NPHS Weekly Counseling Update
December 6, 2024
Parent/Student Evening Event
Thank you to all that were able to make our last Parent/Student Evening Event. Please click HERE for a copy of the slideshow that was presented. If you would like to see previous presentations from this year please visit our Counseling HUB website.
Our next Presentation is on the FAFSA and Financial Aid for all grade levels.
What is the FAFSA?
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is an online financial document filled out by students and their families, and submitted to colleges. The information is used to determine if students will qualify for any grants (free money that does not have to be paid back), work study, student loans, and even some scholarships.
The FAFSA takes about 30 minutes to complete
The 2025-2026 FAFSA (for this year's seniors) will be available online December 1st. https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
Need help on the FAFSA?
WSD will host a FAFSA Frenzy (in-person assistance completing the FAFSA). The FAFSA Frenzy will be on December 11th in the evening at Liberty High School. More information to come!!
- We will also have a presenter from St. Charles Community College Presenting on Financial Aid.
******If you would like to get a head start, please begin the process by creating your required FSA ID as this can take 48 hours to activate. You may do so at https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch
1st Semester Final Exams
Final Exams will take place on Wednesday, December 18 - Friday, December 20. Please check out the schedule below. December 19 and December 20 are both EARLY RELEASE days for students in grades 9-12. We will not be disrupting finals exams by calling into classrooms, so please give plenty of notice to our attendance office if you are needing your student prior to the end of the day during finals.
Final Exam Make-Up Days
If a student misses any of their final exams, they will be expected to take them upon their return on January 6 - January 8. We will have our testing center open during WIN Time as well as Grizzly Assist after school in the library with extended hours from 2:30-4:30 pm on all 3 days.
Please Note: 1st Semester Grades will publish on the Focus Portal on January 10 at 4 pm.
With the end of the first semester nearing, it is a great time to spend our focuses on rest and relaxation. Our bodies and brains need to be recharged after times of stress the same way that electronics need to be charged up after we use them. Taking this time for our bodies help both our physical and mental health and can improve things like our immune systems, our ability to manage emotions, and our thinking/ concentration.
How do we recharge our brains and bodies? Here are a few ideas:
- Engage in physical activities like walking, yoga, or stretching
- Focus on getting a good night's sleep, eating nutritious foods, and staying hydrated
- Engage in restful hobbies like reading, listening to quiet music, drawing/ coloring/ doodling
- Use aromatherapy like scented candles, lotion, or bubble baths
- Do some type of volunteer work
- Try a new hobby like building with Legos, crocheting, or painting
- Spend time with people who you feel calm around
Remember that the counseling team is here also to support everyone. We are always happy to talk through things and/or work with you to help you identify relaxation strategies that might work best for you.
CAPS Program for 2025-2026 School Year (for current Sophomores and jJuniors)
CAPS Program (Center for Advanced Professional Studies)
Please click HERE for a video about their programs. CAPS programs are nationally recognized and help students fast forward into their future. These programs provide opportunities for students to fully immersed in a professional culture, solving real world problems, using industry standard tools and are mentored by actual employers, all while receiving high school and college credit. CAPS is an example of how business, community and public education can partner to produce personalized learning experiences that educate the workforce of tomorrow, especially in high skill, high demand jobs.
** Apply HERE if interested.
**CAPS also has shadow days that students can attend, however students must provide their own transportation. Please let Mrs. Pardo know if you are interested in shadowing one of these programs.
Contact Information
Holiday Market
On Line Store
Senior Update/Craft Show for all/Fundraiser!!!
Class of 2025 Grad Night Communication & Volunteer Sign-Ups
If you are interested in receiving communication/updates via email from NPHS Grad Night or would like to volunteer and help plan Grad Night 2025 as well as fundraising events, please fill-out the following survey: NPHS Grad Night Communications & Volunteer Survey
NPHS Senior Spirit Wear Online Store
The NPHS Senior Spirit Wear Online Store will remain open for orders. Any orders placed will take 2-3 weeks to fulfill and there is no guarantee that the order will be in by Christmas. As a reminder, a percentage of all sales will benefit the Class of 2025!!
To place an order: NPHS Online Spirit Wear Link
NPHS Holiday Market 12/07/24 Parent & Student Volunteers Needed
NPHS Grad Night in partnership with the Grizzly Way Booster Club is hosting the 3rd Annual NPHS Holiday Market on Saturday, December 7th from 9-3PM at North Point High School with all money raised supporting the Class of 2025. We are in need of both parent and student volunteers for set-up on Friday, December 6th as well as on the day of the event, Saturday, December 7th. We are also in need of a few food donations for the volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please sign-up using the link below.NPHS Holiday Market PARENT Volunteer Sign-Up
NPHS Holiday Market STUDENT Volunteer Sign-Up
Grad Night Meeting
Join us at the next NPHS Grad Night Meeting on Monday, January 13th at 6PM at the NPHS Library. Hope to see you there!9th and 10th Grade
- Continue to work on your GPA (need 2.5 unweighted GPA)
- Continue to work on your attendance (need 95%)
- Talk to Mrs. Pardo about tutoring, as many freshmen and sophomore do not start their hours until Junior year.
- You can do Job Shadowing, please see Mrs. Pardo for more information if interested in this opportunity.
- Students must attend a one-time training before beginning their hours.
- Two trainings a month are offered, one during the school day and one after school. The next training dates are: Tuesday, December 10th during Orange WIN time in the Student Center and then Wednesday, December 11th at 2:25 p.m. in the Student Center.
11th and 12th Grade
- A+ Students can participate in Job Shadowing to earn hours
The other opportunities offered after attending Tutor Training:
- Chautauqua Application
- Special Opportunities, link available when there are opportunities (Evening & Sat events)
- Elementary Classroom tutoring (Instructions on A+ Contact List)
NPHS Student Center Team
(A-G) Mrs. VanRonzelen - kristinavanronzelen@wsdr4.org
(H-O) Mr. Laughman- konradlaughman@wsdr4.org
(P-Z) Mrs. Haley - meridithhaley@wsdr4.org
College/Career/A+ Program: Mrs. Pardo - melissapardo@wsdr.org
Educational Support Counselor: Heather Hanvy - heatherhanvy@wsdr4.org
Registrar: Mrs. Shumaker - kellieshumaker@wsdr4.org
Secretary: Mrs. Ritchey - jodyritchey@wsdr4.org