RTMS Review
January 3, 2025
Message from Mr. Henkel
Dear Families,
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing break! We are excited to pick up right where we left off and kick off the new year. Some of our classrooms were updated with brand new furniture and we are excited to hopefully update the rest of the building this summer.
Kyle Henkel
Important Dates
January 7 - Classes Resume
January 14 - BOE Meeting
January 15 - PTC Meeting
January 20 - Martin Luther King Day - School in Session
Girls Volleyball 🏐
January 7 - 8th Tryouts (3-4:30) / 7th Tryouts (4:30-6)
January 8 - 8th Tryouts (6-7:30) / 7th Tryouts (3-4:30)
January 25 - 8th Grade Frostbite Invite
January 28 - vs. London
January 30 - vs. Cooper
Wrestling 🤼
January 10 - @ Glenbrook North HS
January 23 - vs. Holmes
January 28 - @ Wilmette
January 30 - @ Cooper
Intramurals' (3:00-4:00)
6th Volleyball
January 15
January 20
January 27
7/8 Volleyball
January 13
January 16
January 22
January 29
Fine Arts
January 25 - Chicagoland Jazz Workshop @BGHS
Musical Rehearsals (3-4)
January 9
January 14
January 16
January 21
January 23
January 28
January 30
Please click on this link if you would like to see which days of the school year will be an A day (gray) or a B day (blue). Teachers will be going over this in depth with students to start the school year.
Students will attend their A day classes on the first day of school, and when they return the following school day it will be a B day. The days will rotate like this for the rest of the school year.
Please click on this link to see the 2024-25 District Calendar.
SEL Student Services
Student Service Team Updates
The RTMS school community is proud to be a member of the Link Together Coalition. The community group is Wheeling Township’s youth drug and alcohol prevention coalition. The mission of the Link Coalition is to promote healthy youth, families, and communities by decreasing teen alcohol and marijuana use through education, advocacy, access to community resources, policy awareness, implementation, and change. Link Together serves Wheeling Township including all or portions of Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Mount Prospect, Prospect Heights, and Wheeling. The prevention teams work within District 214 high schools as well as all feeder middle schools in Wheeling Township. At this November’s Parent Teacher Conferences, RTMS was able to host the Link Coalitions’ Mock Teen Bedroom. The Mock Teen Bedroom is a dramatization of a teen’s room, featuring education about substance use trends and potential warning signs of substance use that heightens caregivers' awareness. The display supports caregivers in having conversations with their teens about making healthy choices. Please see the attached Link Coalition Newsletter for valuable parent information and resources.
Link Coalition November/December Parent Newsletter
All students at River Trails Middle School have access to Social Emotional Support from our SEL Support Services Team. Please reach out to an SEL Team Member if you have any questions or concerns about your student’s social or emotional wellbeing.
Social Workers
Mandy Zavilla- azavilla@rtsd26.org 224-612-7648
Beth Kelpsch- bkelpsch@rtsd26.org 224-612-7704
School Psychologist
Ashley Nistor- anistor@rtsd26.org 224-612-7679
Advisory / Rethinked
In Advisory, during the month of November, students participated in the District 26 Food Drive to collect donations of food for the Mount Prospect Food Pantry. As a result of their generous contributions, RTMS set a record for donations. Thank you to everyone who donated!
Students also continued to participate in Advisory lessons highlighting the following Social Emotional Learning topics:
6th Grade: Actions & Consequences, Self-Advocacy, S.M.A.R.T Goals, Support Systems, Problem Solving & Perspective Taking
7th Grade: Intent vs. Impact, Active Listening, Self-Advocacy, Setting Academic Goals, Making Good Choices & Problem Solving
8th Grade: Active Listening, Communicating with Confidence,S.M.A.R.T Goals, Pathways for Success, Accessing Support, Perspective Taking
Washington D.C.
We are excited to be planning the bi-annual Washington DC Trip for 7th and 8th grade students at RTMS which will take place just after school releases for the summer 2025. We will depart on a plane from O'Hare (by way of a motor coach from RTMS) on the morning of June 4 and return in the evening on June 7. This is a fantastic trip where students will learn about the history of our country by visiting places like the U.S. Capitol building, various monuments, and Arlington National Cemetery just to name a few.
IMPORTANT: The trip is currently capped at 50 student travelers. Once we reach 50 student travelers, we will start a waiting list. We will release people from the waiting list if/when we have enough travelers to justify getting a second motor coach for our time in Washington DC. To get signed up, please visit this LINK. If you are placed on the waiting list, we are hopeful that we can have everyone join us.
All questions regarding the trip should be directed to Mr. Todd Smith at rtmsdctrip@gmail.com.
School/District Alerts
When you receive an initial text message notification from the district, you will need to opt-in to receive future text messages from us.
Please reply "YES" when prompted to do so.
If you didn't receive a text message with a link to this newsletter you might not be properly opted in! Easy fix: text YES to 79041 to opt in to text alerts!
RTMS Family Reference Guide
In the Community News
November Board of Education Meeting
Event Information
RTSD26 Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024, 07:00 PM
River Trails Middle School
What does the Board do? How do they operate? Can I attend meetings?
Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our school board.
Higher Up Ministries Events
Please see the link HERE to view upcoming events and food pantry dates!
Contact Information
Principal, Kyle Henkel:
khenkel@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7600
Assistant Principal, Tara Nunes:
tnunes@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7601
River Trails Middle School
Email: rtmsinfo@rtsd26.org
Website: http://rtms.rtsd26.org/
Location: 1000 North Wolf Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: 847-298-1750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverTrailsMiddleSchool
Twitter: @RiverTrailsMS