August '24

Message from the Principal
Hello Parents and welcome to the Early Learning Center @ Gregory Hill.
I am privileged to be the principal at the ELC and I feel honored to work with our highly qualified and dedicated staff, our wonderful students and all of the supportive parents.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all our ELC families for joining us at orientation. It has been a very busy and exciting first few weeks of school. I also want to make families aware of a few important things occurring over the next month. During the month of September, we will take time to practice several emergency drills. These drills include fire, tornado and lockdown. We practice these drills to help prepare staff and students in case of these emergencies. After drills, families will be informed so they can have follow-up conversations with their child at home.
If you have any questions or would like to just have a cup of coffee, please set an appointment and come and see me. I look forward to seeing all of you at school events in the near future.
Jennifer Keyes
Early Learning Center Principal
Add to Calendar
Sept 2nd-Labor Day (NO School)
Sept 9th-Teacher Work Day (NO School)
Sept 16th-Early Release (day ends at 1:30)
Sept 10th-Individual Pictures
Sept 26th-Parent Coffee (8:15)
Keep up with Gregory Hill
Early Release Days
All day classrooms will participate in district-wide early release days on the first and third Monday of each month. This will allow teachers time to collaborate with colleagues, create lesson plans and analyze student data. Please plan to pick up your child on Sept 16th by 1:30.
Parent Coffee
Do you want to learn more about Gregory Hill? Join us for our first Parent Coffee on Thursday, September 26th at 8:15.
Picture Day
Picture day is coming soon! Please make sure that you complete a picture form to purchase individual pictures of your preschooler. Forms will be sent out in Friday folders early September or see the flyer below.
Parking Lot
- Please refrain from using cell phones in the parking lot.
- Please drive slowly in the parking lot.
- Please hold your children’s hands while in the parking lot.
- All people (parents, students, visitors) coming and going from school must cross the parking lot at the crosswalks.
- All children must be in car seats and buckled into seat belts before leaving the parking lot. This is a state law and is not optional. Please do not allow them to stand up in the back seat of cars or standing with their heads out the windows.
- Please be respectful of our neighbors. We ask that you please refrain from turning around in their driveways and parking in private property, places that would block any driveways or that are not marked as parking places.
- Please drive carefully and slowly while in the neighborhood.
- There are assigned handicapped parking spots are in the parking lot, these are for cars that have handicapped plates or decals only. Please observe this parking rule. You can be ticketed for parking in handicapped spots without a handicapped decal or placard.
Does your child neeed a physical (well child visit) for the upcoming school year?
Kids First Health Care here at Gregory Hill offers well child care including physicals, call to make an appointment at (303) 428-4384. We accept Medicaid, CHP+, most private insurances, and uninsured patients.
Although some absences are unavoidable, it is important that students attend school as often as possible. Preschool is a great time to start building a habit of good attendance. Please note that we are allowing days for students to be absent for illness and do not want families to send children to school sick. Students are asked to stay home if they are experiencing any cold/flu like symptoms.