The Cardinal's Nest
Volume 87 | Issue 1 | Friday, September 20th, 2024
9/25 - 4th Grade Hosting School Mass
9/27 - School Spirit Wear Dress Down Day
10/2 - 3rd Grade Hosting School Mass
10/4 - Blessing of the Animals, Feast of St. Francis Sign-up here
10/8 - PTO Meeting
10/9 - 2nd Grade Hosting School Mass
10/11 -CKS Golf Tournament
10/11 - NO SCHOOL; Teacher In Service
10/14 - NO SCHOOL; Indigenous People Day
10/15 - 10/18 - Scholastic Book Fair
10/18 - Grandparent or Special Friend Day
A Message From The Principal
Dear Christ the King School Families,
Happy 2024-2025 Academic School Year!!
As we end the fourth week of school, please know how grateful and blessed I feel to be a part of this school community.
I believe the school year has begun on a positive note, with a very strong momentum. Per Father’s suggestion, our motto for this school year, emblazoned on the side of the church, consists of the following words: Goodness, Discipline, Knowledge, For God and Country, and it aligns perfectly with the CKS Mission Statement.
Consistent and timely communication will continue to be one of my major priorities this year, and I am hopeful this newsletter will play a major role in this improvement. Based on feedback from the school community, most CKS emails will be sent from my principal@cksvt.org email account, and I welcome any suggestions or concerns. Additionally, the PTO will be holding elections (more information will be forthcoming), the Parent Cafes will continue (at various times), the CKS Advisory Board will be rebuilt and reorganized (more information will also be forthcoming), the website will be updated on a regular basis (please see the links), the Family Handbook will be updated and available on Monday, the PBIS system will be implemented by the end of September, and so much more.
Please enjoy the weekend and all the pictures (thank you, Mr. Hughes!). As always, please feel free to email, call, or stop by to chat with me at any time (I will be at the school almost every day).
In Christ,
Kelley Alderman
CKS Principal
DATE: Friday, October 11th
TIME: 10:00 AM shotgun start
COST: $125/player
LOCATION: Cedar Knoll Country Club, Hinesburg, Vermont
Join us for our annual Christ the King School Charity Golf Tournament! This year's tournament will take place on Friday, October 11th at Cedar Knoll Country Club. This is a day when students do not have school and it is a great opportunity for families to play a round of golf together!
Player and Sponsor information can be found here! You can register and pay online via a link on that page or you can print the attached form and drop it off at CKS with your payment.
Let Mr. Hughes know if you have any questions or if you would like to volunteer!
Thank you to our major sponsors! Their generous support is appreciated and has a BIG impact! Thank them when you see them! Want to join them? Sponsorship info can be found at the event link above.
On Friday, October 4th at 3PM families are invited to bring their pets or something that represents their pets (drawing, photograph, toy, etc) for a special blessing in celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. We will meet on the upper playground (the green area nearest to the rotary) where Fr. Justin will do the blessing. Please let us know here if you plan to bring a pet or something that represents your pet(s). The blessing will take place promptly at 3PM. Please arrive early to secure parking. Register here.
80% of the CKS First Grade class, as well as several parents in a few other grades, have recently signed the Wait Until 8th pledge. This pledge empowers parents to rally together to delay giving their children a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. By banding together, this will decrease the pressure felt by kids and parents alike over kids' having a smartphone. There are so many reasons to wait! (Please note: This pledge is for smartphones only -- if you plan on buying your child a basic phone that just calls and texts but avoids many of the potential distractions and dangers of the smartphone, you can still sign the pledge!). Will you join us? To learn more and sign the pledge, please visit www.waituntil8th.org or check out their Instagram account. I encourage class parents to reach out to their individual classes to encourage them to reach the same 80% goal that First Grade attained. Please feel free to contact 1st Grade parent Caitlin Studdard (caitlinstuddard@gmail.com) if you have questions or want to learn more!
Check here for Parish news and latest bulletin
Deadline for submissions to The Cardinal's Nest: Thursday, 1:00 p.m. to Jon Hughes
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Website: https://cksvt.org
Location: 136 Locust Street, Burlington, VT 05401, USA
Phone: (802) 862-6696
Goodness, Discipline, Knowledge, For God and Country