any family member of students with visual impairments you believe would be great in this position!
On the Horizon
Statewide Meetings for Supervisor's of Program for the Visually Impaired
- Register through the PaTTAN training calendar
- Filter: Visual Impairment/Blind
- Code: contact Jennifer Edgar (jedgar@pattan.net)
Meeting for New BVI Supervisors
At this meeting, we will concentrate on content for new supervisors.
- August 10, 2022
- 9:00-11:00 am
At this meeting, we will concentrate on content for all supervisors.
- October 27, 2022
- 9:00-11:00 am
At this meeting, we will concentrate on content for all supervisors.
- April 4, 2023
- 9:00-11:00 am
Virtual Discussions Meetings
- October 12, 2022; 3-4 pm
- December 8, 2020; 3-4 pm
- February 2, 2023; 3-4 pm
- April 12, 2023; 3-4
*Registration coming soon through the PaTTAN Calendar, filter by visual impairment/blindness.
Low Incidence Supervisor Retreat
- February 7-9, 2023
- Blindness/Visual Impairment Day on the 7th
- Deaf-Blind Day on the 8th
- Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Day on the 9th
HELIX 2022
- November 14-16, 2022
Penn-Del AER Conference
- April 19-21, 2023
Two Pennsylvania professionals recieved awards in July at the 2022 International AER Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri! To learn more see the Penn-Del AER website.
Leisurely Learning
APH Offerings
The APH ConnectCenter includes FamilyConnect, CareerConnect, and VisionAware – a hub of websites that offer curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.
APH is also hosting many live events, including a focus on transition. Visit the APH Connect Event page to register for live online learning opportunities and earn ACVREP credits.
AER eLearning
Perkins eLearning
- Daily Living
- Recreation
- Braille
- Adjusting to vision loss
- Technology
- Vision loss
Sign Up for Access to our Google Drives
Sign up for Access Today!
PaTTAN East - 333 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355
- Jenifer Edgar - jedgar@pattan.net
- Greg Gerhart - ggerhart@pattan.net
- Greg Lazur - glazur@pattan.net