The Weekly Update #20
January 12, 2025
From the Principal
Cougar Families,
We are already in week 2 of the 3rd nine week grading period. This week, we will have several targeted meetings with our EL (English as a Second Language) students regarding ELPT testing. This test will gauge how well our students who are non-English Speakers are excelling with picking up language skills, comprehension skills, and listening skills in English. It is important to note that if students do not test out of this, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to do so in high school. Therefore, we will meet with students Monday morning, and parents on Wednesday evening to discuss the importance of those students doing well on this particular test which begins on February 10. Not only this, but depending on how the students perform on this state assessment can either positively or negatively affect our school's SPS score/letter grade.
This week, our Math department will also have district personnel coming in to introduce them to new curriculum that we will be introducing to assist our students with Math. We are hoping that the new curriculum will give students a new way to look at Math and can pick up where Eureka leaves off. We will continue to push students to do independent practice at home to also help with Math deficiencies.
On the same note, we will begin LEAP tutoring at the end of the month. We are hoping to get transportation. However, it not, parents will have to pick students up no later that 4:15 Monday through Thursday when we begin. This program will hit on core subjects and will enable those teachers who will be tutoring an opportunity to close gaps that students have before we begin state testing in April. We are only 3.7 points from being a "C" school, and we want our students to show exactly what they are capable of.
This week, we will also have some celebrations going on. On Friday, we will have our Honor Roll Celebration beginning at 8:00 AM in the gym. We will also acknowledge students who had perfect attendance for the 2nd 9 week grading period. Those invitations went home with students on Wednesday, January 8 with 2nd 9 week report cards.
With the weather continuing to be cold this week, we want you all to ensure that your Cougar is properly dressed for the bus stop. Please make sure that you child is layered. That way, once they enter the building, they will be able to be comfortably dressed. We know that students like to wear shorts, however, it is not the best way to dress with the weather that we will be seeing this week.
We are hoping that transportation will be a little better this week, however, that is no guarantee. We will continue to work with the Transportation Department in order to figure out a solution to the problems. Until then, please continue to make sure that your child is at his or her stop in the morning just in case there are trail busses running routes. If needed, the number to the Transportation Department is (225) 2263784.
Again, please make sure that if you are unable to check your child's grades through the Parent Portal, please contact one of our counselors who will be able to assist you with this. It is important that you stay on top of your scholar's grades so that if there are any discrepancies or questions, you will be able to provide evidence to your questions. With that, we will make sure that teachers are updating weekly to cut down on any questions that you may have.
Parents, this is also a reminder that students are not allowed to have their cell phones on them at school. Cell phones are not to be in students' pockets (pants, skirts, shorts, or jackets). They are to be placed in their booksacks according to newly enacted state laws regarding cell phone usage at school. If students are found with phones on their persons, the phones will be confiscated and a parent or guardian will have to come to retrieve the phone from the school.
Again, I want to reiterate the dress code policy as we are inching closer to "cooler" weather. Students are allowed to wear whatever outer wear deemed necessary while they are at the bus stops. However, once they enter the building, only Southeast Middle outer wear is acceptable per the dress code policy. Not only this, but blankets are not allowed on the bus or in the classrooms. So, please ensure that your student leaves his/her blanket at home. Furthermore, during Casual Dress days, please ensure that your child is adhering to the school's dress code, which can be found in their planners.
Additionally, I ask that parents waiting in the carpool line do not block the handicap ramp in front of the building. We have several students who are wheelchair-bound and need the ramp to enter into the building. So, until the line begins to move, please do not block the ramp.
Also, please note that students are considered tardy after 7:10 AM. If students are on a late bus, it will be documented in JCAMPUS by the front office. After 7:30 AM, students being dropped off by a parent MUST BE SIGNED IN BY AN ADULT! If the adult does not come in and sign the student in, the student will be placed in TOR until a parent/guardian can do so. This is for the safety and security of not just your child, but for the school.
Lastly, parents, please understand that we can not allow someone who is not on your child's demographic or emergency card to check him/her out. Our office staff checks this to ensure that your child is safe AT ALL TIMES. Please know that this is not to make life difficult, but to ensure the safety of our students. Also, please be reminded that we do not do check outs after 2:00 PM.
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.
Principal, Southeast Middle School
ELPT student informational
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 09:00 AM
Southeast vs. istrouma
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 02:30 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Club Day
Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025, 01:00 PM
ELPT Parent Informational
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 05:00 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Southeast vs. Woodlawn Middle
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025, 02:30 PM
Woodlawn Middle School, Tiger Bend Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Honor Roll Celebration
Friday, Jan 17, 2025, 08:00 AM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Student and Parent Resources
Magnet Application Period
Please look at the dates on the attached graphic in order to ensure that you complete applications in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Coleman, our Magnet Site Coordinator, for assistance.
We are a Box Tops School!
Please scan eligible purchases in order to assist in raising money for our school. All monies earned goes back into the school for our students!
Box Tops Flyer for January
Please check out the available bonus offers for our Box Tops!
Sports Information
Boys and Girls Basketball Schedule
Boys and Girls Basketball Schedule
Cadance Harper makes Honor Band!
8th grader, Cadance Harper, made Honor Band this year! We are excited for this because we have not had a student to earn this for several years! We are extremely proud of her for her accomplishment!
Congratulations to the Girls' and Boys' Basketball Teams
On Thursday, both teams came away with wins against Glen Oaks. Our girls had a awesome game and won 57-5! Our boys also had an great win as they defeated the Glen Oaks boys 33-24.
Ms. Schlon
Our very own, Ms. Schlon, will be recognized on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 4:00 PM. Ms. Schlon was named the 2024-2025 Maintenance Certified Employee of the Year! We are extemely proud of her and are proud to have her here on our campus!