Helms Newsletter #5
September 9th, 2024
- Tues 9/10: 1st/2nd/SLC/kinder Ready to Grow Gardens
- Thur 9/12: Coffee with Principal 8:30AM (Cafeteria)
- Thur 9/12: Open House 5:00-6:00PM
- Thur 9/12: PTA shirt sale at Open House 5:00 pm -6:00 pm -New shirt design debut!
- Mon 9/16: SDMC Meeting 3:30 PM
- Wed 9/18: PTA General Meeting 6:00 PM in the Cafeteria
- Wed 9/18: National Rice Krispie Treat Day
- Thur 9/19: Coffee with Principal Virtual 5:00PM
- Fri 9/20: Chalk it Up
- Tues 10/1: Principals Month
- Wed 10/2: Custodian Day
- Wed 10/2: Hispanic Heritage Month
- Thurs 10/3: Staff Professional Development Day: No School for Students
- Fri 10/4: Fall Holiday - No School
- Wed 10/9: National Bully Prevention Day
- Thurs 10/10: Coffee with Principal 8:30AM / Cafeteria
- Wed 10/16: PTA General Meeting 6:00PM
- Everyday: Playground open to Helms families 3:15pm-3:45pm. Enter through front reception. VIPS approval required. Playground is open to the public after 6:00pm once after school program ends.
- Helms Spirit Shirts can be worn everyday!
Pre-Kinder Lunch Menu -September
Kinder-5th Grade Lunch Menu - September
Social Skill for the Week - Accept No
Note from Nurse Phillips
Teacher of the Month for August
Field Trip T-Shirts - Deadline to order Oct. 1st
Turn in money to reception office.
PTA Meeting Wednesday, September 18th
Our first monthly PTA meeting will be September 18th at 6pm in the Helms cafeteria.
Free childcare provided. Translators available. More info to come next week.
Reminder! All members must renew membership each year.
Committe Highlight
Grant Writing Committee
Calling all grant writers and seekers! Helms grant writing committee is looking for members who are interested in helping PTA find potential grants for our programs and school. This committee is ideal for members who are looking to get involved but prefer to work from home. If this sounds like you, please reach out to hello@helmspta.org and we will connect you!
Ready to Grow Gardens
The Helms PTA is excited to continue to support the Ready to Grow Gardens program for the 24-25 school year. This program gives students in 1st-5th grades an opportunity for hands on education in in our vegetable garden.
We love volunteers in the garden! Volunteers help in passing out supplies, washing and prepping vegetables, guiding students, etc. Volunteers must be VIPS approved. Have questions? Please reach out to Carra Moroni at moronicarra@gmail.com or 318-669-2904.
PTA After School Program
If you have any questions you can reach the program at AfterSchool@helmsPTA.org or visit the HelmsPTA.org website.
Parent Portal HISD Connect for PowerSchool
The district's Student Information System (SIS), HISD Connect by PowerSchool, includes student contact, enrollment, and demographic information, as well as grades and online resources.
Parents are given a unique code, or access ID, for each of their students and are able to use those codes to set up an account to access their students' profiles through the parent portal. Parents who haven't received their student's access ID should contact their school.
Helpful Links
Clever for HISD (access learning programs and more)
HISD Connect (AKA parent portal or PowerSchool. Access students grades, attendance, and forms.)
Register with VIPS to volunteer on campus
What is VIPS? VIPS stands for Volunteers in Public Schools. It is HISD's volunteer management program. You may also hear it referred to as RAPTOR.
Anyone volunteering for the school during school hours must be VIPS approved for safety reasons. Applicants register, complete an online orientation, and consent to a background check. Volunteers must reapply each year. After completion, look for an email verification from donotreply@raptortech.com confirming your application has been received. Approval process may take 0-5 days.
Student Assistance Form (SAF)
Have a Student Need? Submit a SAF:
English: https://hisd.my.site.com/saf/s/?language=en_US
Spanish: https://hisd.my.site.com/saf/s/?language=es
Gabriela Echavarria
Wraparound Resource Specialist
Olga Chavez
Social Worker
Email: Hello@HelmsPTA.org
Website: www.HelmsPTA.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HelmsDLPTA/
“Two Languages, Endless Possibilities”
Principal: Alexander Gonzalez agonza30@houstonisd.org
Assistant Principal: Helen Patino (Anguiano) Helen.Patino@houstonisd.org
Magnet Coordinator: Julie Hernandez jhernan2@houstonisd.org
Registrar/Attendance Clerk: Patricia Hernandez phernan6@houstonisd.org
Nurse: Joanna Phillips Joanna.Phillips@houstonisd.org
Email: agonza30@houstonisd.org
Website: https://www.houstonisd.org/domain/22
Phone: 713.867.5130