Bourchier Mail
School Newsletter - 20th Edition - 5th December 2024

Dear Families,
It’s been a fantastic fortnight at our school, and I continue to be inspired by the energy and enthusiasm of our students and staff. Walking through classrooms this week, I have noticed students deeply engaged in their learning. Our Year one class exploring places around Australia during their unit of work around Possum Magic and our Year fives working collaboratively in maths, or our Junior school learning about gravity and flight in the projects they are working on in STEM.
There's definitely been a positive learning vibe around the school, and it’s wonderful to see.
One of the highlights this week was seeing students embrace a growth mindset in their learning. In a Year 4 class, I overheard a student say, "I made a mistake, but that just means I'm learning!"—a perfect example of the positive learning culture we aim for. We encourage students to see challenges as opportunities to grow, and it was awesome to see this mindset in action across the school.
Community Shout out
Our Kitchen/Garden program has started for 2025 and I wanted to say a huge thank you to the parents and carers who have volunteered at these sessions.. Your support makes such a difference. I also wanted to put a call out to see if there is anyone in our parent community that would like to help out during our kitchen/garden sessions that would be fantastic. It can be hectic in the kitchen and every bit of help is really appreciated. If you’d like to get involved in this or in any other future events, please reach out—we’d love to have you!
Upcoming Events & Notices
Next week, our Year 3 and Year 5 students will be participating in NAPLAN, which is simply a chance to show what they know in reading, writing, and math's. It’s not a test you can “pass” or “fail” – it’s just one way to see how learning is going. The best way to approach NAPLAN? Get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and just do your best—that’s all we ask! Remind your kids that NAPLAN doesn’t measure their creativity, kindness, or the many other things that make them amazing. We've got this!
Excitement is building as our Year 4 and Year 5 camps are just around the corner! In Week 8, our Year 4s will be heading to CYC in Melbourne, while our Year 5s set off for Angahook. School camps are all about fun, friendships, and new experiences. For those feeling a little nervous—that’s completely normal! Our teachers and staff are there to support everyone, and we know that by the end of camp, students will have amazing stories to tell. We can’t wait!
My challenge for the month of March
Recently I have read Stolen Focus by Johan Hari. It is a little frightening but very real description of the impact some ouf tech tools are having on us. This fortnight, I challenge you to try a tech-free evening as a family. I know in my family we have recently had a crack at quite a few different board games which has been fun. I am pleased to say that I am the undisputed champion of Monopoly! I did struggle a little bit with a game which was new to me. Have you ever heard of Taco, Goat, Cheese Pizza? It was different, but still fun.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support in making Bourchier Street Primary a vibrant and welcoming place for all. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Kind Regards
Gary Darma | Principal
Bourchier St Primary School
Enjoy delicious homemade baking with a different treat every week!
Check Newsletter and FB each week for our yummy specials.
Celebrate diversity by sharing your traditional skills and stories! Bourchier Street Primary School is looking for community members to run small cultural workshops for students—a great opportunity to connect and inspire.
If interested please email: lisa.logue@education.vic.gov.au
We are excited to announce that our Student Learning Conferences will be held on the following dates:
Thursday, 3rd April from 3:30pm to 8:00pm
Friday, 4th April from 8:00am to 1:30pm
It is crucial for every parent/carer to attend the conference with your child. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about your child’s academic, emotional, and social development, as well as to get to know your child’s teacher and discuss how you can collaborate to support your child’s growth.
Booking Details:
All bookings are to be made via Compass.
You will need your username and password to log in and book your appointment. If you need assistance with your login details, please contact the front office for a reset.
Depending on teacher availability, there may be some before or after-school times earlier in that same week. Compass will display all available times.
Additional Information:
Friday is a student-free day, and no school will be held on this day.
TheirCare will be available on Friday for any families who wish to use their service. You can contact TheirCare at info@theircare.com.au.
We look forward to seeing you there!
If you wish to use any portion of the $400 SSB on Camps or Excursions, please note that you must go into the SSB Portal and allocate the money to “Activities”. You are not selecting a specific activity at this stage, rather an amount you wish to have available to use at the school.
Excursion Levy is $100 per child
Y 3 - $370
Y 4 - $340
Y 5 - $480
Y 6 - TBA
We cannot allocate SSB monies to Camps or Excursions unless you have reallocated the funds in the SSB Portal beforehand.
This is a critical step in the process and must be done by each individual family using their secure SSB Portal login details.
The money is not tied to any one child - you can allocate it across multiple children in your family if needed.
The SSB Portal is integrated with the school’s administration system (CASES21) and this allocation is required to allow the school to use the funds on your behalf. The SSB Portal works in $50 increments.
1. Decide what portion of the original SSB ($400) you wish to use on Uniforms – if any.
2. In the SSB Portal, reallocate the remainder of the $400 to Activities.
3. Email the school bourchier.ps@education.vic.gov.au (or phone 58 213 488) advising how much allocated and if funds going to Excursion Levy or Camp.
4. This will then enable you to use the funds on any school activities, excursions or camps in the future.
Please note: Any unspent SSB funds at 1 July 2025 will sit in your Family account indefinitely, the funds rollover for use in future years.
When logging in and it comes up link expired, please use the below link.
Copy your password to paste into this link
Please note: You can now go onto the portal and allocate the School Bonus payment to cover the 2025 camp. Then email the school bourchier.ps@education.vic.gov.au requesting us to allocate money to camp.
2025 YR 4 Melbourne City Camp – 17th – 19th MARCH 2025 - $340
2025 YR 3 Billabong Ranch Camp 28th – 30th April 2025- $370
2025 YR 5 Angahook Camp19th – 21st March 2025 - $480
2025 YR 6 Canberra Camp – 24th – 27th NOVEMBER 2025
Foundation (Prep) Student Schedule - Term 1
Foundation students will have a modified start to Term 1, with the first six wednesday's off.
Their first full week of school will begin on Monday, 17th March 2025
Have you recently obtained a new Health Care Card?
If you have a NEW Health Care Card, please complete the attached CSEF form.
Families who have a HCC are eligible to claim $150 PER STUDENT for camps, excursions and swimming.
Healthy Lunches for Learning
A well-balanced, nutritious lunch helps children stay focused, energized, and ready to learn throughout the day. We encourage families to pack lunches with a variety of fresh foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. A good mix of nutrients supports brain function and keeps students feeling their best.
It is important to remind everyone that wearing hats during lunch and recess is compulsory. Being sun smart helps protect students from harmful UV rays, which can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer later in life. Lets work together to ensure our students stay sun smart this term.
Every child is welcome to our Breakfast Program each morning from 8am to 8.45am.
Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program allows devices to be brought into the school, and connected to our secure network
Our school has an online BYOD portal organised by JB-Hifi where you can access discounted rates on approved devices. The password is BSPS25
Direct Link: https://byod.jbhifi.education/auth?code=BSPS25 or scan the barcode below.
If you would like more information on the program, please visit the BYOD page on our website.
Bourchier Street Soccer Club – Registrations are open!
All kids are welcome to play soccer. Come and join our Bourchier Club. Kids can learn to play for the first time or improve their skills and have fun with their team.
Season starts on Saturday 26th April.
Registration to be completed by March 24th, 2025.
Registration link - https://form.jotform.com/250327175634860
Registration is completed in two parts - the Bourchier Street Soccer club and the PlayFootball website. Start the sign up by clicking or copying the link above and follow the prompts to complete registration with Play Football afterwards.
Soccer is $150 for the whole season. It’s paid in two parts ($43 to Bourchier St Soccer Club and $107 to PlayFootball who run the competition season via the Shepparton Junior Soccer Association).
New to soccer or have trouble with registration? Let us help…
We will be holding a registration evening on Tuesday 11th March 03:15pm-06:30pm at Bourchier Street Primary School for all your questions and all the help you need!
If you can’t make the registration event, please email us at bourchierstsoccerclub@gmail.com and we’ll send you an information sheet or help as best we can. If you have an Active Kids vouchers to help with the cost of soccer then please email us so we can help you use this to pay for Soccer.
All families and children are able to register in their own time, however, if you have questions or need help completing registration then please come along to school on March 11th.
Under 6, Under 7’s & Under 8’s will then proceed to a ‘Team building session’ Wednesday 19th March 3:30pm before the season starts, so you can meet your team mates, other parents and prepare for the season ahead!
Arriving to school on time
Arriving to school on time is crucial for both students and staff. It sets a positive tone for the day, ensures that you don’t miss important instructions or activities, and demonstrates respect for the school community’s time and schedule. Here are a few tips to help ensure timely arrival:
1. Prepare the night before: Lay out clothes, pack your bag, and prepare lunch the night before to avoid morning delays.
2. Set an alarm: This will help give you ample time to get ready and commute to school.
3. Stay organized: Keep track of your schedule and any special activities or events that might require you to arrive earlier than usual.
Being on time helps create a structured and efficient learning environment for everyone involved.
If you’re picking your student up early
If a parent/guardian needs to pick up their student early from school for an appointment or any other significant reason, please notify your child’s teacher or the front office, with as much notice possible.
Often students are in a specialist program or out of the classroom, so if no notice is given it puts pressure on the office staff when trying to find students whilst answering phones and tending to sick bay.
Please be mindful as we have quite a few students leaving school early which interrupts the classroom as well as their learning time so please avoid this when possible.
Attached below is the costs of the 2025 Parent Payment Arrangements.
Excursion Levy has been increased to $100 which will include a “Major Excursion” so there will now be no extra payment requested. CSEF can be used to cover this – for those who don’t receive CSEF they can use their School Saving Bonus.
Parent payment can be made via QKR
Parent payment $220 per student
Excursion Levy $100 per student
If you have a Health Care Card and claimed CSEF, you will receive $150 credit which can be used for camps and excursions only.
All children are expected to wear full school uniform
The wearing of school uniform helps children develop a sense of identity with the school community.
The school uniform helps promote a positive image of both students and the school to the general community. The wearing of school uniform promotes equality.
The school uniform is to be worn during school hours, while traveling to and from school, and when the students are on school excursions.
All school uniform must be clearly named so that lost items can be identified.
Jackets and hats can be purchased from the school. Shepparton retail shops stock the entire uniform. The school endeavors to provide pre-loved items at the cheapest possible cost.
Please refer to our Student Dress Code Policy
Please ensure that your child’s, clothes, lunch box, drink bottle and property are CLEARLY named. All named property will be returned to the student in the classroom. Unnamed items will be sent to lost property in the hall foyer.
Balaclava Road Child Care Centre
Please note that the Balaclava Road Child Care Carpark is a private carpark, please avoid parking there at all times.
Student Absence Using Compass
When your child is absent from school, please log onto the parent portal, COMPASS and enter the absence along with the reason.
You need a username and password which has been distributed to families, but we can easily resend you the logon details by phoning or emailing the front office Bourchier.ps@education.vic.edu.au
Refer to the instructions below
Did you know Bourchier St. has an e-library?
Students are able to borrow books to read on their ipad.
You can access the e-library via the website below:
Search Bourchier St. Primary School
Visit our library
Sign in details will be your child’s cases code and the password is ebook01
Or download the App
Often Bourchier Street communicates to our families via the Compass app, important information of what is happening within the school. Sometimes you are prompted through your email to open important news items. Please make sure your email is up to date, so you do not miss valuable information. Please phone front office 58 213 488 if your email address needs updating. If your child is absent from School, please logon to Compass to document this.
Every family needs to download the Qkr! app which will enable you to pay school payments, purchase hats/jackets, order lunch through the canteen and purchase tickets for special productions etc.
Simply download on your phone and you will see how easy it is to manage!
Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools "Privacy Collection Notice below.
Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy below, describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.
Child Safe Policy
Bourchier Street Primary School has a zero tolerance of any form of child abuse. The school is committed to acting in children’s best interests. The safety and wellbeing of children at this school is our highest priority. We want children to be safe, happy and empowered.
About Us
Email: bourchier.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Website: bourchierps.vic.edu.au
Location: 1-19 Bourchier Street, Shepparton VIC, Australia
Phone: (03) 5821 3488
Facebook: facebook.com/bourchierps
Twitter: @bourchierps