Weekly nEWSletter
October 25, 2024
A Message From Your Principal
Greetings, Eames Way Families,
So many great things happened this week! In addition to projects, presentations, and mystery treasure hunts, our students did a fantastic job during our bus evacuation and they couldn't be more excited for all of the fun festivities next week!
Be sure to check out our FIRST EWS Student Journalist publications below -- and I look forward to seeing many of our students and families at the EWS PTO "Trunk or Treat" on Sunday afternoon!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Warm regards,
Ms. Bishop
Important Back to School Information
Eames Way School
Website: mpsd.org
Location: 165 Eames Way, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 834-5090
Eames Way School Hours 2024-2025
Start Time:
- 8:45 AM
- Note - Dining Hall Door #3 opens for morning drop off at 8:35 AM
- 3:25 PM - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
- 1:10 PM - Wednesday (early dismissal every week)
Dates and Events to Remember
- Tuesday, 10/29: Picture Retake Day with Coffee Pond Photography
- Thursday, 10/31: EWS Halloween Parade at 2:00 PM
- Monday, 11/4: EWS School Council Meeting at 4:45-5:45 pm
- Tuesday, 11/5: No School (Students Only) - Election Day
- Wednesday, 11/6: Elementary Conferences (by appointment) from 1:30-3:30 pm
- Thursday, 11/7: Elementary Conferences (by appointment) from 6:00-8:00 pm
- Thursday, 11/7: Enrichment - Grade 4, Energy Academy (presented by the National Theatre Company)
- Monday, 11/11: No School - Veteran's Day
- Thursday, 11/14: Enrichment - Grade 2, Fossil Discoveries (presented by the Children's Museum of Easton)
- Friday, 11/15: Enrichment - Grade 1, Structures and Foundations (presented by the Children's Museum of Easton)
- Wednesday, 11/27: Early Release at 12:05 pm (No Lunch Served)
- Thursday, 11/28: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- Friday, 11/29: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Click Here for: Marshfield Public School Academic Calendar 2024-2025
In our efforts to increase opportunities for student voice at Eames Way School, we have enlisted the writing talents of our 4th and 5th graders to create original articles for our weekly newsletter publications! This opportunity is on a voluntary basis from students and a great way for them to share their experiences at EWS in a unique way. Thank you to this week's student journalists, Brendan Donnelly (grade 4) and Molly Nielsen (grade 5), for going above and beyond to create and submit this week's publication!
"Halloween Games at EWS" by Brendan Donnelly, Grade 4
Next week in physical education classes, the game “Old Witchy Toes” is coming back to EWS – And Old Witchy Toes will take your candy!
“Old Witchy Toes” has been played in physical education classes at Eames Way School for the last ten years. The game is played at all five elementary schools in Marshfield and originated at Martinson Elementary School approximately twenty-five years ago. The rules of the game are that there are two students who act as “Old Witchy Toes” and they run around tagging other students. Students have to run away and not get tagged by Old Witchy Toes in order to survive the game. If a student gets tagged, they have to wait in “Old Witchy Toes’’” haunted house until the game is over.
Mrs. Ottaviano, our physical education teacher, creates and decorates a big and colorful haunted house at the end of the gym.
At the end of the game, the eliminated players will go in old Witchy Toe’s pot and then Old Witchy Toes will add some weird ingredients such as creepy body parts, garbage, stinky stuff, bugs, spiders (students come up with ingredient ideas) and then the students in the pot get “mixed up” and eaten!
The survivors won't go in the pot because they didn’t get tagged and they are safe. That is how we play the great game “Old Witchy Toes” during the last week of October! Stay safe, EWS!
"Meet Mrs. Egelstrom!" by Molly Nielsen, Grade 5
Hi, Eames Way School! This week, I interviewed a MALC teacher who helps with kindergarteners! I asked her some questions, and she shared some cool and interesting facts about herself. The first one is that she has been a teacher for seventeen years! Also, she has a calico cat named Wiggles.
Mrs. Egelstrom likes to run in her free time, and her favorite ice cream flavors are coffee and black raspberry chip. She went to school at Boston College. Her favorite color is orange, and her favorite weather is sunny/warm. Lastly, her favorite book genres are historical fiction and biography.
I hope you enjoyed learning about her because I know I did!
EWS Halloween Parade
PTO News
EWS PTO Executive Board 2024-2025:
President / Co-President: Cara Belmosto McAuley and Jessica Norris Munoz
Vice President: Alison McPherson
Treasurer: Jenny Johnson
Secretary: To Be Announced @ Next PTO Meeting
Email: eameswaypto@gmail.com
Want to win a $100 Amazon gift card?
If you make a donation to Love for EWS - BOOST, through November 26th, you will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Anyone that has already donated to BOOST will also be entered. The drawing will be Wednesday, November 27, 2024 and sent home with your student. Click the link to learn more about BOOST or to make a donation: https://eamesway.ptboard.com/formvw?store=5690&form=1
As a reminder, BOOST stands for "Bringing Outstanding Opportunities to our Students and Teachers". This is our primary fundraiser of the year and every dollar donated goes directly to support educational and enrichment initiatives for our students. Thank you to all that generously donate to BOOST!
Bus Safety Update
Thank you for your support and patience as we strive to establish consistent routines and expectations at the start of our school year. As a school community, it is important that we work together to remind and reinforce expectations with our children to ensure the school experience - whether it be in the classroom or on the bus - is a positive experience for all. Please review the following reminders regarding Bus Behavior and Bus Stop Expectations.
Bus Behavior Expectations (Reminder)
It is imperative that all students understand bus behavior expectations. We urge you to discuss how important it is for your student to sit appropriately in his/her seat on the bus and talk quietly to a friend to ensure an orderly and safe bus ride to/from home. We are exploring solutions, including assigned seats and hiring bus monitors, to improve the bus riding experience of our students, but we need family support to help reinforce bus behavior expectations to all students.
Bus Stop Expectations
As a reminder, a parent/guardian must be at the bus stop to receive students off the bus in the afternoon. This expectation is in place as a matter of student safety and applies to students in all grades. If there is no parent/guardian at the bus stop, the bus will bring the student back to EWS and we will contact the family to coordinate a ride home. The Front Office remains at EWS every day until bus routes are complete to ensure all students get home safely.
Thank you for your continued support!
Nurse Update
Annual Screenings:
Hearing and vision screenings will take place at the end of October and progress through the month of November for all grades. If it is recommended that your child needs to be referred for further vision or hearing assessment, you will be contacted by the school nurse. BMI screenings will be done for students in Grade 1 and Grade 4. In accordance with the Mass Department of Public Health (MDPH), schools are required by law to perform height, weight and body mass index (BMI) screenings for students in grade 1,4,7 & 10 and postural screenings in grades 5-9. Postural screenings will take place in the spring for Grade 5. If you would like to opt your student out of any of these screenings, you may email Mrs. White at awhite@mpsd.org or send in a signed note in your child’s backpack.
Healthy Habits:
Hydration: Please be sure your child brings a water bottle to school each day, preferably one that is easily refillable at our refill stations.
Snacks: Please remember to send in a healthy snack for your child everyday. Some classrooms have a morning and afternoon snack, so please pack enough for the day.
Clothing: Have children dress in layers. As the weather ch
Change of clothing: If your child is prone to accidents/spills, please send in a change of clothing that can be kept in their backpack. Students are usually most comfortable in their own clothing vs. borrowed clothing.
Proper sleep: Make sure your child comes to school rested and ready to learn.
Illness Prevention:
Please be vigilant in monitoring your child for any symptoms of illness prior to sending them to school. If you have concerns about illness/symptoms in the morning, please call the Eames Way nurse, Alison White, to discuss them before sending your child into school. If you have questions regarding absences or attendance related to illnesses, Nurse White will be happy to discuss these with you. The Health Office phone number is 781-834-5090, ext. 44500. Please continue to keep Nurse White updated on any health-related absences by emailing to awhite@mpsd.org.
Guidelines for return to school after an illness:
For fever over 100 degrees, your child must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of Tylenol or Motrin, to return to school
For vomiting and/or diarrhea, your child must wait 24 hours after the last time they experienced vomiting or diarrhea before returning to school
If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease such as strep throat or conjunctivitis and prescribed antibiotics, your child can not return to school until they have been on the antibiotics for at least 24 hours. A doctor's note should be brought to school via their backpack, emailed to awhite@mpsd.org, or faxed to 339-244-2475.
Any student returning after an injury that requires a doctor's visit or x-ray, must return with a doctor's note stating the diagnosis and activity restrictions, if any.
Physical Exams:
If you have a child in Kindergarten or fourth grade and have not sent in an updated physical exam, please do so as soon as possible. You can send the updated physical form in your child’s backpack, email it to Nurse White at awhite@mpsd.org, or ask the pediatrician to fax the most recent physical to 339-244-2475. Thank you!
A Message From the EWS Reading Department
Did you know that October is Dyslexia Awareness Month?
Please CLICK HERE to access a presentation from the Eames Way Reading Department to learn more about dyslexia!
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Spaulding at jspaulding@mpsd.org.
Volunteering at EWS
Lunch Menu
Kiwanis Thanksgiving Box
Available for those in need.
Delivery is the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Deadline for signing up is November 3rd.
(Limited number of boxes are available.)
Click here! to fill out the form.
Great Running at the 8th Annual Marshfield Elementary School XC Invitational!
Congratulations To This Week's Jr. Ram Award Winners!
Keep Up The Great Work!
Memories From Our Week Together!
We're Getting Into The HALLOWEEN Spirit!
We ROCKED Our Bus Evacuation With Mr. Miller On Friday!
More Great Masterpieces Were Made In Art Class!
Marshfield Community News
Please visit the MPSD Community Events webpage for details on upcoming local events!