The Palms Post
February 23, 2024
Memo from the Principal
UPDATED February 23, 2024
It was a fast week, with several upcoming events! Please be on the look-out next week about March is Reading Month as an email will be coming to all parents on February 29, along with some paper-copy information coming home from students! We are excited to "Spotlight" the joy of reading over the next few weeks with our amazing Polar Bears!
Also, please note important upcoming events (All flyers are listed below in The Palms Post):
- Daddy/Daughter Dance (February 23, $10 per family)
- Kids Heart Challenge (Donations due Wednesday, February 28)
- Kindergarten & Young 5's Round-Up (March 4 from 4:00-6:00pm at Palms)
- Donuts w/Grown-Ups (March 5 & March 6, by last name please, due to space)
- March is Reading Month, info will be coming home February 29
If there are any questions, feel free to call our office at 810-676-1351. Thanks so much! #Believe
Mr. Mike Domagalski
Principal, Palms Elementary
Happenings at Palms - February
Friday, February 23
- Daddy/Daughter Dance 6:00-8:00pm at Palms (Boots & Beauties, Country Theme) - $10 advanced registration was expected. SEE BELOW!
Monday, February 26
- ECSD School Board Meeting 6:00pm
Wednesday, February 28
- Kids Heart Challenge Donations due - SEE BELOW!
Thursday, February 29
- March is Reading Month (MIRM) info coming home for parents
Monday, March 4
- Kindergarten & Young 5's ROUND-UP (4:00-6:00pm at Palms) - SEE BELOW!
Tuesday, March 5
- Donuts with Grown-Ups (8am at Palms for student's with last names A-K) - SEE BELOW!
Wednesday, March 6
- Donuts with Grown-Ups (8am at Palms for student's with last names L-Z) - SEE BELOW!
New Staff - Welcome Jordan Gardner (Occupational Therapist)
As of this week, we have welcomed a new Occupational Therapist, Ms. Jordan Gardner. Although we are sad to see Dr. Megan Hargrave leaving Palms to service other buildings/students in the district, we are surely in good hands. Dr. Hargrave gives glaring reviews of Ms. Gardner, and we are excited to have her aboard. Ms. Gardner has sent letters to each student's parent she will be servicing on Tuesday afternoons.
Unless your child receives Occupational Therapy, they probably won't even notice a new staff member; however, we wanted to send notification of this change.
Welcome, Ms. Jordan Gardner, to the Palms staff!
Parking at Pick-Up
Palms Parents,
It’s been reported, and noticed, that several cars are being parked, and sitting, in non-designated parking areas at pick-up times (between 3:30-3:45pm). Although this may be advantageous for those few, it often times makes it more dangerous for the many and inconsiderate.
When coming to Palms, especially at pick-up times, please park in the designated parking areas that are spray painted. Parents/adults are encouraged to park in the designated spray painted areas in EITHER parking lot on the south end of the building.
We all need to simply work together for the safety of everyone, as well as model proper cooperation with each other, especially at times where there is always expected congestion.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Palms Positive Polar Pride Winners: February 20-23
We have great kids!!! #PalmsRocks!
Mrs. Versteegden's 5th Graders Learn About Gravity
In Mrs. Versteegden's 5th grade class, students discover that gravity exists on all planets and moons, but the amount of gravity is different because it depends on how massive the object is. In the activity, Gravity Jump, students measure how high they can jump on Earth and then calculate how high they would be able to jump on other planets and moons within our Solar System.
ECSD Needs You!
If so, we think you would make a great substitute lunch aide and/or
paraprofessional in our District. If you agree, please speak with your child’s building principal or check out the East China School District’s employment page at www.eastchinaschools.org/page/humanresources.
Enrolling now for GSRP
NOW ENROLLING! Please see the attached information regarding the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) for the school year 2024-25. Children must be 4 years old by September 1 of the current school year. Apply online at SCCRESA.org or snap the QR Code.
Any questions, call 810-676-1010.
Palms Partners With SchoolStore.com Another Year
Birthdays At Palms
- RECOGNITION: When a student has a birthday, they will be recognized during the morning announcements and given a birthday treat.
- TREATS/GIFTS: If parents would like to send in a birthday treat, we ask that the treat be pre-packaged, individual-packaged, and nut-free. Classroom supplies would be a great treat for the class as these are recommended as opposed to a food treat.
- TEACHERS: Parents should communicate with their child's teacher a week in advance on a birthday and agree on the appropriate treat/gift for the class.
Arrival, Dismissal, Safety & Security
- DROPPING OFF: Out of consideration for others, when dropping off students, please pull to the front of the drop–off area and keep the line of traffic moving.
- Please have your child on the RIGHT SIDE of the car when dropping off. This makes it easier and quicker.
- When students are dropped off they are to line up and enter the building at the south entrance, door #1.
- Mrs. Woodhouse’s Young 5’s students will line up outside the door to Mrs. Woodhouse’s room, door #1A.
- The office staff will sign-in the students if they are not here when the bell rings. Building entrance bell rings at 8:40 a.m.
- Classes begin daily at 8:45 a.m. and dismiss at 3:39 p.m. Students should not arrive at school before 8:30 a.m.
- Latchkey is available to parents who need supervision for their children before this time.
- PICK-UP: If you are picking your child up from school at dismissal time, grades K-5 will be dismissed out of the doors by the office, door #1. Parents will stay outside of the building during this time. If parents are a few minutes late picking up, students will stay inside the building to wait.
- If your student is leaving early for the day, please send a note with the student to let the office know. If you are picking up your student at the end of the day, they will meet you outside the doors at the south entrance (Door #1).
- The turn-around on the west side of the building (on Palms Rd.) will be for buses and staff parking only.
- Visitor parking will be located in the parking area on the south side of the building.
- As a matter of safety, DO NOT park along the sidewalk. This is a Fire Lane.
- If your child does need to be released from school during the instructional day, please notify the office in writing. Students will be called to the office when you arrive and walked out to you at the door.
For the safety of your child and to avoid confusion, no child will be dismissed after 3:15pm on full days of school, after 11:50am on 1/2 days, or after 1:50pm on PLC days. Please wait outside to greet your child after school as this will ensure a positive and safe dismissal for all children.
Please be sure to check your child’s backpack for notes and homework assignments on a daily basis. We are looking forward to a very productive and exciting school year. Additional information is available in the Student Handbook HERE.
Palms PTO Information
- All meetings happen in the Media Center at Palms Elementary startng at 4:30pm.
- Child Care: The PTO works with the MCHS Student Government & NHS to have high school students available to watch younger children brought to a Palms PTO meeting.
- February 22
- March 21
- April 18
- May 16
PTO EMAIL ADDRESS: palmspto@gmail.com
PTO Facebook Page: "Palms Elementary PTO"
President: Kelly Morrison, 586-873-5215, kmorrison1004@gmail.com
Vice-President: Orianne Myres, 810-278-1948, orianne84@gmail.com
Secretary: Robin St. Aubin, 586-822-8861, rstaubin615@gmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Shannon Perry, 313-570-2191, shannonmperry@hotmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Heather D'Alessio, 810-289-2048, heatherdalessio25@hotmail.com
Important Links & Documents for Parents
School Attendance
- If your child is going to be absent, please call the Palms attendance line, 810-676-1366. It is important that your child is present and on time for school each day unless he/she has a fever or is sick.
Palms Elementary LInks & Info
- Palms ECSD Website LINK
- Cafeteria Menus
- Skyward Family Access - LOGIN
- Skyward Family Access - HELP
- Volunteer Application
- Regular School Day: 8:45am-3:39pm
- PLC Wednesdays: 8:45am-2:09pm
- Half Days of School: 8:45am-12:08pm
- Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm
East China School District LInks & Info
- ECSD Webpage
- Early Childhood & Daycare
- ECSD Employment Opportunities
- Latchky Information
- East China Educational Foundation
- ECSD Calendar of Events
Please call the office at 810-676-1351 for any questions.
Emergency Information
Emergency Information
Emergency Information
Palms Information
Email: lglasgow@ecsd.us
Website: https://eastchinaschools.org/schools/palms-elementary/
Location: 6101 Palms Road, Ira Township, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 676-1350