Logger Highlights
January 31, 2025
Sending Birthday Wishes to...
4th- Henry Place
5th - Ava Olmstead
Community Expo - NEW DATE!
RESCHEDULED Parent Teacher Conferences - February 12, 2025
Parent Teacher Conferences (K - 12th Grade) have been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 12th from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Please follow the links below to schedule a conference time with your child(ren)'s teacher(s).
Mrs. Berg - 7th & 8th Grade Social Studies, 9th Grade US History and 11th Grade World History
Mr. Beyer - 10th & 11th Grade Math, 9th Grade Health, and Senior Math
Mr. Garver - 8th, 11th & 12th Grade English
Mr. Hamilla - 10th Grade Business, 8th Grade Computers, and 6th Grade SS
Mrs. McGuiness - 10th Grade Art
Mrs. McQuillan - MS/HS Special Education Teacher
Mrs. Padgett - 6th & 7th Grade ELA and Yearbook
Mrs. Powers - 6th Grade Science
Mrs. Ritter - 6th - 9th Grade Math
Ms. VanWulfen - 7th & 8th Grade Science, 10th Grade Biology, and 11th Grade Chemistry
February Lunch Menu
February Wellness Challege
Mark Your Calendar:
4th - NHS Sponsored Blood Drive 9 am - 2 pm
14th - Half Day (11:00 am dismissal)
20th - Wellness Committee Meeting @ 3:20 pm in the Media Center
20th - Student Council Sponsored PJ Day ($2.00 to participate)
24th - Sports Boosters Meeting @ 3:20 pm
Updated Elementary Basketball Schedule
Come Out To Support Our Basketball Players!
Monday, 2/3 | 5:30 PM
Girls & Boys Varsity Basketball Home vs Harbor Light
Tuesday, 2/4 | 5:30 PM
GIRLS ONLY! Varsity Basketball @ Alba
Thursday, 2/6 | 5:30 PM
Varsity Girls Basketball NLC Divisions Playoff TBD
Friday, 2/7 5:30 PM
Varsity Boys NLC Divisions Playoff vs TBD
The athletic schedule is also available on our website: https://boynefalls.org/parents/athletics-schedule/
Wellness Snack of the Month
NHS Blood Drive - February 4th
We are Hiring!
Char-Em Summer Programs for Students
Building Healthy Communities - Step Up for School Wellness
A Happy New Year Begins with solutions through our Building Healthy Communities-Step Up for School Wellness program. This program has a five-step model that engages a School Health Team, helps us use our assessment data to make informed decisions, and provides opportunities to practice healthy behaviors. Here are 10 simple ways to reinforce what your student is learning at school by being active as a family at home:
1. Go on a Scavenger Hunt
Make a list of challenges (find a bird, snap a photo of a person smiling, etc.), split your family into teams, set a time limit and then head off to see who can complete the most items.
2. Take a Hike
Explore your neighborhood, a local zoo, or even a park in the winter! While the cold weather may be intimidating and keep you indoors, you actually can warm up really fast if you are moving!
3. Set 'Mileage' Goals for the Weekend
Decide as a family how many steps, or how many miles, you want to travel over the weekend, then have fun trying to reach the goal. You can use pedometers to measure steps taken while running errands, going on hikes, playing tag and more, and can challenge the family to increase your goal each weekend.
4. Play Some Games
Play a game that requires movement like charades, Twister, or video games with dancing.
5. Family Olympics
Get together with a group of families and compete in events like hula-hoops (super fun in the winter), 50-yard dash, relay race, snowman building, or a winter obstacle course. You can even make it an annual event!
6. Family Fitness Classes
If you like a more structured routine, try a fitness class designed for families, like stroller workouts, mom/dad and baby workouts or family yoga.
7. Do Chores Together
Vacuuming, washing floors, collecting and taking out the garbage, and even doing laundry work your muscles and burn calories while teaching your kids the value of responsibility. Make chores fun by setting a time limit and turning up the music while you work together as a family.
8. Plan Seasonal Outdoor Activities
Swimming, biking, canoeing and hiking are great in the summer, while sledding, ice skating, building a snowman or skiing are fun – and great for your fitness goals – in the winter.
9. Play Together
Tag, hide-and-go-seek, double-dutch jump rope, and dancing are so much fun you won't even realize it's exercise in disguise. These are not just warm weather activities, they are great in the winter too!
10. Try Some Family Sports
Go to a local gym or fitness facility and swim, shoot some baskets, play volleyball, or lift weights. These activities give you quality time as a family while staying active.