Weekly Warrior
September 23, 2024
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 23rd
- MS FB vs Inola 6/7, 8, JV 5:00 PM
- HS SB @ Tahlequah Sequoyah 4:30 PM
- ELEM Pumpkin Patch PK & 3rd
Tuesday, September 24th
- Seniors - College & Career App Day AHS Library
- ELEM Pumpkin Patch Kindergarten & 2nd Grade
- HS SB vs Tahlequah Sequoyah 4:30 PM *Sr night following the game.
Wednesday, September 25th
- ELEM Pumpkin Patch 5th
Thursday, September 26th
- Tulsa State Fair Begins
- FFA Kellyville Leadership Contest
- FFA State Commercial Cattle Grading Contest
- ELEM Pumpkin Patch 1st and 4th Grade
- ACEE Banquet 6:00 PM
Friday, September 27th
- ELEM 4th Grade Assembly 8:30 AM
- HS XC @ Claremore
- HS SB vs Mannford 4:30 PM
- HS FB @ Salina 7:00 PM
- FFA AR-OK State Fair Judging
Saturday, September 28th
- Band HS marching contest @ Vinita
- FFA TSF Dairy Judging Contest
Monday, September 30th
- BHE Book Fair Begins
- MS FB vs Locust Grove 6/7th & 8th 5:30 PM *2 games
- HS SB vs Wagoner 4:30 PM
Tuesday, October 1st
- BHE September Perfect Attendance Party
- MS/HS XC Rocklahoma Run
Wednesday, October 2nd
Thursday, October 3rd
- HS SB Regional @ Adair
- FFA TSF Livestock Judging Contest
Friday, October 4th
- BHE Book Fair Last Day
- Muffins w/ Mom Cafeteria opens 7:30 AM
- HS SB Regional @ Adair
- 3rd/5th Grade TRECE presentation
- HS FB vs Chelsea 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 5th
College (Career + Tech) App Day Details
This is a come & go event for Senior students happening TUESDAY in the library!
Juniors will be invited to preview the event as well.
Seniors, even if you have applied for college or know what you plan to do after you graduate, please still come down and grab a cookie and take a picture at the photo booth (*for the mems and mom*).
Vendors Who Will Be Present:
-Rogers State University (RSU)
-Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO)
-MidAmerica Industrial Park
-Trece A
-Air Force
-Northeastern Technical Center (NTC)
-OSU-IT & NSU pending
Come down to talk about your future, fill out a college application, work on your resume or practice completing a job application!
BHE Warrior Way Winners
The following students had their name drawn last week for Warrior Way Tickets. These tickets are given out to students who are recognized for doing extra good or helpful things. Way to go guys! Lane Fisher, Evelyn Yeager, Chipper Fraley, Anniyah Bilareal, Abel Woods, Lily Fourier, Ida Meeks.
BHE September Gifted and Talented Activities
Six groups of students had the opportunity to learn a little about Geometry and Architecture while having a lot of fun. These GT groups designed a mini golf course hole as a team, while having to meet criteria with dimensions and shapes. They did a great job expressing their creativity and smarts!
BHE Question of the Day Winners
Congratulations to the Question of the Day winners for answering core curriculum content relating to Language Arts. Pictured top to bottom are: Leora Teed 3rd, Ethan Monroe 1st, Hayden Wenetschlaeger 2nd, LouLou Watkins 1st, and Alice Newsome 2nd.
AHS Band Haskell Competition
The Adair High School Band traveled to Haskell this past Saturday to compete in their invitational contest. The Warriors placed second in their class. We are proud of this accomplishment and look forward to more success. Come support your Warrior Band this Saturday in Vinita at 1:30 p.m.
AHS Softball in Action
*Photo credit - Beth Shrader
MS Softball
Adair Middle School softball finished their season with a 16-2 record.
Mrs. Jarrett Johnny Appleseed
Mrs. Couch Johnny Appleseed
MS and HS Art
MS and HS art students created a value drawing of leaves using graphite and colored pencils.
BHE Book Fair September 30 - October 4
Get Your 2023-24 Yearbook!
Adair Community for Excellence in Education Foundation
Connect with Adair Public Schools!!!
Click the links below to access our new APS Facebook page and download our new app.
👍 APS Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Adair-Public-Schools-105409531397084.
🍏 Apple APP Store - https://apps.apple.com/.../adair-public-schools/id1544514695
🤳🏻Google Play Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details...
2024-2025 Board Approved School Calendar
Athletic Schedules
Child Find Information
Child Find is a search for all children with disabilities who are not receiving a free, appropriate, public education. This applies to children between the ages of birth and twenty-one years of age, who have not yet graduated from high school. Adair Public Schools offers full educational opportunities for all students.
If you suspect your child may have a disability or know of a child with a disability who is not receiving a free, appropriate, public education, please contact the school.
APS Administration Office
Email: mlippe@adairschools.org
Website: http://adair.k12.ok.us/APS/
Location: 202 Southeast 1st Street, Adair, OK 74330, USA
Phone: 918-785-2425
Marsha Hall