The Friday Flyer
From Boone Meadow Elementary School
From the Eagles' Nest
Dear Boone Meadow Families,
Thank you for your outpouring of support during this “exciting” week. Wednesday marked a unique experience for us all as we encountered multiple departures with tornado warnings separated by time well after the normal school day. Your patience and understanding throughout the entire experience was absolutely incredible. I can’t help but stop, reflect, and feel fortunate that Mother Nature did prove rather kind to us when our neighbors in the state experienced tragedy. Our community has much to be thankful for as the week concludes.
Thank you to those that attended Curriculum Night. Our hallways and classrooms were filled with the desire to understand the school life at Boone Meadow. After the long days, my drive home provided time to reflect on the many comments I heard which displayed support and praise for our school and staff. Again, so much for which to be thankful.
The week isn’t finished as I will be in the dunk tank at 5:30 this evening during Eagle Fest. Feel free to come and toss a ball my general direction in hopes to see me take the plunge. All proceeds from the event go to support ZCS Athletics Departments. I hope to see you all there.
Lifelines of the Month: Friendship and Respect
Lunch Money
-Put the cash or check (made payable to BME Cafe) in an envelope
-Write your child's first and last name on the envelope, along with the teacher name
-Include the lunch pin either on the envelope or on the check
Thank you!
Notes from the Clinic
Please be advised that students are not allowed to bring medications of any kind to school. This is for the safety of all our BME students! Instead, an adult 18 years or older may drop off any meds at school.
If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Amy, at x14104.
Thank you!
Parents' Night Out
Eagle Fest
Come see Mr. Hundley in the dunk tank at 5:30!
School Safety
Changes to School Visitor Check-Ins at ZCS
As the 16-17 school year begins, please be aware that we will be using a new visitor management system known as SafeVisitor. SafeVisitor is a 30-45 second check-in process that cross references against all national sex offender registries and prints a visitor badge. Please be prepared to scan a government issued ID (Driver License) when arriving to campus as a visitor or volunteer. The printed badge should be visible at all times while in the building. Thank you!
Please note: Full background checks are still required field trips. Full background checks cost $15.95 and take at least 7-10 days to process. Limited background checks are still required for lunch visits, volunteering in a supervised area, etc.
**Bullying Video**
All volunteers in our district are also required to complete the bullying module, consisting of a short video and a digital signature as proof of watching the video. This video must be watched for either level of volunteer (Full or Limited). Please click here to visit the BRAVO/Volunteers page where all of these items can be completed.
Smart 911
Boone County has shifted from NIXLE to SMART911. This is a free service that allows you to receive emergency notifications from the county which may include severe weather warnings and traffic alerts. The program will ask for optional personal information that could be used in the event of an emergency situation in your home. Boone County citizens are encouraged to create their Safety Profile with Smart911 today. To create a safety profile and sign up for updates, go to
Contact Us
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow