June Coalition News
Prevent Coalition Events, Resources, Opportunities and more.
STASHA Accepting Applications
Applications due Friday, June 19. Click here to learn more or visit bit.ly/joinSTASHA.
The Clark County STASHA Peer Education program is recruiting youth volunteers for the 2020-2021 school year. Youth ages 12-19 serve a one-year term (September to June) with the opportunity to stay on with the program until they age out.
STASHA (stay-shuh) stands for Strong Teens Against Substance Hazards and Abuse. Most simply put, we are a nonjudgmental and inclusive group of Clark County youth preventing youth drug and alcohol use, using our words and in our own way. We work to encourage healthy behavior, build resilience, provide coping resources and support to youth in our community. However, within our prevention work, STASHA creates connections and bonds with those we impact, and we demonstrate how connection is the best prevention.
Who is missing out on youth leadership opportunities like this? Who needs to know their voice matters? STASHA wants to be even more intentional about reaching out to youth who are currently underrepresented or unrepresented on our current STASHA team. The group continuously strives to be more representative of the diversity of youth living in Clark County as that is what makes prevention work.
If you or your potential applicants have any questions, contact 564.397.5841 or alaina.green@clark.wa.gov.
Mind Your Meds Social Media Challenge: Prescription Safety Starts with You!
To raise awareness about the opioid problem throughout our region, and all around the US, from June 1st through June 5th, Prevent Coalition is partnering with other coalitions and organizations around SW Washington to promote a week long social media campaign called Mind Your Meds Challenge: Prescription Safety Starts with You!
Each day, Prevent Coalition and our partners are sharing information on our Facebook and Instagram pages and encouraging our followers to take an active role in minding their meds. Together, we’re challenging them to take a pledge to disrupt the opioid issues in their communities by choosing to be informed and doing their part to prevent misuse and abuse of prescription opioids and other addictive medications. They will make a huge impact by taking an active role in safeguarding and properly disposing their medications and having conversations with loved ones about alternatives to opioid use and the dangers of taking medication that wasn’t prescribed for you. These hard conversations show the people they love, they care.
To make his campaign effective, we’re asking for their help by participating in the challenge, sharing their progress, and tagging friends and family. Each day they participate in the challenge, they’ll be entered into a drawing for a chance to win $20 Visa gift cards, thanks to our partner and sponsor Molina Healthcare.
We challenge YOU to take an active role in the #MindYouMedChallenge by following the Prevent Coalition and our partners social media pages. Together, let’s do our part to end the opioid crisis in SW Washington, and all around the US.
Together, we do better. Thank you to the following partners for contributing to the development of the #MindYourMedsChallenge and together using the campaign to inform and challenge our communities to take an active role in minding their meds.
Opioid Response Grant Opportunity
Click here for more information and to apply. The WA Department of Health and Human Services is offering Opioid Response Grants for project planning.
"This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Planning (RCORP-Planning). RCORP is a multi-year HRSA initiative with the goal of reducing morbidity and mortality resulting from substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), in high risk rural communities. This funding opportunity, RCORP-Planning, will advance RCORP’s overall goal by strengthening and expanding the capacity of rural communities to provide SUD/OUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services. The purpose of RCORP-Planning is to strengthen and expand the capacity of rural communities to engage high-risk populations and provide SUD/OUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services."
You Can Get Through This
Resources on Alcohol and COVID-19
Our partners at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) have shared new resources on alcohol use during COVID-19. These resources include prevention tips, treatment opportunities and more.
New Drive In Wi-Fi Hot Spots
The Washington State Broadband Office estimates over 300 new drive-in Wi-Fi hotspots are coming online statewide through an initiative to bring free public broadband internet access to all residents.
Click here for a list of public Wi-Fi locations.
Click here for safety tips when using public Wi-Fi.
Click here for the full media release.
Survey Deadline Extended: June 4 at 10 a.m.
www.bit.ly/surveyrural or https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PYSVWFP
If you live, work, play or serve in a rural community, or if you simply identify with the word "rural," this is for you!
Share insights that will help us develop tools that work for you. Help create a clearer picture of what your community needs to build upon existing sources of strength, stay healthy, connected, and free of substance misuse.
Next Rural Network Meeting
Rural Network Meeting
Thursday June 18, 2020
1 - 2:30 p.m.
Email preventcoalition@esd112.org for invite and link to join.
Topic: Analyze survey results, review data from Epidemiology team, develop recommendations and to induct Steering Committee members.
Click here to access May meeting minutes.
Email preventcoalition@esd112.org or learn more and to subscribe for meeting reminders.
Rural Grant Progress
Full updates will be provided during meetings and in minutes. Highlights include:
- Website: Want to be listed on our website "Partners" website page? Email preventcoalition@esd112.org with your logo and website information.
- Sector Representatives: A survey tool is now available to share contact information and recruit new members. Click here to view the tool and submit partner contacts.
- Map: ESD 112 Communications developed four new maps for us, that outline rural areas in ESD (Educational Service District) jurisdictions and YMPEP (Youth Marijuana Prevention & Education Program) regions. Click here to view the report.
- Assessment: We have collected 275 survey responses. On June 4, survey responses will be sent to the Epidemiology team for analysis.
- Assessment: We've completed 3 of 4 scheduled Listening Sessions. If you would like us to host a Listening Session with your community or coalition, email preventcoalition@esd112.org. Events must take place by June 11.
- Sub-Contract: We have a sub-contract with Clark County Public Health to complete Epidemiology work and fulfill Needs Assessment analysis requirements. The team is currently analyzing public health indicators to create a data analysis by the end of June. Although COVID-19 restricts access to Healthy Youth Survey data, the Epidemiology team will still provide other indicators for the assessment.
For a full grant progress timeline visit www.preventcoalition.org/rural/our-work/.
Prevention Summit is Going Virtual!
A message from the Prevention Summit:
"As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we have made the decision to host the Washington State Prevention Provider Meeting and Prevention Summit virtually. Your health and safety are our top priorities. Prevention is as important as ever in this time! We are dedicated to continuing to support the very important work you are doing to support the resiliency of youth, families and your community.
The pre-conference Washington State Prevention Provider Meeting will be held on Monday, November 2nd followed by the Prevention Summit on Tuesday, November 3rd and Wednesday, November 4th.
We invite you to complete a short survey to help us create a virtual conference format that best fits your needs. The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete and will close at 12:00 pm (noon) on Monday, June 8th.
We thank you all for your continued support and engagement during this process. If you have any questions regarding the 2020 virtual conference, please do not hesitate to reach out to Angie Funaiole (angie.funaiole@hca.wa.gov) and Fallon Baraga (fallon.baraga@hca.wa.gov).
About the Summit:
The goal of the Prevention Summit is to provide an enriching and culturally competent training and networking opportunity for youth, volunteers and professionals working toward the prevention of substance abuse, violence and other destructive behaviors as well as integrating such prevention efforts with primary health care.
Please visit the conference website for updates at preventionsummit.org."
Tobacco and e-cigarette companies are exploiting the COVID-19 crisis to market their harmful and addictive products around the world, especially online, though mobile text messages and on social media. Companies are undermining minimum age requirements and are engaging in pandemic-themed marketing even as health experts warn that smoking and vaping can facilitate transmission of COVID-19 and increase risk of serious health complications.
Educate and protect youth from the dangers of e-cigarettes and tobacco products. Visit www.youthnow.me/schools and access free curriculum, infographics, games, videos and current news about vaping. All major health organizations recommend quitting as the best way for current tobacco and e-cigarette users to protect themselves against COVID-19. Cessation resources for youth and adults are available on the “Counselors Resources” page.
"Washington Listens," A Crisis Counseling Program
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the state is standing up a Crisis Counseling Program (CCP) called Washington Listens. Washington Listens will provide non-clinical support based support to people experiencing elevated stress due to COVID-19.
Anyone in the state can call Washington Listens. The person in crisis will speak to a counselor and receive support and connection to community resources in their area. The program is anonymous and no identifying information is maintained.
When a caller reaches out to Washington Listens they will select their preferred language and accessibility option. Their call will then be routed to a live person for assistance. People who staff Washington Listens will receive basic training needed to provide support to individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following is a list of providers and tribes who will be starting up a team.
- Crisis Connections
- Community Integrated Health Services (CIHS)
- American Indian Community Center (AICC)
- Swinomish Tribe
- Colville Tribe
- Frontier Behavioral Health (FBH)
- Okanogan Behavioral HealthCare (OBHC)
To learn more, read the Washington Listens fact sheet. Contact Matt.Gower@hca.wa.gov or Amanda.lewis@hca.wa.gov.
Mark Your Calendar
Prevent Coalition events:
Rural Office Hours (Register for guidance/Technical Assistance. No formal agenda)
Wednesday June 3
1-2 p.m.
Online virtual conference call.
Coalition Coordinators Meeting (For Coalition staff in the SW Washington region)
Thursday June 4
9:30-11 a.m.
Online, link coming soon.
Liquor & Cannabis Board Virtual Prevention Roundtable
Monday June 8
10 - 12 p.m.
Online virtual event.
Rural Network Meeting (Collaboration of rural volunteers and leaders across Washington)
Thursday June 18
1-2:30 p.m.
Online virtual conference call.
Click for full calendar of coalition and community events.
Other Training & Events
6/16 Webinar: Tailoring Prevention Messages to Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women from 10-11 a.m.
6/18 Webinar: Six Effective Elements of Coalitions online from 12-1:30 p.m.
6/22 Webinar: Research, Policies, and Practices: Federal and Community-level Perspectives on Vaping online from 12-1:30 p.m.
6/23 Webinar: It's Legal, Now What?! Marijuana Legal Communications from 10-11 a.m.
6/25 Webinar: How to Prevent Youth Vaping, Part 1 online from 10-11 a.m.
* For more prevention events and training visit The Athena Forum.
** "Other Training & Events" listings are not sponsored by Prevent Coalition.
Thank you for staying strong.
We're grateful for your determination to remain virtually connected and optimistic during social distancing and COVID-19 delays.
Forward this newsletter to a friend, colleague or youth leader. You may also pass our news link along: bit.ly/preventnews.
Email: preventcoalition@esd112.org
Website: www.PreventCoalition.org
Location: 2500 NE 65th Ave., Vancouver, WA, USA
Phone: 360-952-3457
Facebook: Facebook.com/PreventCoalition
Twitter: @preventcc112