Hornet Herald
February 4th
Happy Friday!
It was a wonderful week on our campus. We hope everyone had an opportunity to review the report cards that were sent home on Tuesday. This is one tool of communication to help understand how your child is performing at school. If you haven't received a report card, please let us know.
It has been fun watching students participate in the PWT Coin Challenge. Thank you for participating. We are excited to see how much money was raised!
Our lost and found is overflowing. If your child is missing something (coats, lunchboxes, water bottles, etc.) please check our lost and found.
Please scroll below for more information on the following:
Parent Survey Reminder
FirstView Bus App
Parent Pick-up Reminder
Are you interested in subbing?
Upcoming Events
Remember to vote February 8th!
Parent Survey Reminder
Please fill one out for each student at HHES as experiences may be different for individual students.
Thank you in advance for the feedback.
First View Bus App
FirstView® gives parents accurate and quick information that:
- Tracks buses in real-time
- Proactively communicates
- Answers parent questions
Our school code is: 8P89
Reminder, we can form TWO lanes
Friendly Reminder:
We are still noticing that cars are hesitant to form two lanes when waiting during parent pick-up. It's important that we do this, so we don't block traffic on the road. Thank you for your help!
Are you interesting in subbing?
We have a desire to build our substitute pool to ensure we have adequate staffing to maintain school operations.
If you are a teacher already we are very interested in talking to you about getting your application reviewed as quickly as possible. If you hold a Bachelor’s Degree and are interested in obtaining an Emergency Substitute Certificate to cover teachers please email Julie.dobbins@hocksd.org. There is a process we can enter into with the state that takes a little bit of time, but it would allow you to serve as a teacher.
Not interested in being a teacher, but want to help? We have a significant need for classified substitutes as well. These subs cover our general duty aides at recess/lunch, para-educators in classrooms, secretaries, security, and custodial staff. Basic requirement is a high school diploma or GED.
Fully Certificated Substitute Teachers: $173.00/day $108.00/half day
Emergency Certificated Substitute Teachers: $163.00/day $101.00 half day
Classified Substitute (Various/non-custodial): $16.00/hour
Custodial Substitutes: $18.00/hour
Fingerprinting: $82.00 Payable to ESD112
Emergency Sub Application: $63.00 Payable to OSPI
To begin the application process please visit our website www.hocksd.org and click on the employment icon. This will take you to a module in our system called “Fast Track”. Here you will create a user profile and apply for the appropriate position. If you are applying for “Emergency Cert Sub” please apply for the certificated substitute. It will require you to upload a certificate – here you can override by uploading a letter simply stating “I wish to apply for Emergency Cert Sub”.
Upcoming Reminders
Character Trait: Friendly
February 1st Report Cards Sent Home
February 7th - 11th Hi-cap Testing
February 18th No School
February 21st No School
February 24th 3rd Grade Concert
Character Trait: Honest
March 2nd Dr. Seuss' Birthday
March 3rd 2nd Grade Concert
March 24th 1st Grade Concert
March 28th - April 1st 3 Hour Early Release Conference Week
March 28th - April 1st Spirit Week
February 10th & 11th Candy Gram Pre-Orders
February 10th PWT Zoom Meeting @ 7:00pm
February 25th Spirit Wear Day
March 10th Zoom Meeting @ 7:00pm
March 25th Spirit Wear Day
Water Bottles Reminder
Are you interested in Volunteering?
If you would like to volunteer at one of our HSD schools please fill out the HSD Volunteer Application and return it to any school office or the district office.
All volunteers will be required to adhere to the following requirements (volunteer athletic coaches will continue to follow the current DOH requirements for coaches):
- Properly wear a mask at all times while on the school campus
- Conduct a Covid-19 test through our HSD testing service each morning before volunteering (at home tests are not accepted for this purpose).
Verification of Covid-19 testing will be completed when signing in at the school front office.
Hockinson Heights Elementary
Website: https://hhes.hocksd.org/
Location: Hockinson Heights Elementary School, Northeast 164th Street, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: (360)448-6420
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonHES/