Falcon Flyer
Fall Creek Intermediate - August 2, 2024
Upcoming Dates to Remember!
- August 2 Schedules will be available via Skyward (approximately 3-4pm).
- August 5 Open House - 4:30 - 6:00 pm
- August 7 First day of school for students
- August 13 Falcon Family Connection
- 5th Grade - 5:30-6:15 pm
- Related Arts - 6:30-700 pm
- 6th Grade - 7:15-8:00 pm
- August 15 Back to School Hang-Out for 6th Graders 4-5:30pm
- August 16 Back to School Hang-Out for 5th Graders 4-5:30pm
- August 21 Picture Day with Lifetouch
- October 8 Picture Re-take Day
Welcome Greetings from Mrs. Day
I am so excited to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year! With a focus on both academic and social-emotional growth, our staff embraces its commitment to helping all students grow and be successful. Creating relationships with students and their families is key in this effort!
I look forward to seeing you at our Open House on 8/5 from 4:30-6:00pm. Here are some details about this event:
- This is an informal time to tour the building, locate your child's classrooms, check out the cafe/gym, and more. There is no formal program, but we welcome you to become familiar with the school.
- Classroom teachers will be in their classrooms to welcome you! Please remember that this is only a time to greet each other and not a time to have a conference. Your teacher will be happy to set up a time to chat later if you need to share specific information about your child.
- Students may bring in any supplies they may have to avoid doing so on the first day if they choose. Please put all supplies in a bag with your child's name and leave in a designated location in the SOAR teacher's room. Please note that if you don't have supplies the first week that is fine and expected. :)
Our first student day is Wednesday, August 7. All students will report directly to the gym as they enter the school where we will welcome them and introduce them to the FCI staff. We will have over 900 students, 17 fifth grade classrooms and 16 sixth grade classrooms to introduce with some of our staff being new to FCI.
Enjoy your last few days of summer!
Mrs. Day
FCI Renovation
We are excited to share that FCI will be undergoing a renovation over the next two school years. During this time, we will be intentional to focus on maintaining a positive, safe learning environment as much as is possible. Navigating a school renovation can be exciting yet challenging at times. Consider the following throughout our renovation:
- Stay Informed: We will be sharing upcoming information as appropriate to keep families up-to-date.
- Maintain Flexibility: Be prepared for changes in schedules, classroom locations, or school routines. Flexibility can help your child adapt to any disruptions more easily.
- Communicate with Your Child: Talk to your child about the renovation and reassure them that the changes are temporary. Encourage them to express their feelings & concerns, validating their experiences.
- Support a Positive Attitude: Help your child see the renovation as an exciting change rather than a disruption. Highlight the benefits of the improved facilities and how they will enhance their learning environment in the future.
- Plan for Adjustments: Renovations might lead to adjustments in drop-off and pick-up locations, parking, or access to school facilities. Make sure you know about any changes and plan accordingly to avoid confusion or delays.
- Encourage Adaptability: Use this as an opportunity to teach your child about resilience and adaptability. Share examples of how people cope with changes and how flexibility can be a strength.
- Foster Open Communication with School Staff: Regularly check in with teachers or school administrators if you have concerns. Building a good relationship with school staff can help address issues promptly and ensure that your child's needs are met.
- Create Consistent Routines: Maintaining a consistent routine at home can provide a sense of stability for your child amidst the changes at school.
Overall, a positive attitude and proactive approach can significantly help your child navigate the changes and minimize the stress associated with the renovation.
Tentative renovation timelines
2024-25 school year
- Late August – New playground equipment will be installed. Alternate locations for recess will be the kickball fields, bus lot, and soccer fields as appropriate during this replacement period.
- Mid-September – Temporary classrooms will be built in the library and gym. Physical Education classes will utilize locations outside the gym for class. This may include but not limited to soccer fields, playground, bus lot, indoor common spaces, etc.
- Fall Break – During Fall Break, all 6th grade classrooms will be relocated to their new spaces for the remainder of the school year, either in the gym, library, or fifth grade hallway. When students return from Fall Break, they will be in their new space, with their teachers. The teachers on a team will be located in the same school space for team continuity.
Summer 2025
- The office area of the school will be renovated to be ready for the start of the 2025-26 school year.
- We will update families where in the building the office staff will be located to partner with you after the 2024-25 school year ends and the 2025-26 school year begins.
2025-26 school year
- Renovations will occur to the fifth-grade wing of the school.
- Fifth grade students will start school in temporary classrooms that they will stay in throughout the school year.
- Sixth grade students will start the year in the recently renovated sixth grade hallway.
Summer 2026
- Cafeteria, Library, Gym renovations/updates
- Renovation completed
If you have been involved in any type of building projects personally or professionally, you know that plans and timelines do get adjusted periodically. We will work to keep you informed as updates occur that will impact you and your child.
Events throughout the year:
With renovation activities beginning in September, that will change how and when we may be offering traditional opportunities. For example:
- Falcon Fest (FCI’s normal spring festival for students) will be held in September instead of March.
- Girls’ and boys’ basketball for 6th grade ~ Most games will be held at our opponents' school & one at HSE High School with practices held at Fall Creek Elementary.
These opportunities will definitely require students, families, and staff to be flexible and patient. The final outcome will be so worth it as the learning spaces and upgrades completed will provide engaging opportunities for our Falcons.
Communication during the school day
Engagement in the classroom is of highest priority to ensure students have the maximum opportunity to learn. Having said that, communication from outside the school must occur between families and adults in the building, not with students.
Among the many reasons why it might be best to avoid texting your child during school hours, consider the following:
Distraction: Texts distract students from engaging with classroom instruction and activities, impacting their focus and academic performance.
- Student Handbook: Cell phones, Smartwatches, and Airpods/headphones are not to be used by students in the classroom and silenced unless explicitly stated otherwise by the teacher, substitute teacher, or administrator. Students using their cell phones or headphones inappropriately and/or against classroom procedures may be subject to progressive discipline. [HSE intermediate handbook]
- Illness: Your child must first communicate with the school nurse if not feeling well, not call or text you. This provides your child an opportunity to advocate for themselves and how they are feeling. The nurse will then contact the family, partnering with them on next steps.
Independence: Allowing your child to manage their own time and responsibilities during school hours can help foster independence and self-discipline.
Privacy: Constant communication may undermine your child’s ability to manage personal interactions on their own.
Disruption: Notifications can be disruptive to the class, both for your child and their classmates, affecting the overall learning environment.
Emergency Protocols: If there is an urgent issue, contacting the school directly will be more effective than texting your child, who might not be able to respond immediately.
- Building Resilience: Allowing your child to handle school-related situations without constant parental input can help them build problem-solving skills and resilience.
Our office staff is ready and available to assist with any transportation changes or earlier dismissals that occur last minute. Please email fci-general@hse.k12.in.us or call our office at 317-915-4220 so they may assist.
You may also communicate with your child's classroom teachers of course. However, please remember they will be teaching during the day and not constantly monitoring email. Should you need immediate assistance, transportations change, or early dismissal, contacting the office staff is the best method.
Your partnership to increase engagement at school is greatly appreciated! Respecting school hours as a time for focused learning will be imperative to attain our vision that “All students will learn and grow at high levels!”
5th grade iPads
All 5th grade students will be receiving district-distributed iPads. Students should only be bringing this iPad to school each day for use, not their personal device, unless asked to do so by a teacher.
Technology at Arrival and Dismissal
For safety purposes, all students should store their devices in their backpacks during arrival and dismissal. (e.g., phones, iPads, headphones/AirPods, etc.) Should a student need to contact a family member during one of these times, they may get permission to do so from an adult providing coverage.
No walking to school/riding bicycles
Per the HSE Intermediate Student Handbook:
Walking or bicycling to/from school - Students may walk or ride their bike to and from school only when accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Additionally, families may not park in the Royalwood pool parking lot and have their child walk over by themselves. The Royalwood HOA has requested that we ask those not living in Royalwood to not park in their pool/playground lot.
Tips, Resources, and Information Can Be Found Here!
Log into Skyward to see your child's schedule. (Available August 2, late afternoon)
A teacher will be listed for SOAR, STEM & Humanities classes, and Related Arts such as PE, Music, and Art. Your child will want to note his or her SOAR teacher initially as that is the class your child will go to first on day 1.
We are hiring some amazing new teachers. On your child's schedule you may see NEW TEACHER or TBD at this time. Rest assured that your child will have a teacher for both of his or her sections, it just may take some time to get the teacher through our administration process.
Teaching Teams
At Fall Creek Intermediate our teachers and students are grouped together in a team. Typically, one teacher will teach the STEM classes, Math and Science, and another will teach the Humanities classes, English, Reading, and Social Studies. One of these teachers will also be marked as a SOAR teacher on your child's schedule. This will be the teacher that they are with when they transition to Related Arts classes.
Supply List for 2024-2025
FCI Open House
- Mrs. Day and Mr. Williams will be around the school to greet you as well as classroom teachers, counselors, Related Arts teacher, ENL teacher, and our Exceptional Learner teachers!
- Mrs. Gump, our school nurse, will be onsite in the clinic to accept medications, update immunization records, and answer questions.
- Our FCI PTO will be in the Cafe to distribute 1st Day School Supplies kits, sell student planners, and have volunteer sign-up sheets.
- Families may park in either the front lot or the bus lot and enter through the closest door.
Skyward Update - Beginning of the Year Forms
Be sure to log into Skyward to complete all of the beginning of the year forms this week. It is imperative that all of these forms, as well as updates to address, phone numbers, email, emergency contacts, etc. be made so we may stay in touch as efficiently as possible throughout the year. Beyond our basic need for communication, this can be a safety issue if we need to contact you, or an emergency contact, related to your child if information is not accurate.
New this year is a Transportation Utilization Agreement - Please note: if a parent registers his or her student for bus transportation but does not utilize the bus by September the Transportation Department may remove them from the bus and the parent would then have to re-register the student, which the Transportation Department gets 3-business days to complete.
August 7, First Day of School at FCI!
August 7 Arrival First Day of School
*There will not be breakfast served on the first day of school*
Car Riders
- Staff will invite students into building beginning at 8:45am through door 2 (cafeteria). These students will wait in the cafeteria until 9:00am.
- Student arriving between 9:00-9:15am may enter through either door 1 (office) or door 2 (cafeteria).
- Students will be greeted by staff in the hallway and assist students in moving to the gym.
YMCA - Before School Care
- Students enter through door 2 (by cafeteria) to be signed in by their parent/guardian.
- Students will wait in the cafeteria until dismissal at 9:00am when bell rings.
Bus riders
- A staggered dismissal of students will occur beginning with 6th grade followed by 5th grade.
- Staff will greet our bus riders and assist them in reporting to the gym.
Daily arrival: (Day 2 and after)
Breakfast service will start on August 8
Car Riders
- Staff will invite students into building beginning at 8:45am through door 2 (cafeteria). These students will wait in the cafeteria until 9:00am.
- Student arriving between 9:00-9:15am may enter through either door 1 (office) or door 2 (cafeteria).
- If students would like breakfast, they will go directly to the cafeteria to purchase items of their choice. Students will eat breakfast in the cafe before returning to their classrooms.
- Students will report to lockers upon entry to store their items and gather those to take to classes.
- Teachers will meet students at the doors of the classrooms.
YMCA - Before School Care
- Students arrive at door 2 (by cafeteria) to be signed in by their parent/guardian.
- Students will wait in the cafeteria until dismissal at 9:00am when bell rings.
Bus Riders
- Students will enter the building via their team-assigned doors.
- If students would like breakfast, they will go directly to the cafeteria to purchase items of their choice. Students will eat breakfast in the cafe.
- Students will report to lockers upon entry to store their items and gather those to take to class.
- Teachers will meet students at door of the classroom.
All Students
- At 3:50pm a bell will sound to signal the opportunity to pack up for dismissal. Students should follow directions from teachers regarding this process.
- Students will leave classrooms at the 3:55pm dismissal bell.
Car Riders
- Students exit via door 1 (doors in front of office).
- Students will wait outside the front doors on the sidewalk as they wait for their rides as staff supervises.
- Note that students will not be allowed to walk to a vehicle in the parking lot. Additionally, entrance into the vehicle from the curb (not the parking lot side) is preferred and safer.
Bus Riders
- Students exit via doors to the bus lot as assigned.
- Students will board their buses.
- Students will sit in assigned seats and follow bus procedures.
Walking Students
- Walking to or from school is NOT permitted by students alone.
- Parents must accompany students.
FCI Drop-off and Pick-Up Procedures
Please ensure that you are staying within the cones during drop-off and pick-up. This means patiently waiting in the "zipper" lines as well as not going around the cones at the ends of the aisles regardless of time of day. Students should also exit & enter vehicles on the side nearest the curb.
Additionally, when entering and exiting our parking lot, please be extremely cautious. This is why it is suggested that all travel northbound to both enter and then when exiting our parking lot. Doing otherwise, makes it challenging to enter & exit across the traffic on Olio especially with the traffic into and out of Fall Creek Junior High.
All of our practices are constructed for the safety of our students & families! Let's remember that our children are watching! We can set the good example! Thank you, Falcon family!
Click the button below to find all of the details about our amazing Parent Teacher Organization:
Calendar for the year, Spirit Wear Sale, Student Planners, and Volunteer sign-ups.
School Front Office Details
Attendance Phone: (317) 915-4228
Main Office Phone: (317) 915-4220
School Hours: 9:15am-4pm
Office Hours: 8:45am-4:30pm
Office Email: fci-general@hse.k12.in.us
Important Safety Reminders
- Office Entry - When you ring the buzzer for entry, remember that the office staff will ask you your name, intent, child's name/homeroom to ensure those that enter FCI should enter.
- Photo ID - Please have photo ID such as your driver's license ready for identification purposes.
- Door 1 entry - All visitors must enter via door 1 regardless of time of day. Please do not come in the cafeteria door with students before school.
- Bus lot - Do not enter the bus lot prior to bus arrival or while buses are in the lot.
- Drop-off - Please make all attempts possible to have your child exit your vehicle on the side of the curb. Exit the opposite side and walking in between cars is not safe.
Attendance is important!!
Late Arrival Drop-Off
Students must be accompanied into the building and signed in by parents/guardians any time after 9:15am. Students should not come in by themselves.
Early Dismissal
Please notify the school in advance of an early dismissal. You can send a note in with your student or call the front office. At pick up, parents must come inside the building to sign out their child. Parents must ring the buzzer and indicate that they are picking up their child. Photo ID is required to be provided to office staff every time students are signed out. We will not release your child to anyone other than the legal guardians listed in Skyward without written or verbal permission.
Transportation Changes
If the child is aware of how they are going home in the afternoon, no note or call is needed. However, if there is a change during the day the student is not aware of, please call the office (317) 915-4220 by 2:30pm to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal.
School Nurse Updates
The Indiana State Department of Health requires all 6th grade students to receive additional immunizations prior to the first day of school in August. The required shots are:
- Tdap (Tetanus diphtheria & acellular pertussis) booster
- Meningococcal conjugate
PLEASE NOTE: If your healthcare provider follows CDC recommendations that children need to be 11 years old prior to administering the above vaccines, please submit a religious exemption form prior to the first day of school to keep your child compliant until he/she receives the State required vaccines.
Vaccines can be given at your child’s healthcare providers office, local minute clinics, Hamilton County Health Department (pre-registration is required), or Fishers Health Department. For more information, or to schedule an appointment with the Fishers Health Department, please use this link: https://fishers.in.us/1160/Immunizations-Clinic-Services.
If your child has previously had a religious or medical exemption on file, a new form needs completed each year. Forms are located on the HSE website under 'Departments', 'Health Services', then 'Immunizations'.
Please send your child’s updated immunization record (or religious/medical exemption form) to FCI school nurse, Carol Gump, either by email, fax, or mail/hand delivery as soon as possible so that Skyward can be updated. The nurse can be reached during normal school hours, or by email at cgump@hse.k12.in.us, to answer any questions you have about your child’s immunization status.
Counselors' Corner
Starting a new school year is an exciting time, but it can also bring about stress or anxiety. You can help calm your child's fears with these easy tips.
Ease into the Routine - Switching from a summer to school schedule can be stressful for everyone in the household. Avoid first-day-of-school craziness by practicing your routine a few days in advance. Set the alarm clock, go through your morning schedule, and get going early in the morning. Routines help kids feel comfortable, and establishing a solid school routine will make the first day of school much smoother.
Connect with the School - For many of our students, they are starting at a new and larger, building. Ease any anxiety about a new building and/or new teachers by taking advantage of opportunities to see the school.
- Tour the building at the FCI Open House - 8/5 - 4:30-6:00pm to put students at ease after visiting the building.
- The Falcon Family Connection Night on Tuesday, August 13 is an opportunity for parents to learn more about FCI, their child's teachers, and how to help their child be successful here at school. 5th Grade - 5:30-6:15 pm, Related Arts - 6:30-7:00 pm, 6th Grade - 7:15-8:00 pm
Tool Up - Taking the time to shop for and organize school supplies and other essentials can help your child feel prepared. Before obtaining their schedule the first week of August, you can stock up from the general supply list posted on the FCI website. Know that once your child has been assigned to a teaching team, you will have a chance to get all of the details needed for the year.
Connect with Friends - A familiar face can make all the difference when starting a new school year. Summer schedules are busy, and your child may have lost touch with their friends from last year. Encourage them to reconnect with a friend from the bus or last year's team. Also, help them to get excited about the idea of meeting new friends with the new year.
Band and Orchestra 2024-2025
6th Grade Falcon Families!
We are excited about the upcoming school year! As 6th graders, your students have a special opportunity to learn how to play an instrument in band or orchestra. It is not too late to sign up if you have not already done so!
Find all the necessary information and steps in our informational newsletter!
For incoming 6th grade students who did not get a chance to try on an instrument this Spring, but still have an interest in participating in band or orchestra for this school year, it is not too late!
You can make an appointment with Paige's Music at www.paigesmusic.com to try on instruments.
Once you have gone through the try on process, you can follow the steps outlined in our newsletter, see the link above!
Please contact the band directors, Mr. Spidel brspidel@hse.k12.in.us and Mrs. Hochstetler rhochstetler@hse.k12.in.us or the orchestra director, Mr. Wirtz awirtz@hse.k12.in.us with any questions.
Picture Day - August 21
Picture day will be Wednesday, August 21, 2023. Order forms will be sent home with students. You may also order your school pictures today on online:
1. visit www.mylifetouch.com
2. Enter your Picture Day ID: EVT4VZ8SP
3. Order your perfect package-- and don't worry about returning anything on Picture Day!
FCI Activity Calendar
Listen to morning announcements and read upcoming newsletters for information on our school's activities.
FCI-YMCA Before School Care
Fall Creek Intermediate - Youth Development YMCA (indymca.org)
There is only before school care at Fall Creek Intermediate School. After school care is not available.
Free Swim Lessons:
We are looking for children aged 5 – 14 who have not taken swim lessons at the YMCA in the last 12 months (or ever!) who would be interested in the Safety Around Water (SAW) free swim lessons program. There are 2 opportunities to take the course. The Saturdays of August or the Saturdays of September from 12:30 – 1:30pm. The course is all 4 Saturdays building on each other, so attendance each Saturday is necessary.
The August program will consist of 2 half hour lessons each Saturday starting August 10th. (August 10, 17, 24, 31)
The September program will start September 7th. (September 7, 14, 21, 28)
To register please call the Fishers YMCA at 317-595-9622 or use the QR code below. If you have questions regarding the program, please contact the Senior Aquatics Director Amy Wentzel: awentzel@indymca.org
Mudsock Youth Athletics Information
Winter Program Registration Opens August 1:
Grow with the sport you love or try something new this winter. Just don’t miss your opportunity to get out there. Early bird registration is open at myathletics.com.
Find all program details on the Mudsock website.
Winter Registration Scholarships:
Winter Sports - August 1 through August 31
Email info@myathletics.com for more information.
What's Happening @ the Creek
Friday, August 2
- late afternoon - Parent Square announcement that schedules may be viewed in Skyward
Monday, August 5
- 4:30-6:00pm - FCI Open House
Wednesday, August 7, rot. F
- First student day - Students will report to the gym for Falcon Kick-Off
Thursday, August 8, rot. C
Friday, August 9, rot I
Spirit Day - Wear the color blue or your Falcon gear!
Monday, August 12, rot. F
- 9:30am Band and Orchestra Begins
Tuesday, August 13, rot F
- Falcon Family Connection, 5:30-6:15pm 5th Grade, 6:30-7:00pm Related Arts, 7:15-8:00pm 6th Grade
Thursday, August 15, rot F
- 6th Grade Back to School Hang Out 4-5:30pm
Friday, August 16, rot F
- Spirit Day - Wear the color blue or your Falcon gear!
- 5th Grade Back to School Hangout 4-5:30pm
Safe Visitor Badges
Per HSE Policy, visitors and volunteers must have their Safe Visitor Badge scanned by office staff to check-in to the building.
If you do not have a Safe Visitor Badge, please find the directions to apply for one listed here https://www.hseschools.org/departments/school-safety under Visiting and Volunteering.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tobi Fields at 317-594-4100.
Mental Health Concerns
If you or someone you know is at risk of self-harm, suicide, or harmful towards others, please contact one of the following (All lines are free, confidential, and available 24/7):
Community Health Network - Call 800-662-3445 or Text HELPNOW to 20121
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - Call 800-273-8255
LookUP - Call 800-284-8439 or Text LookUp to 494949
Mental Health Issues are common and treatable. Hamilton Southeastern Schools has a contract with Community Health Network and has a mental health therapist working with students in each of our schools. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your school’s school counselor for further information. Mental Health & School Counseling - Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation (hseschools.org)
Non-Discrimination & Non-Harassment Information
All students in HSE Schools deserve to come to school free of fear and to feel safe to be their authentic selves. Discrimination of any type is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated at HSEHS Schools – this includes sexual harassment (Title IX) and discrimination based on disabilities or race (Titles II and VI).
If students ever experience any type of harassment, we ask that they report this immediately to an administrator, school counselor or trusted adult. Beyond reporting directly to building officials, HSE Schools has an entire support system in place for filing concerns and complaints, which can be located on our District website. Non-Discrimination & Non-Harassment Statement - Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation (hseschools.org)
All About FCI
Assistant Principal - Mr. Marc Williams (mwilliams@hse.k12.in.us)
Email: FCI-General@hse.k12.in.us
Website: https://fci.hseschools.org/
Location: 12011 Olio Road Fishers, IN 46037
Phone: (317) 915-4220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fall-Creek-Intermediate-Falcons/536020973132615
Twitter: @FCI_Falcons