PHS Counselor Connection
Special Summer 2024 Edition: College Bound Prep
Welcome to the Summer Edition!
We know this can be a very stressful time but, with a little pre-planning and help, it doesn't have to be! That's what we're here for!
This newsletter is filled with many resources that can assist you as you begin the college search and/or application process. Don't forget to use the two resources shared with you last year in ACP and in your junior conference!
- Here's a link to a blank post-secondary prep planning document (but you should have your own named version so please use that-it should be in your Google Drive).
- This second document is the Future Ready Resource Guide with a lot of great links to various topics for high school seniors.
As always, students and families are always encouraged to connect with their counselor for any assistance with the post-secondary planning process! While you might not need all of this information right now, we hope that you will refer back to this newsletter when it comes time for you to use these processes. We'll send another similar newsletter out after the new year gets rolling.
A Note About the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Come to our Financial Aid Nighton Sept. 25th to learn more from a local college financial aid college representative. We will send reminders as the school year gets started.
College Application Bootcamp Resources
If you missed the application workshops earlier this month, don't fear, we have you covered. Below are the presentations that were used to give students tips and tricks for the Common App, the UW App and for getting started with the UW Direct Admit Form. Please, please, please reach out to your counselor with any questions as you work through applications. That's what we're here for!
Sending Transcripts
If you remember from your junior conference, we use an electronic system called Parchment to send your transcripts to colleges, the NCAA and other institutions.
Parchment requires a student created account. Many students created their accounts during Homeroom last year. Those who did not, will need to do so asap. It is very important that students only have one account- not both a parent and a student account.
Click here for a presentation with step by step directions to set up your Parchment account. Click on the Parchment button link above to go directly to the Parchment website.
For the UW System application, you do not need to do a full request in Parchment for an official transcript to be sent in during the application process. As stated above, you can use the transcript from Skyward.
Common Application does require an official copy of the transcript to be uploaded into your CA account from Parchment. Common Application is a school in Parchment as is the NCAA. Use Parchment to send transcripts to those systems.
Applying to WCTC?
Thinking about applying to WCTC or just wondering about their programs?
Still trying to decide where to apply? Wisconsin Education College Fairs (WEF) are here to help!
WEF Fair list of dates and registration
Another College Research Option- NACAC College Fair
Great Resources From UW Help For Questions and Information Regarding the UW College System
UW Help Fall Guidebook Request: If you would like the fall guidebook, click the link to receive a PDF version or check with your counselor as the Student Services office will be receiving some hard copies of the book. A great list of all of the majors offered at the UW campuses is included towards the back of this great resource!
UW System Direct Admit: Sudents who opted into the Direct Admit Program should have check Skyward for their direct admit letter by tis time. If you are interested in expressing interest at any of the campuses, students should follow the direction in the letter and complete the interest form (which is very similar to the regular UW application- just a bit shorter). Please connect with your counselor if you have any questions. You can also check the UW Application presentation that the counselors gave at the College Bootcamp event
How To Apply to the UW System:
Step by Step application how-to's and Information with the application process to all UW Campuses.
Practice UW System Application Page
Please note: no applications submitted on this website will be sent over to campuses. Applications must be submitted on the real application website in order to be received by a campus.
Practice Application Website: https://practiceapp.wisconsin.edu/homepage
Want to see how your college credits will transfer?
How to use Transferology
1. Create an account.
2. Enter the college that is granting you the credit (UW-Green Bay for most of our dual credit courses).
3. Select the college course that you are taking. Be sure to use the course number and name from the college- not the PHS course name. You can use the CCIHS course information website to get the information about the UW-Green Bay Courses. This is the list of the PHS specific courses.
4. Select "Seach For Matches"
5. You will get a list that shows how each individual college will transfer in that particular course. Use the filter tool to narrow the list to the schools that you are interested in attending.
AP Credits
Students will be able to narrow their search by selecting either specific campuses and/or courses they would like to see equivalencies for. Please note that students who have specific questions about their credits transferring should reach out to the college they are applying to/planning on attending.
All college have this information on their website. Google the name of the college and AP and you should get right to the page that you need.
Test Optional/Test Flexible
One important item to note with test optional schools, which you will see in these resources, is that some colleges DO require test scores in order to award MERIT BASED SCHOLARSHIPS- you need to know if this is the case at the colleges that you are applying to so that you do not lose out on FREE MONEY! Start by checking the college's admissions and financial aid pages for this information. If you cannot find it, give the admissions office a call and ask.
Here are a few links with helpful test optional information:
College Essay Guy Resources
All things College Application: Hub: The main page with a list of resource broken down by topic
How to Research Colleges (Without Visiting a Campus)
Lots of great Podcasts by the College Essay Guy