Parent Update

October 20, 2024
We have had an exciting few weeks of school. This past week our students and staff experienced the first chill of Autumn. Certainly the number of bicyclists declined as we had some cold days outside. Our classrooms have been very active places. Inside our math classrooms, we have seen some very challenging thinking occurring. Our middle school students have been exploring algebraic concepts, visualizing different forms fractions can take, and puzzling out equivalent ratios. In some of the classes we have seen students analyze the different ways to slice a cake and compute how much each slice may cost. It is incredibly interesting to see the students puzzle out the fractions and then decide visually if they believe the cost matches the size of the cake slice. Students have also been looking at the way grocery stores price their goods and been determining if they are getting the right value for the price expended. Between sales and sizes, our middle schoolers are amazed at the different ways products are priced. Our Preschool hosted its first Family Night from the Preschool For All Grant. There were terrific games and explorations by our students and their families.
Auto Safety
A quick reminder, we have many vehicles coming and going during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal. Additionally, we have many pedestrians crossing streets. As the weather changes, the number of drivers will increase. It is important to be patient, aware, and kind as a driver. Everyone needs to get to their next thing on the schedule. Being patient can help some family stay safe and stay well. Additionally, using a wireless phone while driving within 500 feet of a school zone or construction zone can result in a 15 point offense on your driving record (12.610.1 (e)).
Board of Education News
The Winfield 34 Board of Education will be having their next Board Meeting on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 7pm. Here are some of the highlights:
Presentations/Discussion - Student Recognition, Winfield Primary HVAC, Capital Plan Overview, Illinois Report Card Review, School Board Association Resolutions, & TIF 2
Approvals - Hiring of long term substitute teacher, administrative assistant salary adjustment, superintendent contract extension
Here is the agenda for the Regular Board Meeting.
Public comments can be shared through the Google form or live at the meeting.
Preschool Screening
We continue to work on reaching out to our community to help identify students for our preschool program. This is a terrific opportunity for students 3-5 years old to learn in a highly engaging and supportive environment. Our next Preschool Screening is November 8, from 9-2:30am in our Primary Building. Please reach out to Mrs. Hernandez (nhernadez@winfield34.org or 630-909-4901) with questions or to schedule an appointment. Here is information on the screening and on our preschool program.
Winfield 34 PTO and Winfield Education Foundation (WEF) News
Donations Wanted for Parent/Teacher Conference Survival Bags
PTO is putting together “survival bags” for teachers ahead of Parent/Teacher conferences (Sign up for your conference here if you haven’t already)! The teachers will receive their bags before the first conference date. Please sign up on the Survival Bag Signup Genius and drop off items to Karen Sabados’ house (0S770 Garfield St.) by November 1st. We thank you for your generosity in providing the teachers with snacks for these extra long days!
Pre-K-5th Grade Classroom Parties
We are getting closer to the first classroom party of the year, which will take place on Thursday, October 31st! The AM-Pre-K party will be from 10:00-10:45 a.m. and the PM-Pre-K party will be from 2:15-3:00 p.m. Kindergarten-5th grade will participate in a costume parade on the primary school blacktop at 2:00 p.m. and the classroom party will begin at 2:15p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend the parade outside, but only parents signed up for the party (using the signupgenius links below) will be allowed into the building. Please have your State ID/Driver’s License available when checking in at the office.
Preschool parties--Sign up here!
Kindergarten-5th Grade parties--sign up here!
Box Tops For Education:
Don’t forget--we are having a contest this month! A small prize will be awarded to the top Pre-K, primary, intermediate & middle school classes. Make sure to give your class credit when scanning your receipts!
Save the Date- Fall Blood Drive
Our next blood drive is on Giving Tuesday, December 3 from 3:45-6:30 in the Central School cafeteria. More information is coming soon!
Community Spotlight: Are you making your Halloween plans already? The businesses of Prairie Trail Shopping Center (Corner of Geneva & County Farm Roads) invite you for trick or treating and family fun from 2-6 p.m. on 10/31. Get your candy bags ready!
Next PTO/WEF Meeting: Wednesday, November 6th at 7 p.m.
Parent Learning Opportunities
The GPS Parent Series hosts a variety of Parent Education Events. Here is an overview of their parent learning opportunities for the year. Events coming soon include:
- Dr. Laura Koehler Teen Anxiety and School Anxiety: Dealing with Resistance and Refusal (October 22, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Melinda Wenner Moyer How to Raise Teens You Want to Spend Time With: Science-based Strategies for Responsible, Respectful Kids (October 29, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Ron Lieber The Price You Pay for College: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make (November 7, 12-1:30pm and 7-8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Kara Alaimo Over the Influence: Why Social Media Is Toxic for Teens and How to Limit its Impact (November 14, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Nic Sheff in coversation with Jessica Lahey Understanding and Preventing Addiction: Beautiful Boy (November 20, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Ferney Ramirez IN PERSON B-PAC: Cómo ayudar a los adolescentes a gestionar sus emociones para lograr un mayor bienestar / How to Help Teens Manage Their Emotions for Greater Wellbeing (November 21, 6-8pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Emily Edlynn HYBRID EVENT -- Autonomy/Balanced Parenting: Reduce Parent Burnout and Raise Competent Kids (December 4, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Timothy Fields and Distinguished Panel FUSE -- First a Dream: Find Your Future at College Night (December 5, 7-8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
- Susanna Melón and Distinguished Panel B-PAC: Encuentra tu futuro en la noche universitaria / Find Your Future at College Night (December 5, 7-8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
- Ana Homayoun A Blueprint/Skills for Better Grades and Less Stress (December 10, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Elizabeth Hamblet Seven Steps to College Success: A Pathway for Students with Disabilities (December 11, 12-1:30pm and 7-8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Timothy Wahlberg Strengthening T(w)een Socialization Skills for Better Interpersonal Relationships (December 17, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Ferney Ramirez IN PERSON B-PAC: Estrategias para ayudar a familias y adolescentes sanos a prosperar / Strategies to Help Healthy Families and Teens Thrive (December 19, 6-8pm) Please click here for more information.
The DuPage Regional Office Of Education is leading a Mommy and Me Parent Support Group. Meetings will be November 8th and December 13th. Please click here for more information.