Highcroft Hotline
August 11, 2019
Highcroft's Mission
At Highcroft, we help learners grow in a safe, caring community where ALL are valued and supported to become leaders.
Upcoming Events
- 12: Meet the Teacher, Grades 1-5, 3:00-4:00 pm
- 13: First Day of School
- 13: Kindergarten Parents Boo Hoo Yahoo Breakfast, 9:15 am
- 22: PSO Meeting, 7:00 pm
- 23: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 5:00-6:00 pm
- 24: Hotdog with Highcroft at Forest Park, 4:00-6:00 pm
- 28: Late Start, School begins at 11:05 am
- 29: Curriculum Night, 6:30-8:00 pm
Lucas Letter
It is with great pleasure we welcome you and your student(s) to the 2019-2020 school year! While the slower pace of summer is always a joy, nothing is more exciting than having the energy of our children in the school. Their spirit and laughter bring our space alive.
The staff has put a lot of thought and energy into creating caring learning spaces and planning engaging lessons for our students. As we strive to meet our school's mission, we will integrate learning about the seven habits of highly effective individuals and continue our focus on fostering strong leadership skills within our students.
As a reminder, this is our weekly school communication. We email the Highcroft Hotline to families early Sunday evenings. This communication will provide informative pieces regarding upcoming events. As we strive to share critical information and our school story with the community, we will continue to utilize Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Please follow us on Twitter @HighcroftRidge, on Facebook at Highcroft Ridge Elementary School, and on Instagram at highcroftridgeelementary for daily updates. Please know while we use these media outlets to share information, we do not use them to correspond. If you have a question or concern, please contact us here at school by phone or email. We are happy to discuss matters with you.
Cartelia Lucas
Campus Cleanup
Bus Safety with Buster the Bus
Popsicles with the Principals
Dismissal Plan
To ensure that all students are dismissed to go home safely, we ask that you complete a dismissal plan for each individual student and bring it to your child's teacher during our Meet the Teacher event on Monday, August 12th, from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. This plan will inform the staff of your child's regular dismissal plan, as well as how he or she should be dismissed in the event of an emergency. You can also send the completed plan to school with your child on the first day. Copies of the form will also be available in your child's classroom for completion during our Meet the Teacher event.
Click here for the dismissal form.
Visiting Highcroft? Bring Your ID
Pick-up Signs for Car Riders
Volunteer Background Checks
Late Start
The first 2-hour late start day in Parkway is Wednesday, August 28th. The school day will start 2 hours later than usual and buses will pick up 2 hours later.
Late start days are designed to allow teachers to collaborate in Professional Learning Communities and commit to helping every child be more successful in school. Late start days allow teachers time to:
- Study data on student performance
- Identify students who need extra help or more challenging work
- Review best practices to help all students
- Take action to help each child improve
- Monitor results during the year
Curriculum Night
We look forward to seeing all of our families during Curriculum Night, August 29th, from 6:30-8:00 pm. Curriculum Night is an opportunity to hear from your child's teacher and learn more about what your child will learn this year. This evening is an adult-only event. Devices will be available in each grade level's project area for you to complete the volunteer background check. This application must be completed annually for all volunteers who might work with or around children without a staff member present and attend field trips. Sign up forms for volunteer opportunities will also be available in the project areas. We appreciate you attending Curriculum Night in support of the collaborative work ahead of us.