Hoover Happenings Newsletter
Empowering Every Child to Succeed
September 13, 2024
Principal Message:
Dear Hoover families,
It has been a wonderful first 7 days of school! Our students have been busy reconnecting with peers and staff! These first few days of school are very important as we establish relationships and routines that set your child up for success. As a school we have engaged students in learning and revisiting what it means to show your Husky Pride through our Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program.
Through PBIS, students learn common language that helps support student decision making skills, peer relationships, work habits, and collaboration skills. At Hoover we teach our students that showing their Husky Pride means:
- Be Respectful
- Be Safe
- Be Responsible
- Be Your Best
We spend time throughout eachday discussing, modeling, and collabortation with students around what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like to show our Husky Pride at school. Some families have found using this language at home is also helpful as they are reflecting with thier child on their school day.
I want to thank you for your partnership, support of your child(ren), and engagement in our neighborhood school!
In Husky Pride,
Mollie Meyer
Elementary Principal
Early Release Day
Please be reminded Wednesday, September 18th is a two hour early release. Students will be dismissed from school at 12:30 pm. If your dismissal plans are different from a normal school day you MUST tell your students' homeroom teacher.
This month, we are short staffed and at this time have not been able to find substitute supervision. We are asking that folks who have access to alternate care, please consider those options. If you are willing to volunteer to help supervise, we would also gratefully accept the support.
If you need your student to stay until 2:30 pm you must register your child for supervision. We ask that you continue to register each month for early release supervision as many families' plans change. If your student attends ACES or YMCA you still need to register for child supervision each time.
Parents/Guardians that pick up students please pull up in the pick up line in front of the building on Marie lane. Students will be watching for you to pull up inside door number 1. We ask that you please refrain from picking up between 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm as our staff wishes to focus their time on engaging in meaningful activities with students. We understand that circumstances may change, but appreciate your help with this request.
If you need child care for your student between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm for the upcoming Early Release Day, please fill out the form linked below. (If you would like to send a snack for after school please feel free to do so as lunch is served early.)
Digital Tools
Digital Tools Annual Update
Mankato Area Public Schools uses a variety of digital tools to support student learning. Technology vendors and software is utilized to support work as we help all students develop the skills necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world.
We have an inventory of our curriculum, testing, and assessment tools posted on our district website at bit.ly/4835DET (or directly to our Learn Platform page bit.ly/3R9xvRB). This list is maintained and communicated annually to all families at the start of the school year.
Please reach out to your building principal for additional questions regarding the use of the specific digital tools in classrooms. Please reach out to MAPS technology department regarding data, privacy, and vendor inquiries of the specific digital tools.
Angie Potts, Director of Educational Technology
Hoover Specialists Updates
Physical Education (PE): In physical education, the students are working on accepting the differences of others. We talk heavily about how PE is different from a sport outside of school so I challenge the students to find creative roles during our activities. Early on in the year, the goal for students is to find ways to make class more fun and enjoyable for other students. When students are able to think in a selfless way, it leads to a better and more rewarding PE experience for all.
Art: Our kindergarten through 5th grade students have had an exciting start to art class with their new teacher, Ms. Bealey. She has shared that she loves creating art with her students and is thrilled to begin her 16th year of teaching art! Students received their seating assignments and will soon be designing their sketchbook covers. Within the next week, students will be discussing important art room expectations, including how to take care of materials and the space. Throughout the year, Ms. Bealey will continue to encourage students to infuse their creativity into every art assignment and creation. Ms. Bealey looks forward to a fantastic year of artistic exploration with her new students!
Music: Hoover Huskies are having a blast getting back into music class! We're already using our voices to sing some fun warm up songs and name games. And, many of our classes have already pulled out the instruments! Ask your students what color dot they sit on and what they're singing in music class. Have a musical week! -Mrs. Luntsford
STEM: In STEM class, our students are currently diving into the exciting world of engineering! They are exploring the principles of teamwork and problem-solving as they collaborate to design and build innovative projects. Through hands-on activities, students are learning to think like engineers, using creativity and critical thinking to tackle challenges.
Additionally, we’re focusing on understanding technology and how to use it effectively and responsibly. As we move forward, we will shift our focus to projects involving life sciences, where students will have the opportunity to explore the wonders of the natural world. These activities will span the next four weeks and provide a deeper understanding of biology, ecology, and the environment.
We’re excited about the great learning and fun ahead!
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
PTA Sept. Update
We would also like to invite families to support PTA by becoming a member. A link to join is listed below. There is a general membership for $6.25. PTA needs a total of 20 parents and teachers to maintain their status with the national PTA.
Hoover PTA is also hosting our Fall Festival on October 10th from 4:30-6:30. This is a wonderful family event and we need your help. Please consider signing up to volunteer. You may sign up using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BAFA92FA5F4C61-51231142-hoover.
Lastly, we want to remind everyone that The online Hoover Apparel Online Store through UTE is OPEN! It will remain open through Sunday, September 22nd. Orders will be fulfilled about 3 weeks after the store closes. UTE will send you an email to let you know when your order is ready to be picked up. Proceeds from the sales do support our Hoover PTA.
Thank you!
Attendance Matters
Greetings Caregivers,
The staff at Hoover Elementary school has enjoyed seeing all of our Hoover Huskies back at school!
Getting into the habit of daily attendance is more important than ever. It helps to:
- reduce stress
- estblish healthy routines
- build connections with peers and staff
- support learning
- create a positive school experience
Our school day begins at 7:50. Students who wish to eat breakfast or play on the playground can arrive as early as 7:35. Please note, there is no staff supervision prior to 7:35. Our school day ends at 2:30.
Please call us in the Hoover Office at 507-388-5202 if you need help with attendance.
We are dedicated to ensuring our school environment is a place where everyone can be safe, healthy and learning. We committed to listening and partnering with you so that your child(ren) have a successful year. Do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions or concerns.
Your attendance team,
Mollie Meyer (Principal), Angla Parker (Counselor), Lindsey Northenschold (Social Worker), Judy Garness (Attendance Clerk), Rachel Marnier (Registered School Nurse)
Snack Cart
We are offering snack cart again this year. Please read the letter linked below for complete details and information. To ensure that your child gets snack on the first day of school, please complete a payment in Infinite Campus as soon as possible. Payment can also be taken in the font office during conferences.
Spectator Expectations
Friendly reminder! As we cheer on our athletic teams, let's take a moment to review our spectator expectations. Please take a moment to read this message from the Activities Directors at Mankato East and Mankato West. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!
The Greater Mankato Mental Health Hub has launched! This hub was developed by Greater Mankato Area United Way's Youth Mental Health/Suicide Prevention Committee and is hosted by the Center for Rural Behavioral Health at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
The hub is meant to be a tool for parents and caregivers to easily find information on crisis support, local mental health services, parent education, and more.
Find more information HERE.
Contact Us:
Email: mmeyer1@isd77.org
Website: he.isd77.org
Location: 1524 Hoover Drive, North Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-388-5202