HMS Insider
September 27, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
❤️❤️Custodian Appreciation Week❤️❤️
Monday, September 30th--Band: LISD Festival of Bands (Gupton Stadium 4:30pm to 9:30pm)
Tuesday, October 1st--HMS Football vs CPMS (7th Away/8th Home)
Wednesday, October 2nd- HMS Cross Country Meet @ HMS
Friday, October 4th-- Band: District Band Play-A-Thon @ CPMS
Friday, October 4th-- Choir: Region Choir Boot Camp (Leander Middle School 6:00pm to 7:30pm)
Hawks for a Cure: Pink Out T-shirts
HMS Football and HMS Volleyball will host Pink Out games during the month of October. All proceeds from t-shirt sales for these events will go to a current Henry Middle School family that is battling cancer. Purchase your Hawks for a Cure t-shirt here. Go Hawks!!
JOIN Our Crossing Guard Team
Student Deliveries and Checkout Procedures
PTA Reflections Contest
Information regarding the PTA Reflections Contest has been share to the Google Classroom for each grade level. Please encourage your student to take a look at the information and determine if they would enjoy participating. Enter by October 30, 2024.
Website: hms.leanderisd.org
Location: 100 North Vista Ridge Boulevard, Cedar Park, TX, USA
Phone: 512-570-3400