Lisbon Elementary
August 30, 2024
Lisbon Elementary School
Mr. Bradley Scobie, Assistant Principal
15901 Frederick Road
Woodbine, MD 21797
(410) 313-5506
(410) 313-5508 - Fax
From School Administration
It was a great first week at Lisbon. Students poured in through the front door with excitement and with the energy associated with the start of a school year. Our staff was there to meet and greet every student, directing them all to their classrooms where teachers happily met students at their classroom doors.
The week was filled with re-connecting with friends, reviewing routines and procedures, and acclimating to the school environment. During the upcoming weeks, our teachers are going to be spending a lot of time ensuring all students are provided with the tools to learn. As I reflect on the happiness expressed by our students as they entered the building, I am reminded of the tremendous importance of happiness and belonging as a foundation for learning. We hope all students experience this joy of learning each and every day at Lisbon. We are focused on being KIND and spreading kindness throughout our building and our community!
We currently have 90% of our emergency cards complete on Family File. Most of our families have done an excellent job completing this task. If you need assistance to complete your Family File, please contact the front office. It is important that we have emergency contact information for every child. You can get started by visiting HCPSS Connect.
We thank you for your continued patience in the car loop as students, parents, and staff learn the procedures. With a larger number of parents dropping off in the morning, please be prepared for delays. We also thank you for your patience with our bus drivers as they learn their routes. Please be at your stop 10-15 minutes early this upcoming week.
Thank you for all you have done to help prepare your child for this new school year! We are looking forward to an exciting and successful school year. Enjoy your long weekend.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Anoff & Mr. ScobieImportant Upcoming Dates and Events
For a complete list of dates and events visit les.hcpss.org/calendar
- 2 - Labor Day, schools & offices closed
- 5 - Give Back Event at The Crazy Mason
- 18 - Professional Work & Wellness Day, schools close 3 hours early (12:45 p.m.)
- 25 - Give Back Event at Stratosphere Social
- 3 - Rosh Hashanah, schools & offices closed
- 17 - Give Back Event at Manor Hill Tavern
- 18 - Professional Work Day, schools closed for students
- 31 - Professional Work and Development Day, schools closed for students
HCPSS Calendars
There will be no printed 2024-2025 calendars. Staff, students, and families may add our online calendar to their own mobile/online calendar by
- Going to https://www.hcpss.org/calendar/
- Scrolling down to Subscribing to a Calendar
- Right-clicking on the calendar you wish to subscribe to
- Selecting Copy Link Location/Address/Shortcut
- Adding to your calendar of choice (See your calendar for specifics on adding a new calendar)
You also may view and/or download printable PDFs of the full calendar and/or important dates only. Updates to the PDFs will be noted on the HCPSS calendar page.
PLEASE NOTE! The calendar is subject to change. The online calendar reflects the most recent version.
Calendars in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean
Calendario en españolHCPSS CALENDARS
New Information
The Lisbon Lines school newsletter will be published weekly throughout the school year through email. Be sure to look for this newsletter on Friday's in your email inbox starting today. Please be sure not to mark emails from LES or HCPSS as junk or spam. We find out that a number of people get blocked from all LES and HCPSS communication when you mark the email as spam or junk. In addition to important school information, our PTA has a section in the weekly newsletter. They do not publish their own newsletter, so please be sure to look for PTA information in each newsletter. If you ever miss an issue of the newsletter or need to review a previous issue, all Lisbon Lines will be available on the main page of the Lisbon website. We hope you find the information helpful.
Gifted and Talented Education Program
Attention 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade parents.
During the first week of school, students will hear about the possible Instructional Seminar offerings for their grade level for this school year. Instructional Seminars are small, interest-based groups that meet with a G/T Resource Teacher approximately once a week during recess. The purpose of these seminars is for students to develop advanced-level and interpersonal skills while generating a curiosity to learn about a topic of interest to them. The duration of each seminar varies based on the topic and may range from a few weeks, to a few months, to all-year long (most offerings will be approximately 6 weeks). Students may participate in more than one seminar during the year. Also, students who participate in band or strings may still participate in a seminar. Should there be an occasional conflict, students are asked to attend band or strings rather than the seminar that day.
To participate, your child may obtain an Application located in an envelope hanging in their pod area. Parents may print their own at home using the links below. Once complete, including a parent signature, your child may return it to the “Completed Applications” blue bin also in their pod area. Applications are due by Wednesday, September 4th.
Note that finalized offerings will be based upon teacher availability and the number of students who are interested in participating. These schedules will be shared with classroom teachers, and student lists will be posted in the pod for reference.
Please ask your child about their interest in the Instructional Seminars presented. Though we appreciate parents encouraging their children to apply to participate, we have learned that the students who are most successful are those who truly have an interest in or a passion for the topic. If you have further questions, please contact a G/T Resource Teacher: AJ Nath at Anjan_Nath@hcpss.org or Jodi O’Connor at Jodi_OConnor@hcpss.org. Thank you.
“What Your Child Will Learn” Guides
What Your Child Will Learn guides provide an overview of the instructional program for your child’s grade, as well as student goals and expectations. The guides include information to help parents monitor and support their child’s progress during the school year.
Individual guides are provided for each grade level. Each grade level guide provides information categorized by curriculum area, e.g., Language Arts, Science, etc.
The guides are available online only; print versions are no longer distributed. Specific guide webpages may be printed from the website.
Specific student programs may differ depending on instructional needs.
From the Health Room
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful summer and are excited to have a healthy year at Lisbon this 2024/25 school year. We would just like to take the time to remind you of a few Health Room policies, as well as offer some helpful suggestions that may assist you throughout the year. First and foremost, all medication, prescribed and over the counter, MUST be accompanied by a medication order signed by the prescribing physician and the parent and brought into the Health Room by the parent. Please contact us with any questions/concerns. No students of any age should be transporting medications to school.
Students who are ill and have a fever should remain at home until their temperature is normal for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (Tylenol or Motrin). If your child has a diagnosed illness such as strep throat, conjunctivitis, Covid, or the flu, please let the staff in the Health Room know. Also, if your child is injured and cannot participate in PE, please call and notify us and send them to school with a note from the physician.
We like to recommend that every student, at least in grades K-2, bring in a spare bag of clothing (shirt, pants, socks, underwear). Students occasionally need to change after having toileting accidents, spilling drinks/food on them, or getting dirty at recess. It is always helpful when they have this change of clothing in their classroom. This may be especially beneficial if you do not work very close by. We do not store extra clothes in the Health Room as we have in the past due to Health Services recommendations. Therefore, if extra clothes are not available for your student, they must sit and wait in the Health room until you can get a change of clothes here for them, and will be missing instructional time in class.
We have gotten several requests during the year to have students stay inside during recess for various reasons, such as seasonal allergies, outdoor temperatures, etc. If your child cannot go outside for any reason, we need a note from your child’s physician stating the reason and the suitable duration for this need. Please realize that the Health Room is not a place for healthy children to remain during recess, and therefore, a discussion will need to be had with the staff in order to determine a suitable location for them to stay indoors. Please keep in mind that the PE classes routinely go outside as well. The note you provide from your child’s physician must also include these restrictions.
Please keep your emergency contact information updated throughout the year and make sure we have at least one good working number and one additional emergency contact listed that are available if your student is sick during the day. The expectation is that someone will be available to pick up a sick child from school within an hour of our call home.
Lastly, please complete and return any health forms that come home in your student's folders (example missing physical forms or dental forms).
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Thanks and have a great year!
Joanne O’Keefe RN 410-313-5555
Melanie Lawhorn-Health Assistant
Information Worth Repeating
2024-2025 New School Hours
First Bell: 9:00 a.m. Students enter building. Car riders, please wait for a staff member to arrive in the car rider loop before exiting your car.
Late Bell: 9:15 a.m. Academics begin. Students arriving after 9:15 a.m. are considered late and must be signed in by a parent or guardian in the front office.
***Please note, grace is given the first week of school. Please do not worry if your bus is running late or you or the car loop is moving slowly. Students arriving late on buses are always excused.
3:35 p.m. Students stack and pack their materials
3:40 p.m. Car riders, after care, and after school activities are dismissed
3:43 p.m. Bus riders begin dismissal (K, 1, 2)
3:45 p.m. Bus riders continue dismissal (3, 4, 5)
LES Master Schedule 2024-2025
Information and Application for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs)
To qualify for Free and Reduced Meals, families will need to apply for that benefit.
HCPSS participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, which provides families with significant benefits to help save money. Qualification is based on family size and income, and enrollment is confidential. All children in households receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can get free meals regardless of income, and students from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. Those eligible for reduced-price lunch pay $0.10 and breakfast is free.
Free and Reduced Meals eligibility provides discounts for summer programs, SAT, recreation programs, Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and internet programs.
PTA News
Lisbon PTA Executive Board
President: Elizabeth Hall
1st Vice President: Elizabeth Dudley
2nd Vice President: Diane Byrne
Treasurer: Kate Weiss
Recording Secretary: Tarah Theoret
Hi From Your Lisbon PTA!
We hope you have had a wonderful first week of school! We hope you will mark your calendars for our upcoming September events!
Thursday, September 5 - Restaurant Night at the Crazy Mason, 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Friday, September 6 - Welcome Back Social - 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Lisbon Park
Wednesday, September 11 - First PTA Meeting - Join us in the Media Center - 6:00-7:00 p.m. is Social Hour followed by our meeting. Come see what we have in store this year! We can't wait to see you!
Wednesday, September 25 - Restaurant Night at Stratosphere Social, 4:00-9:00 p.m.
We invite you to join the PTA for the 2024-2025 School Year! Please use the link below to join us! Membership perks include some special discounts on some of our events this year!
Community News and Programs
The link below will take you to community notices are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.