Spring Hill Intermediate Newsletter
Go Panthers!
September 2023
A message from Ms. Robertson
It's finally September. Summer is a distant memory, school is in full swing, and for us here at Spring Hill Intermediate, it is time to get down to business. Our staff here at Spring Hill Intermediate have really done a lot of preparation for this year and we could not be more excited about what is in store for your kids! In order for your child to get the most out of their experience here, they need to have good attendance. Our campus has a contest each 9 weeks for best attendance. The class in each grade level with the best attendance for the 9 weeks will earn a Sonic ice cream and each student will receive a token to purchase a book from our new Book Vending Machine! Please make sure that all of your child's belongings are labeled with their name (lunchbox, backpack, sweaters or jackets, etc.). Students should be reading their library books and practicing their math facts each night!
Spring Hill Intermediate September Students of the Week
September Teacher of the Month ~ Kourtney Redden, Title I Reading
We love our Technology Department!
Happy National IT Professional's Day!
September 19th
Thank you SH Cheerleaders for stopping by to say good morning to our 5th graders
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾GO PANTHERS!!!🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Chalk fun at recess!
🎒Help support the Backpack Program! 🎒
No School ~ September 4th!
UIL Parent Information Meeting
Tuesday, September 5th ~ 5:00 pm ~ Auditorium
Event try-outs begin September 25th
Big Kahuna Fundraiser Kickoff
September 6 - 25
Spring Hill Intermediate Student Council Store Opens September 11th!
7:30 - 8:00 Monday - Thursday
Items for sale $.25 - $2.00 ~ Water bottles $3.00
Calling all parents! Please join us for Spring Hill Intermediate's Open House
Thursday, September 14th 7:30 am
5th grade Roaring Chorus try-outs
September 15, 18, 19, 20, 21
5th grade students be looking for information from Mrs. Smith!
Hello Week
September 18-22
See You at the Pole
September 27th 7:30 am in front of the Intermediate Office
Vision & Hearing Screenings begin
September 27 & 28
You are invited to join PTA and attend monthly meetings!
PTA meetings will be on the following dates at noon in the JH Library
September - 7
October - 5
November - 2
December - 7
January - no meeting
February - 1
March - 7
April - 4
May - 2
Lunches and Breakfasts
Intermediate student prices for lunch and breakfast
Breakfast $2.50 paid, $.30 Reduced, $0 Free
Lunch $3.25 paid, $.40 Reduced, $0 Free
Ice cream $1.00
Cookie $.75
Did you know...you can put money on your child's lunch account in their Skyward account?
Parents! Check out this Online Safety Guide in the link below!
Scan the QR code below for information regarding how to access STAAR scores.
Released August 16, 2023
Monthly Character Traits
September: Friendship (Starts with Hello Week is Sept. 18-22)
October: Integrity (Red Ribbon Week is Oct. 23-27)
November: Gratitude (Thanksgiving)
December: Generosity (Christmas)
January: Responsibility (New Year's Resolutions)
February: Kindness (Valentine's Day)
March: Peace
April: Patience (we all need it with STAAR testing and end of the year craziness!)
May: Commitment (finish strong)
W.I.N. (What I need time)
One of our most important goals for our campus is to close achievement gaps, make sure that our students are performing on grade level and to provide challenging instruction . Part of our plan for academic success this year will include W.I.N. time. W.I.N. time is spent every day addressing each student's individual targeted instruction. Kudos to our teachers and staff for meeting each of our students' individual needs!
Check out Skyward to answer the following questions!
1. How can I check on my child's attendance?
2. How can I see if my child is missing any assignments?
3. How can I get notifications when my child's grades falls below a certain point?
4. How can I see my child's grade?
Click on the link below to view a video on how to find out how to access the information above.
3 week progress reports will only be sent to those students who are failing a subject. Please remember, you can always check your child's progress and grades at any time in Skyward.
1st - 9 Weeks
6 week progress report - September 28th
9 week report cards - October 19th
2nd - 9 Weeks
3 week progress report - November 9th
6 week progress report - December 7th
9 week report cards - January 11th
3rd - 9 weeks
3 week progress report - February 1st
6 week progress report - February 22nd
9 week report cards - March 21st
4th - 9 weeks
3 week progress report - April 11th
6 week progress report - May 2nd
9 week report cards - May 23rd
HB 114 Update: Important Changes In The Law Regarding Vaping, E-cigarettes
The 88th Texas Legislative session passed H.B. 114 and adds the following to the Texas Education Code:
...a student SHALL be removed from class and PLACED IN A DISCIPLINARY ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM... if the student: possess, uses, sells, gives, or delivers to another person an e-cigarette within 300 feet of school property...or while attending a school-sponsored or school related activity on or off school property.
With the passage of this new legislation the student code of conduct is updated to make vaping violations result in removal from campus and placement at a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) on the first offense. The legislation also clarifies that vaping at school sponsored events off of campus, including district vehicles, will result in a DAEP placement.
Parents, please discuss with your child both the negative effects of using a vape or e-cigarette and the consequences of possessing a vape or e-cigarette on campus or campus sponsored events.
Parents can find anti-vaping resources at the Texas Department of Health and Human Services.
Intermediate Supply List 2023 - 2024
Intermediate webpage and campus calendar
Click on the bar below to access the campus calendar and webpage. This information can also be found on the SHISD webpage at www.shisd.net under the campuses tab.