Hunt Location: 1143 N. Brown Street, Jackson MI 49202
Hunt Principal: Sarah Ludwig, sarah.ludwig@jpsk12.org
Hunt Parent Liaison: Kasey Ortiz, kasey.ortiz@jpsk12.org
Hunt P2P Success Coach: Andrea Byrens, andrea.byrens@jpsk12.org
Hunt Social Worker: Kaitlyn Hoppe, kaitlyn.hoppe@jpsk12.org
Hunt Administrative Assistants: Terri Downs and Erin Lauth
Admin Assistant Emails: terri.downs@jpsk12.org, erin.lauth@jpsk12.org
Phone: 841-2610
Website: https://hunt.jpsk12.org/
Transportation Phone Number: 841-2180
Count on Me, Count on You
Dear Parents,
As we continue with the 2024-2025 school year, I would like to share my thoughts on how we can continue to foster a positive relationship focused on the success of your student(s).
Count on Me . . .
To exhibit a caring attitude and positive regard for all of our students
To visibly demonstrate my belief that every student can learn
To provide regular updates from the school about academic progress (conferences), behavior, and upcoming events
To invite you to participate in parent-teacher conferences, school events, and volunteer opportunities
To listen carefully and investigate any concerns fully
To ensure that restorative conversions are a part of the learning experience in our school
To be available for any parent meeting scheduled through my administrative assistants
I’ll Count on you . . .
To realize my focus as the building leader is to make decisions that are in the best interest of all my students
To share relevant information about your child’s needs, strengths, or challenges to help teachers tailor their approach
To approach teachers and administrators with a cooperative and respectful attitude when discussing concerns or issues
To reinforce school expectations for behavior at home and discuss our behavior matrix
To support my daily priority of observing teaching and learning in classrooms, understanding that means I may not be immediately available in the office when you stop in
To understand that I am available by phone or in-person by scheduling a meeting with my administrative assistants or by email.
By actively collaborating with teachers and administrators, parents can help create a supportive and cohesive environment where students can thrive.
Mrs. Ludwig
- School hours are 7:25-2:28
- 1/2 Day Dismissal is 10:35
- Tardy- Any arrival between 7:25 and 10:30 is considered a tardy.
- AM Absence- Arrival after 10:35 a.m. is considered a morning absence.
- PM Absence- A student is considered absent when they are not here for p.m. attendance at 12:30.
- Early Release- A student that leaves after 12:30
- Truant- child who has 10 or more unexcused absences per school year.
- Our Attendance Team will reach out to discuss your child's absences and help you overcome any barriers that might be preventing you from getting your student(s) to school.
- Attendance Team- Mrs. Hoppe, Mrs. Byrens, Mrs. Lauth, Mrs. Raz-Shannon
Kindness Matters
- Please take our PBIS Parent Feedback Survey: https://forms.gle/weiHuMidQuVViYzL8
- Please help us out....Tennis Shoes must be worn for Gym Class. Students may wear boots to school, but pack tennis shoes. Students cannot safely participate in gym without tennis shoes
- Mackinac Island Club- Please see payment deadlines posted below. The next payment is due Monday February 24th (The flyer says 21st but we are not in session that week).
- ALL Transportation changes must be put into writing and received by 1:45 p.m. This is for the safety of your child. It is extremely important for us to know how your child is getting home each day. If you are changing bus routes or have been routed on a new bus, please call and let us know. Anyone picking up your child must be listed on the emergency contact form on file in the office. We appreciate your support in keeping your children safe
- If your phone number changes, please update the classroom teacher and the office so we can update our emergency contact forms.
- Keep all health forms up-to-date. If your child has an inhaler at school, it must be accompanied by an Asthma Action Plan signed by your child's doctor.
- Please dress your child appropriate for cold temperatures. Socks must be worn. A winter hat, gloves, and coat are needed for colder weather. Please let us know if you need assistance. Our Parent Liaison, Kasey Ortiz, runs our community closet and would be happy to help you out.
- Please label your child's items and check out our Lost and Found. We have many items!
- To keep our students safe and fully engaged, electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc.) MUST BE OFF AND AWAY. THIS POLICY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED PER JPS HANDBOOK.
- February 5th- Hat Day $1 (all proceeds to go to our next Parent Involvement Day)
- February 5th- 2:30 Hunt PTO Meeting-Collaboration Room
- February 7th- SnowBALL Dance, 2:30-4:30
- February 11th- 5:30 Mackinac Parent Meeting
- February 14th- No School
- February 17th-21st- No School, Hunt Break
- February 24th- Mackinac Deposit Due ( 4th Grade families)
- February 25th- Dine and Donate at Culvers (more info to come)
Mackinac Island Club Payment Dates
Bus Behavior
Please remind your child of the importance of safety and showing respect to our bus drivers and monitors.
-Stay in assigned seat
-Face Forward (not in the aisle)
- Indoor Voices
-Hands, feet, and objects to self
-Show Respect to all staff and students on the bus
-Pink Slips handed out by the driver must be followed. You may return to riding on the date that's on the bottom of your slip.
Meet our Pathways to Potential Worker
Mrs. Andrea Byrens
My job as the P2P (Pathways to Potential) worker here at Hunt Elementary is to connect and empower families to pursue a pathway to their fullest potential. My goal is to break down any barriers, promote equity, and provide families with any resources they need to help them keep their students on track in school and life. I do this through collaborating with Hunt elementary and other community resources as a DHS employee who also manages programs like Food Assistance, Medicaid, and Cash.
Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports- PBIS
Hunt Staff use Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS). It is a school-wide system that includes proactive strategies for teaching, modeling, and reinforcing appropriate behavior.
We are using this program to provide consistency in all areas of the school.
1. Responsibility
2. In Control
3. Show Manners
4. Earn and Give Respect.
Teachers will be giving out tickets to recognize students who are demonstrating these character values from our RISE ABOVE behavior matrix. Weekly drawings from each grade level will happen on Friday Mornings. Keep up the great work students! Please check out our Facebook page to see weekly winners! https://www.facebook.com/JPSHuntElementary
Mrs. Montgomery- 1st Grade Teacher
Mrs. Taylor- Parent
Mrs. Walkowicz- Parent
Meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month in the Hunt Collaboration Room at 2:45. The next meeting is Wednesday January 6th, 2025.
Our Parent Teacher Organization plans fun events for staff and students all year long.
Are you interested in popping popcorn on Fridays or volunteering at a school event? Reach out. We have many opportunities for you to help!
Contact Mrs. Walkowicz to join: e.walkowicz82@gmail.com
Fountas and Pinnell Reading Levels
Fountas and Pinnell Reading Levels Explained:
I-Ready Math Program
Take a look at our new I-Ready Math Program