MAMS February Update
February 3, 2025
Important Dates
Baseball Parent Meeting, 6-7pm (Mini- Theatre
National School Counselor Week Begins
Feb. 4th- Wrestling @ Nick Jeralds, 4pm
Home Basketball v. Nick Jeralds, 4pm (8th Grade Night- before each game)
Feb. 6th- Progress Reports Go Home
Feb. 10th- Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:30-5pm
Love the Bus Week- Celebrate our Bus drivers!
Feb. 11th- Girls Basketball Strength Game (TBD)
Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:00-5pm
Feb. 12th- Wrestling Strength Game (TBD)
Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:00-5pm
Feb. 13th- Boys Basketball Strength Game (TBD)
PTO Meeting, 6pm (Media Center)
Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:00-5pm
Feb. 17th- CCS Telework Day- No school for students (School Buildings Closed)
President's Day
Feb. 18th- CCS Required Workday- No school for students
Feb. 19th- Spring Sports Tryouts Begin ( Girls Soccer, Boys Track, Softball, and Baseball)
Feb. 25th- Black History Month Speaker, Dr. Sonny Kelly, 9:30am (Mini-Theatre)
Thank you Estep Family!
Thank you to the Estep family and the PTO for another wonderful "Panther Pick-Me-Up." It was truly appreciated!
Spring Sports
Join PTO!
Please take the time to join our PTO! Our first meeting for this school year will be September 12th at 6pm in the Media Center at Max Abbott.
Parent Right to Know Statement
In accordance with ESEA Section 1111(h)(6) PARENTS RIGHT-TO-KNOW, CCS is notifying every family of a student in a Title I school that you have the right and may request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers and/or teacher assistants.
This information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers and teacher assistants includes, at a minimum, the following:
Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
Whether the child is provided services by teacher assistants and, if so, their qualifications.
If you would like to request the qualifications of your child’s teacher and/or teacher assistant please contact the CCS Human Resources Office, (910) 678-2629
In addition, your child’s school will notify you at any time your child has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher not meeting state professional qualifications.
De acuerdo con la Sección 1111 (h) (6) de ESEA, DERECHO A SABER DE LOS PADRES, WS / FCS está notificando a cada familia de un estudiante en una escuela de Título I que usted tiene el derecho y puede solicitar información sobre las calificaciones profesionales de su hijo. maestros de aula y / o asistentes de maestros.
Esta información con respecto a las calificaciones profesionales de los maestros y asistentes de maestros de su hijo incluye, como mínimo, lo siguiente:
1. Si el maestro ha cumplido con los criterios estatales de calificación y licencia para los niveles de grado y las materias en las que el maestro brinda instrucción.
2. Si el maestro está enseñando bajo un estado de emergencia u otro estado provisional a través del cual se ha renunciado a los criterios estatales de calificación o licencia.
3. El título de licenciatura del maestro y cualquier otra certificación de posgrado o título que posea el maestro, y el campo de disciplina de la certificación o título.
4. Si el niño recibe servicios de asistentes de maestros y, de ser así, sus calificaciones.
Si desea solicitar las calificaciones del maestro de su hijo y / o asistente de maestro, comuníquese con la Oficina de Recursos Humanos de CCS, (910) 678-2629.
Además, la escuela de su hijo le notificará en cualquier momento en que un maestro que no cumpla con las calificaciones profesionales estatales le haya enseñado a su hijo durante 4 o más semanas consecutivas.