St. Bernard Weekly #4
"Fear not because God is with you." St. Padre Pio
September 11, 2024
St. Bernard Catholic School
Location: 7115 Springdale Road, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Phone: 513-353-4224
- Wednesday, September 18: Parents Club Meeting, School Library, 7:00pm
- Sunday, September 22: Turtle Fest, Parish Center and Campus, 12:00pm - 8:00pm
- Wednesday, October 2: Midterm Reports, Grades 5-8
- Saturday, October 5: 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat
- Wednesday, October 9, and Thursday, October 10: Picture Days
- Monday, October 14: Columbus Day--NO SCHOOL!!
- Friday, October 18: Grandparents Day
From the Principal:
Dear St. Bernard Parents,
Happy Wednesday! Our celebrant at Mass today was Father Bryan Reif. His homily focused on the importance of relationships, and in particular the importance of having a relationship with God. As some of the students noted (and Father confirmed), we develop a relationship through communication (talking and listening). And this talking and listening that we participate in with God we call prayer. Father ended his homily by saying that, “may not a single day go by that we do not pray to God.”
While at school our students learn to pray by speaking our hearts to God, by learning traditional prayers for recitation and meditation (the Lord’s Prayer, the Memorare, the Rosary, etc.), by participating in the celebration of the Mass, and by reading the Bible. Additionally, we have our daily and weekly prayer routine both as a school and as individual classes. Oftentimes students will comment that it is time in prayer or at Mass that is their favorite thing about school - how wonderful is that! Do you also have prayer traditions and routines at home? If not, or if you’ve been meaning to start something more meaningful or intentional, why don’t you start now? There is something beautiful and truthful in that old adage: “the family that prays together, stays together.”
One of the ways that we grow in our relationship with God (as mentioned above) is through reading the Bible (God’s living Word) that has been given to us. This year St. Bernard students and teachers are embarking on a new journey through Scripture. While our K-8 Religion Curriculum and Standards incorporate scripture throughout, all students do not get that comprehensive view of the Bible and Salvation History. This year we are starting a 3-year program of journeying through Scripture as a whole-school community. This will supplement our regular Religion curriculum and serve as a common thread and theme for our students across grade levels. At our beginning of the week Assembly last week we introduced the student body to this plan and the God’s Plan in Scripture (GPS) Storybook that we will be utilizing. Following the introduction of each new chapter, students will go deeper with their homeroom teachers: reading the Storybook, reading Scripture, discussing the stories, and doing a variety of activities. As this plan is supplementing the other great material and resources that we use, we are taking this slow and reflecting on a new part of the story each month. This month I encourage you to engage your kids with some of the following questions (that they’ve heard and will be able to answer in the weeks to come): What IS the Bible? Why do we study the Bible? Who helps us understand the Bible? What is Salvation History?
Finally, I have attached the foreword letter to the GPS Storybook. This letter is written by Jeff Cavins and offers some additional food for thought. Please take a moment to read it and reflect upon it. Maybe now is the time for you too to commit to a more regular reading of Scripture (or maybe try The Bible in a Year Podcast - that’s a great resource too!).
Have a great rest of the week! God bless!
Mr. Ertel
P.S. Please Please Please take a moment to read through the Turtle Fest email from earlier today and sign up as a volunteer and for food orders! The core team for this event have been working so hard and this has the potential to be an amazing community event, but we haven’t yet had the hoped-for response from the School Community. Thank you!
If there are any forms, flyers or materials to be sent home from the school office, we send the majority of them in the Blue Folders on Wednesday. There is one folder for each family sent home with the oldest student. Please make sure that your children are giving you the folder and that you are sending the folder back to school promptly. This is the perfect way to send back any completed forms, payments or other paperwork to the school office.
Each week in this newsletter, I'll list the items that were sent home. Scroll down to see this week's contents.
From Parents Club:
Hi Bobcat Families!
Thanks to everyone that has already completed the Parents Club registration form and room parent sign-up. If you have not had a chance to complete the registration, you can still register using this link: A HUGE thanks to everyone that has signed up to be room parents! We are still looking for room parents for 6th and 7th grades, and a room parent helper for grades 4-8. If you are interested in helping with those grades, please reach out to Sarah Ross ( or Brooke Williams ( We will distribute classroom information to all room parents after our September Parents Club meeting!
Our first Parents Club meeting of the year will be next Wednesday, September 18th at 7pm in the school library. All are welcome! Feel free to bring a snack to share. We will be discussing our plans for this school year and would love your ideas and input! In your blue folders you should be receiving a copy of the 2024-25 Parents Club calendar, which lists the monthly meeting dates and events we have scheduled so far. We will be sure to communicate any additional events throughout the year as well. We hope you can join us for the meetings and/or activities! If you can’t join the September meeting but would like to learn more about Parents Club or how to get involved, please reach out to Sarah Ross or Brooke Williams! Thanks for your continued support!
From Athletics:
Our boys basketball sign-ups are now active on the website. We have teams 2-8th. Our 2nd grade team will play in our second grade league. So far Kacie Hardig has offered to help with 2nd grade league, but we could still use one more helper.
I could still use a baseball coordinator if you are able to help out.
Our first association meeting of the year will not be on our normal Thursday. Please keep an eye on the website for the date and time.
Thanks, Joe
Turtle Fest 2024: Sun. Sept. 22, 12pm-8pm
Lunch Volunteers Needed!
We need help facilitating the distribution of lunches for the students. On normal days, we need one extra adult per day to help our staff. On pizza lunch days, we need three adults to help distribute the meals. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!!!
***Please note, all school volunteers must be current and compliant with Safe Parish. (see below)
School Facebook Page
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic School - Cincinnati, OH
Please make sure to follow us and share with any friends and family to help get the word out about the great things that happen in our school! Thanks in advance for your support.
Safe Parish Registration Link
If you have any questions or problems, please contact Barb Yoder in the Parish Office at:
513-353-4207 x5
Please return all blue folders to school each week.
This week's contents:
- 2024-25 Parents Club Calendar
Blue folders will go home with the OLDEST student in each family on Wednesdays, as needed, throughout the school year. These will contain any important handouts or forms that need to be submitted in paper form. Anytime we can share documents in a digital format to provide information or link you to online resources, we will do so instead of filling your home with papers.
Spiritwear Links
For information on joining Cub Scouts, please contact:
Rebecca Schmidt