The DES Community Newsletter
December 2024
We Are Growing Together At DeMotte Elementary.
December 2nd: DES Holiday Food Drive begins
December 2nd: High School Jazz Band coming to play for the students
December 2nd: 1st Grade Music Program
December 4th: PTO meeting in Media Center @ 4:00 pm
December 5th: Rocking 80's attire for the 80th day of school
Week of December 9th: Santa Secret Shop
December 16th: Silly Safari Convocation for students
December 16th: Third Graders singing at Oak Grove
December 17th: PTO serving Grinch Punch to the students
December 19th: The School Sing Around The Tree
December 20th: End of the 2nd nine week
December 20th: Class Christmas Parties
December 23 - January 6th: No School! Christmas Break
January 7th: Students return
January 16th: Kindergarten 100th Day Museum 4:30 - 5:30 pm.
January 17th: 100th Day of School. Dress up like you are 100 years old.
January 20th: No School (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
Week of January 27th: ILEARN Checkpoint #2
January 31st: PTO Formal Dance ( more information to come)
Balloons Over Broadway
Our second graders learned all about the Macy's Parade before Thanksgiving break. The students even had the opportunity to make their own balloons and had a parade around the school.
DES Holiday Food Drive!
80's Dress up Day! Thursday, December 5th! 80th Day of School!
Congratulations to our District 2nd Grade Student of The Month for DES!
PTO Happenings!
Our PTO is FANTASTIC here at DES. They do amazing stuff for our students and staff. If you would like to be a part of it, please reach out to our PTO board at All our parents are welcome to attend the monthly meetings. The next meeting will be on December 4th at 4:00 p.m. in the library.
The PTO Events in December are:
- Santa Secret Shop (Could always use volunteers to help!)
- Passing out Grinch Punch to students
The FIRST GRADERS are the WINNERS of the Receipt Wars! Congratulations!
Santa Secret Shop
Fun Christmas Dress Up Days!
December 16th: Reindeer Day
December 17th: Wear Green
December 18th: Wear a Christmas Hat
December 19th: Wear your Christmas best
December 20th: Wear your favorite Christmas jammies
Lost and Found!
Please encourage your child to check our lost and found table. There are many clothing items that have been left on the playground and never claimed. If your child is missing something, more than likely it is in our lost and found. Whatever is not claimed by the end of the semester will be donated.
School Attendance Is Important!
Some Attendance Tips:
Make sure your student keeps a regular bedtime and establishes a morning routine.
Turn off all electronics including TVs, phones, and tablets at bedtime.
Have backpack and clothes prepared the night before.
Check with our school nurse or office staff if you are not sure about when to keep your child at home due to illness.
Avoid scheduling vacations while school is in session.
Make every effort to schedule doctor appointments around school hours.
Talk to teachers and our social worker for advice if your student feels anxious about going to school.
In the event that your student cannot get to school in their normal manner, develop a plan with another family member or trusted adult to get them to school that day.
Pre-Planned Absence Form
If you have a pre-planned absence for your child, you will need to complete KV's Pre-Planned Absence Form. This needs to be completed at least 2 days prior to the absence(s). You can stop by our School Office for one or request one from your child's teacher. Thank you!
Attendance Incentives
We will be adding some additional attendance incentives for students with excellent attendance. These incentives include the following:
*Every student who has perfect attendance during a grading period will receive a special brag tag.
*Every student who misses 2 or less days in a semester will receive an attendance ribbon.
*Every student who misses 2 or less days in a semester will get to participate in some Jump House fun.
*Every student who has perfect attendance for the entire year will have there name put in a drawing for a special prize that will be given away at the end of the school year. (This year it will only be for a semester since we are so far into the first semester already.)
First Grade Music Program
The 1st graders will have their Christmas Music Program on Monday, December 2nd.
5:30 p.m. classes performing:
Mrs. Marich
Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Vorst
Mrs. Phillips
6:30 p.m. classes performing:
Mrs. Law
Mrs. Hoffman
Mrs. Stokes
Weather Delays and Cancellations
As we approach the colder months of the year, we may experience delays and cancellations. Delays and E-Learning Days will be announced on Class Dojo, DES Facebook Page, KV Website, and local radio stations like 97.7 and 105.5.
E-Learning Day Information
Due to changes at the Indiana General Assembly, all eLearning days will include live instruction equal to at least 50% of our daily instructional minutes. Teachers will deliver instruction via Zoom and each school has developed a schedule for students to follow.
eLearning Model
Teacher Office Hours: After 9:00 a.m. /anytime not on Zoom Meetings
Teacher Lunch: Teacher will communicate with students/parents lunch time.
Classroom Expectations
Teachers will schedule a Zoom session from the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Teachers will schedule a Zoom Session between 1:00-3:00 pm to check-in with students and offer support that students need.
Reading & Math lessons will be live.
Following the grade-level’s schedule, students will complete Reading, Math, and lessons in Art, Music, or Gym. In addition to whole group lessons, students will also work with their teacher in small group lessons and there will be some opportunities for a student to check in 1-1 with their teacher.
Classroom Morning Session Time
Teachers will schedule a Zoom Session for Live Instruction from 9:00-11:30 am
Specials Teachers Session Time (Art, Music, & P.E.)
Specials Teachers will meet with their scheduled classes that they are regularly scheduled to meet with.
Specials Teachers will teach a lesson on Zoom with their classes.
Classroom Afternoon Session Time
Teachers will schedule a Zoom session between the hours of 1:00-3:00 pm to check-in with students and assist as needed.
We are responsible for 180 days of instruction. Therefore, attendance will be taken daily, Monday-Friday. Teachers may use discretion on due dates.
Dress For The Weather!
Getting some fresh air and exercise is important for the development of our children. Students will be going outside for recess unless it is raining or there is frigid wind chills and it is not safe for them to be out. Please make sure they come to school with the appropriate clothes for the weather.
Dismissal Information
REMINDER: Please call the office if you need to make a change for your child's dismissal transportation. Please call in before 1:00 pm. For example: You will be picking your child up rather than riding the bus home. Please DO NOT message your child's teacher on Class Dojo. We want to make sure the message gets to your child and your child's teacher. Please call in at 219-987-2789. Please call in before 1:00 pm. Thank you!
If you click on the above link it will take you to the Indiana Academic Standards. Click on the subject and then your child's grade level to see the standards your child will be working on this school year.