Crockett Mid-Month Cougar Chatter
January 17, 2024
Greetings Cougar Families,
We wanted to take a moment to connect with an important update for the spring semester.
Attendance in every class, every day, is a key factor in academic achievement, as well as student safety. According to Texas Compulsory Attendance Law, students are required to attend at least 90% of meetings for each of their classes. We understand that life can sometimes throw unexpected challenges, and our staff is here to offer support, while holding students accountable to high expectations for learning.
Starting from January 2024, we're holding students accountable to the "90% Rule" (as per Texas Law 25.092). This means that if attendance falls below 90% for any class in the spring semester (greater than 4 unexcused absences in that class), the corresponding credit won't be included on a student’s transcript, even if the student earns a passing grade for a course.
In the event that students do accrue unexcused absences beyond the 90% rule, grade level administrators will set up recovery plans with the student. If the student continues to miss classes, this will result in additional time to be made up, and can potentially lead to truancy filing for the caregiver, and/ or student.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your grade level counselor or administrator. Together, we'll make sure students have the tools and support needed to overcome any challenges and achieve academic goals.
Wishing you all the best,
Crockett Administration
A Note from the Crockett PTSA
Important Date: Crockett PTSA meeting, Tuesday, February 13th at 6:30 pm (in the Library)
We hope you all had a wonderful winter break and Holiday season!
It was awesome to be able to appreciate our teachers on December 15th at their luncheon with all kinds of baked goods! A big thanks to all our families who gave money, homemade or store-bought baked goods, and donated their time to help with set-up! A special thank you to our Treasurer Lisa Chromcak who stayed after the luncheon and cleaned up! Below are a few pictures from the event including our volunteers and one with Mrs. King!
Our next PTSA meeting is Tuesday, February 13th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
(right after the CAC meeting from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm)
We meet in our School Library.
Thank you,
Your Crockett PTSA
Any Questions? Email:
Join us in congratulating our PTECH Construction students for earning their Level 1 Certifications in Carpentry from ACC!
A big congratulations goes out to:
- Maria Moreno-Rivera
- Treyvon Conely
- Sebastian Olvera
- Jayden Valdez
- Damacio Zarate
Important Dates:
January 25 at 6:30pm: Cougar Pageant
January 26th : TSI Testing
January 27: Financial Aid Workshop (Seniors only) - 9am-12pm Crockett Library
January 31: ECHS Parent Night at 5:30 in the Library/Student Choice Sheet Night at 6:15 in the PAC
February 2nd: TSI Testing
February 13: CAC at 5:30 and PTSA at 6:30 in Library
February 19: Student and Staff Holiday**
February 21: Financial Aid Workshop (Seniors only) 5-7:30pm Crockett Library
March 11 - 15: Spring Break
March 19: CAC at 5:30 and PTSA at 6:30 in Library
March 28: Spring Fest!!!!
March 29: Student and Staff Holiday**
April 9: CAC at 5:30 and PTSA at 6:30 in Library
April 10: Staff Development
May 11: Senior Prom
May 14: CAC at 5:30 and PTSA at 6:30 in Library
May 23: Last Day of School!
May 28: Save the Date: Crockett 2024 Graduation @ Burger Arena (12:30pm)
** [Bad Weather Makeup Day]
Health Reasons to Keep Your Child at Home
Fever: Temperature over 100º. Do NOT give medicine at home to bring the fever down and then send to school. If the child has a fever, they may be contagious and need to be kept at home.
- Your child must be fever free (without fever reducing medication like Tylenol or Ibuprofen) for 24 hours before coming back to school
- Redness of the “white part of the eye”
- Yellow, green or clear discharge from the eye (lashes may be stuck together)
- Itchy eyes
- Eyelids may be red or swollen
- The child must be cleared in writing by a US medical provider in order to return
- Everyone at home should wash hands often with soap and water and avoid touching the eyes
- If running fever, student must stay home until fever is gone and bowel movements are “normal” for 24 hours without using diarrhea suppressing medications
- Have student drink plenty of fluids and seek medical evaluation for persistent temperature and diarrhea
- Texas State Law requires certain immunizations for children to have in order to be in school. Notice will be sent home by the nurse to notify parent when shots are due.
- Persistent cough / cold should be seen by a medical provider to make sure there is no flu, bronchitis or pneumonia
- Any vomiting, especially with a fever or other symptoms.
- A minor sore throat is not usually a problem. A severe sore throat may be Strep even if there is no fever. Keep the child home from school and contact a medical provider to be cleared to be in school. Documentation from a US medical provider in writing is needed for clearance.
- Children with a skin rash should be seen by a medical provider to be cleared to be in school
Crockett Sports Schedules
Boys Golf Schedule
- Wednesday, Feb. 7 at Colovista Golf Course for the Cedar Creek Invitational #2
- Late March/Early April at Morris Williams Golf Course for the District Tournament
Swim Meet Schedule
- Saturday, Jan. 27 District Meet @ Round Rock Aquatics Center
Lady Cougar Basketball Schedule
- Friday, Jan. 19 against Eastside at Crockett JVB--- JVA-5:30 VAR-7:00
- Tuesday, Jan. 23 against Travis at Travis JVB-5:15 JVA-6:30 VAR-8:00
- Thursday, Jan. 25 against St. Stephens at St. Stephens JVB-6:30 JVA--- VAR---
- Tuesday, Jan. 30 against Ann Richards at Crockett JVB-5:15 JVA-6:30 VAR-8:00
- Friday, Feb. 2 against McCallum at McCallum JVB-5:15 JVA-6:30 VAR-8:00
- Tuesday, Feb. 6 against Northeast at Crockett JVB--- JVA--- VAR-6:00 (senior night)
Boys Basketball Schedule
- Friday, Jan. 19 against Eastside at Eastside 9th--- JV-6:00 VAR-7:30
- Tuesday, Jan. 23 against Travis at Crockett 9th-5:15 JV-6:30 VAR-8:00 (staff app. night)
- Tuesday, Jan. 30 against St. Andrews at St. Andrews 9th-5:00 JV-6:00 VAR-7:30
- Friday, Feb. 2 against McCallum at Crockett 9th-5:15 JV-6:30 VAR-8:00
- Tuesday, Feb. 6 against Northeast at Northeast 9th-5:15 JV-6:30 VAR-8:00
- Friday, Feb. 9 against LBJ at LBJ 9th-5:15 JV-6:30 VAR-8:00
- Tuesday, Feb. 13 Navarro at Crockett 9th-5:15 JV-6:30 VAR-8:00 (senior night)
- Feb 19-20 Bi-District Playoffs
- Feb 22-24 Area Playoffs
- Feb 26-27 Quarterfinals
- Feb 29-Mar 3 Regionals
Wrestling Schedule
January 17: Hays/Connally @ Hays HS 6pm/7pm JV/VB/VG
January 24: TBD @ TBD 6pm/7pm VB/VG
January 27: JV District Tournament @ Delco Center 10am/11:30am JVB/JVG
Feb. 2- Feb. 3: District Tournament @ Delco Center 8am/9:30am VB/VG
Feb. 9- Feb. 10: Regional Tournament @ Delco Center TBA VB/VG
Feb. 16- Feb. 17: State Tournament @ Berry Center in Cypress, TX TBA VB/VG
Crockett Mission
Crockett empowers an inclusive community of learners and leaders by building resilience, strengthening of character, and ensuring that ALL students are prepared to succeed in college, career, and life.
Crockett Vision
Crockett learners will lead with courage, compassion, and service. We will:
- collaborate with people of different beliefs and cultures;
- adapt to change and challenges;
- cultivate self-discipline to persevere in achieving goals;
- act responsibly, ethically, and with integrity;
- and think critically and creatively to solve problems.
Crockett ECHS Support Staff
Counselors Secretary: Janice Snyder
Counselor of Cohort 2024:
Counselor of Cohort 2025:
Counselor of Cohort 2026:
Counselors of Cohort 2027: &
Wellness Counselor:
Registrar: Kathy Alvarado Romero
Book Keeper: Christopher Simmons
PEIMS Coordinator: Helen Mendoza-Morales
Principals Administrative Assistant: Jennifer Rodriguez
Attendance Specialist: Kathy Batista Boddy
Attendance Email:
504 Coordinator: Malin Lindelow
Truancy + Graduation Coach: Taryne Hallett
SPED Dept Chair: Cynthia Coppinger
Send Attendance Notes to
COVID Positive?
Notify the Crockett Main Office as soon as you test positive!
Test Date is Day 0.
Isolate at home for 5 Days.
Return with a mask on from Days 6-10.
Contact the Main Office at 512.414.2532 and email attendance specialist at
Show your Cougar Pride and Follow us on Twitter!
- @Crockett_Sports
- @Coogs2023
- @Crockett2022
- @CrockettSoccer
- @cougar_band
- @CECHSHoops
- @CrockettPlayers
- @CrockettTrack
- @AustinCrockett
- @AISDScholarship
Click the Link below for additional social media pages
Crockett Early College High School
Shana King
Location: 5601 Menchaca Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-2532
Twitter: @AustinCrockett