Lewis and Clark Newsletter
February 5, 2025
👭 Community Meeting!
Meeting will take place in the Library.
Cookies and coffee provided. Please join us!
🏅 Semester One Honor Roll
➕➖➗ Middle School Math Day
Calculated fun for Lewis and Clark competitors!
Lewis and Clark students competed with students from all six middle school for mathematical bragging rights before enjoying an afternoon of bowling for their mental efforts! Lewis and Clark tied for first place in the team competition with Ben Steele and Castle and ended up taking third in the tie breaker competition! Lewis and Clark representative, Otis Kelso-Heggem, took first place overall in the competition. Congratulations to all those who competed!
Third Place Team Trophy
Otis Kelso-Heggem, Tiegen Vanderesch, Mark Olson, and Nicolas Brownell
Bowling fun!
Still competing!
🎥 New Scout Press edition!
💝 Sweets for your sweeties!
Cooking for a Cause Club Fundraiser!
Parents: If you would like to order a cookie for your students, please send an envelope to the office to put in Mrs.Herne's box. In the envelope please include the $3 (per cookie), name of student(s), and a note to be delivered with the cookie. Deadline to order cookies is Thursday February 13 at 3pm. Cookies will be delivered to students on Valentine's Day.
🕺 Valentine's Day Dance
February 14 -Hosted by Student Council
The Valentine's Day Dance will be Friday February 14 from 3:15pm-4:45pm. Cost is $2.00 for all students. Students must be in the gym by 3:30pm. Students are not allowed to leave the dance and come back, so once a student exits the building, they will not be allowed back in. School dress code and rules apply. Get your friends together and plan for some boot scootin' fun!
📝 8th Grade High School Registration
February 10th and 14th/25th
Counselors will be talking to students about HS registration in Science classes on these two days. The parent meetings will be February 19, 2025 at all three high schools at 6pm. Representatives from all high school satellite or alternative campuses will be present to answer questions. Senior and West High Counselors will then be here February 25 to officially register students. Please see the links below for more information and different campus programs options!
📏 6th Grade Scaled Success
6th Grade Enriched Math students applied their learned skills with scale proportion to create scaled copy drawings. Check out their work in the link! Way to go!
🫓 6th Grade Learning Connections
6th Grade students are reading Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse in Enriched English. They were making text to text connections by reading Fry Bread by Kevin Maillard and exploring foods that connect them to their families/heritages. They expanded to making text to self connections by sharing foods that connect with their our own personal family and/or heritage.
Ronen shared Latkes
Ronan shared Kimbap
Tiegan shared Dutch pancakes
📷 Picture Days!
Club Picures
- February 7
📅 Looking Ahead
- February 4- Honor Roll Assemblies for Semester One
- February 10 & 14- HS registration discussions in Science classes for 8th grade
- February 11- Area Community Meeting in Library @6pm
- February 14- Valentine's Day Dance 3:15-4:45pm in the gym
- February 19- HS parent meeting at 6pm for 8th grade parents at Senior, Skyview, and West High
- February 20- Orchestra Concert @7pm
- February 24- Volleyball Tryouts Begin
- February 25- Senior High and West High Counselors here to register 8th grade students
- February 27- Band Concert @7pm
📲 Stay Connected!
Are you on Parent Square?
We use Parent Square to communicate with our families! Please download the app or get signed up for an account today! We don't want anyone to miss out on fun and important information!
Contact Info
Lewis and Clark Middle School
Principal: Mrs. Jody SulserAsst. Principal: Mr. Tyler Blood
Main Office: Ms. Amanda Stephenson 406-281-5900
Website: https://www.billingsschools.org/our-schools/middle-schools/lewis-clark
Location: 1315 Lewis Avenue Billings, MT. 59102
Phone: (406) 281-5900
Facebook: facebook.com/lewisandclarkscouts