Shark Bites
Socastee Elementary School News ~ August 23, 2024
Important Dates:
Tuesday, August 27th- Reading MAP
Friday, August 30th - Math MAP
Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day; school is closed
Morning and Afternoon Drop-off
**Please note our morning drop-off line will be significantly longer, beginning Monday, August 26th. On Monday all of our Child Development students and Kindergarten students will begin attending school so please plan on leaving your house earlier. Please pull all the way up and use the ENTIRE sidewalk.
Please teach your child how to unbuckle their seat belt or safety restraint by themselves. Parents should not be exiting their car in the car line as this will slow down the drop-off line for everyone! If you think your child may have trouble, please practice! They will eventually learn how to do it!
Classroom instruction begins promptly at 7:35am each morning. Students should be seated in their seats and ready to learn by this time. Staff on duty will close the front doors and the bell will ring at 7:30am. After 7:30am, your child is considered tardy and you will need to sign them into school in the main office.
In the afternoon, please make sure you are here by 2:30pm to pick up your child. Due to social distancing guidelines, students are not supposed to wait to be picked up in the main office. We appreciate your anticipated support and willingness to ensure our students remain safe and healthy
Attractions Coupon Book Fundraiser
We are fundraising to help our school! Our Goal is $3,500!
Attractions is a money saving coupon book with great deals on just about everything. Over $8,880 in LOCAL savings at hundreds of local restaurants and businesses and FREE Mobile Coupons included for all of SC, NC & VA! One or two coupons pays for the book!
● Share with family and friends. Ask them to help support our fundraiser!
● PAYMENTS ACCEPTED: Cash, Checks (Payable to Socastee Elementary School, Credit (EZPay) Online Order link: www.attractionsbook.com/pay Use EZPay Code: socastee
● ACTIVATE YOUR FREE FUNDRAISING SELLER PAGE to share via email, social media or text. ● LAST DAY TO PLACE ORDERS: Monday September 16th
● QUESTIONS? Contact Mrs. Streater at CStreater001@horrycountyschools.net
Message from the Nurse
Meet Nurse Rhona and Nurse Liz! They are seasoned Registered Nurses who will be joining our shark family full time for the 2024-2025 school year. They are so excited and looking forward to working with all of you to keep our little sharks healthy and safe. As a reminder, parents/guardians must drop off medications with either the prescription medication form signed by the doctor or the non-prescription medication form signed by the parent or guardian, no student is permitted to carry medication on them to or from school unless the correct papers have been signed and submitted to the health office. These health forms are also available in the health office. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Free Breakfast & Lunch:
CEP Breakfast/Lunch Program:
We are excited to announce HCS is a CEP District, offering free meals for all students! All students in Horry County Schools will receive free breakfast and lunch during the 2024-2025 school year as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program.
Click here to read more.
Lunch Visitors:
Unfortunately, due to our growing student enrollment, we will be unable to accommodate lunch visitors this year. There will be special events and days throughout the school year for parents to come eat lunch with their children. These days will be announced ahead of time so you have time to make arrangements. We appreciate your understanding.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Kindergarten Parents:
Your child will be attending school on a staggered schedule during the first week (August 19 - 23). This means that each child will only attend one full day of school during this first week. On this very important day your child will have an opportunity to spend time with the teacher and assistant in a small group, get acquainted with classroom friends, take a tour of the school, learn about kindergarten procedures, and take the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA), an early learner assessment required in South Carolina. Your scheduled day to attend will be included on our postcard with your teacher assignment. Please save this postcard! All kindergarten students will report to school on Monday, August 26th.
Your child's assigned day and his/her teacher were mailed to you on August 1st. If you did not receive one, please call our main office at 843-650-2606.
School Hours:
Birthday Treats
We will not be permitting outside treats for student birthdays in the building. Your child's birthday is acknowledged on our school-wide morning news show so the whole school can wish him/her a "happy birthday." Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Socastee Elementary School
Our SES Mission: SES students will become caring, productive citizens and lifelong learners.
Our SES Vision: At SES all children will be loved, valued, challenged and supported so they can reach their full potential.
Email: sschubiger@horrycountyschools.net
Website: https://www.horrycountyschools.net/Socastee_Elementary
Location: 4223 Socastee Boulevard, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Phone: 843-650-2606
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hcssocasteeelementaryschool