The Hoffman Hum - 11/1/24

The Hoffman Hum! - Hoffman School's Official Family Newsletter
Friday, November 1, 2024
¡Traduzca este boletín! 이 뉴스 레터를 번역하세요! Энэ мэдээг орчуулаарай! Przetłumacz ten biuletyn! | Переведите этот информационный бюллетень!
- Watch this short video for instructions on how to translate it into your language.
- Mire este breve video para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducirlo a su idioma.
- 귀하의 언어로 번역하는 방법에 대한 지침은이 짧은 비디오를 시청하십시오.
- Үүнийг хэрхэн богино хугацаанд өөрийн хэл рүү хөрвүүлэх зааврыг энэ видеоноос үзээрэй.
- Obejrzyj ten krótki film, aby uzyskać instrukcje, jak przetłumaczyć go na swój język.
- Посмотрите это короткое видео, чтобы узнать, как перевести его на ваш язык.
Hoffman School
Email: afranco@glenview34.org
Website: ho.glenview34.org
Location: 2000 Harrison Street, Glenview, IL, USA
Phone: 847-998-5040
Principal's Message
Happy Friday!
First, I want to extend a huge thank you to our PTA and our room parents for planning and supporting our fall parties yesterday! The students really enjoyed the activities and dressing up. I think we created a lot of special memories for our students. I have included some pictures below! (I was not able to get pictures from every classroom but I did my best to get as many as I could!)
This weekend on Sunday, daylight saving time will end. I want to remind everyone that we will turn the clocks back an hour. Sometimes this can result in students coming to school an hour early. Although I am always happy to see students early and excited to start school, I'm sure they would prefer an extra hour of sleep.
This Tuesday, November 5th, is Election Day. As a result, there will be no school for students. Next week, we will also have High Five Friday; one of my favorite events. During arrival, members of the Glenview Fire Department and Glenview Police Department will be on hand to welcome students into the school with high fives!
Later this month, Report cards will be available to parents via Powerschool on November 22nd. I hope that parent teacher conferences helped families better understand how their students are doing in school. Report cards are another great opportunity for us to share student's current levels of performance and enhance communication with families.
Have a great weekend!
Luke Larmee
Hoffman School Principal
2024 Hoffman Fall Party Pictures
Mariano - 4th Grade
McKenna - 4th Grade
Ms.Hagist 4th & Ms.Cabey 3rd Dual Classes Ofrenda Table
Caplan Pierce - 5th Grade
Caplan Pierce - 5th Grade
Caplan Pierce - 5th Grade
Purelku - 5th Grade
Finer - 5th Grade
Ms.Hagist 4th & Ms.Lepe 5th Dual classes Ofrenda table
Lindstrom - 5th Grade
Lindstrom - 5th Grade
Lindstrom - 5th Grade
Front Office Staff
Ms.Franco & Ms.Garcia
Hoffman Staff
Ms.Cone - Drama teacher
P.E Staff
Principal Luke Larmee celebrating his "Bee-Day"
The 3rd Grade Teachers dress up as Uno Cards
The 5th Grade Teacher dressed up as 5th Graders
Lost and Found
We have a lot of lost sweatshirts and jackets in our lost and found. If you see anything here that belongs to your child, please ask them to pick it up.
Glenview Public Library
Author Kate Hannigan Pizza Party Drawing
From the Glenview Public Library - Kate Hannigan, award-winning author of 14 books for children including History Comics The Great Chicago Fire: Rising From the Ashes and The League of Secret Heroes series, is visiting Glenview Public Library on Monday, November 11th from 6:30 to 7:30 PM to talk to Glenview students in grades 3 +.
As a special prelude to this highly anticipated author event, Glenview Public Library is hosting an exclusive Pizza Party with Kate Hannigan for 10 fans in grades 3-8 that attend Glenview schools on Nov. 11 at 5:45 PM.
Children will get to spend time with Ms. Hannigan and ask her questions about her books and her history as a writer all while enjoying a pizza dinner!
Fill out this form for your child's opportunity to enter the drawing. Winners will be contacted on Nov. 5th.
From the PTA's Newsletter...
Meet the 2024-2025 HE/HO PTA Board
President: Laura Hewitt president@hehopta.org
Vice President: Michelle Greenhaw vicepresident@hehopta.org
Past President: Kristen Dallman
Treasurer: Randi Miller treasurer@hehopta.org
Assistant Treasurer: Alyssa Storey treasurer2@hehopta.org
Secretary: Aleks Orlic secretary@hehopta.org
Social Events: Mary Ko socialevents@hehopta.org
Membership: Urszula Pojawis members@hehopta.org
Sponsorship: Emily Condon sponsorship@hehopta.org
Marketing & Communications: Jenny Galinski marketing@hehopta.org
See's Candies Yumraiser Starts 11/1!
It’s time to turn candy into cash! Starting today, 11/1, you can order your favorite chocolate assortments, and 20-50% of the proceeds go back to the HE/HO PTA! It’s the perfect holiday gift for those who help you all year round- think hairstylists, coworkers, teachers, house cleaners, babysitters, and hostess gifts! Candy is ready to ship 11/11 and the shop is open through 12/9.
Orders ship directly to you, making holiday shopping easier than ever.
Spirit Fridays!
Rock your school colors or spirit wear every Friday during the 2024-25 school year! Visit the spirit wear store today to stock up.
Stock the Lounge!
Help us stock the staff lounges!
Please help us by donating an item or two to help stock the staff lounges for our teachers!.
Upcoming Dates
11/5/24 - No School (Election Day)
11/8/24 - Hoffman High Five Friday
11/8/24 - PTA Meeting at Henking - 9:30 am
11/20/24 - 3rd Grade and Choir Performances
- 5:30-6:00 - Greene, Hanna, Tomey, Cabey and 4th/5th Grade Choir
- 6:30-7:00 - O'Hara, Tomaszewski, Hoerr, Klise and 4th/5th Grade Choir
11/27/24 - Institute Day - No school for students
11/28/24 & 11/29/24 - Thanksgiving Break - No school for students
School Hours
M, T, R, F
Arrival Begins: 7:35 AM
Classes Begin: 7:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM
Arrival Begins: 8:35 AM
Classes Begin: 8:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM