Williams Parent Bulletin
September 2024
Welcome to the fall season!
Thank you for a wonderful launch of the new school year. We've been in school just over two weeks and we've already had a successful backpack giveaway, engaging student assemblies, exciting Fun Friday activities, and our first Cafecito parent gathering. We appreciate your support in focusing on student safety, especially in the school parking lot areas. Based on the recommendations of our Oxnard PD partners, the yellow curbs at the side and front of the school are now designated as loading and unloading zones ONLY. During morning arrival, please pull up to the front of the yellow line and drop your children off there. Please DO NOT park your car and leave it there...it is only for stop-and-go traffic.
As our school partners, it is also important that we ALL focus on improving student attendance this year. Please do your best to schedule appointments outside of school hours or on our days off from school. Remember, our students can't access their learning unless they're here! Don't forget to keep good communication with your child's caregivers and remind them that Early Dismissal Wednesdays happen EVERY WEEK. This past week, we had a lot of students who were not picked up on time. Also, our Wildcats continue to be expected to wear school uniforms Monday-Thursday. This policy plays a crucial role in maintaining a conducive learning environment. However, on Mondays, they may wear the Character Counts color of the month (it's yellow for September) for the chance at special prizes, and every Friday, they will continue to have free-dress.
If you haven't returned your first-day-of-school packet forms, please do so as soon as possible. Please remember that the Williams team is here to help. If you have questions or concerns, you may reach us at (805) 488-3541, or you may also reach our staff through the Parent Square app and via email. Let's stay in touch!
Looking forward to seeing all our families at Back to School Night on Thursday, 09/19/24!
Principal Granado & Assistant Principal Bautista
Admin Team
Loading & Unloading Zone ONLY
NO PARKING in Yellow Zones!
Back to School Night
You are cordially invited to our Williams Back to School Night. The schedule will be as follows:
- 5:00-6:00 PM - Wellness Center Ribbon Cutting, Mural Presentation, Resource Fair, PTA Prize Wheel & More
- 6:00-6:30 PM - English Classroom Presentations
- 6:30-7:00 PM - Spanish Classroom Presentations
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024, 05:00 PM
4300 Anchorage Street, Oxnard, CA, USA
Be on time!
Please make all necessary transportation arrangements to pick up your child early EVERY Wednesday. Please review our early dismissal schedule below:
- Grades TK & K: 8:00-12:00 PM
- Grades 1-3: 8:00-12:35 PM
- Grades 4-5: 8:00-12:45 PM
Introducing: Our Custodian Team
Introducing: Our Kitchen Team
Introducing: Our SHINE After-School Team
Visitor Check-Ins
School uniforms are REQUIRED!
School uniforms are REQUIRED for the 2024-25 school year. Here's a summary of our uniform colors.
- TOPS: Navy blue, baby blue, white or gray.
- BOTTOMS/DRESSES/SHORTS/SKIRTS: Navy blue, khaki, gray. NO JEANS OR DENIM this year!
- SHOES: Closed-toe and closed-back shoes. Please DO NOT wear Crocs to school.
School uniforms will be required Monday-Thursday but you will be able to let your personality shine on Free-Dress Fridays. Please follow these basic guidelines, so we don't lose this Friday privileges.
- No open-toe or open-back shoes. NO CROCS!
- No transparent or spaghetti strap tops.
- No ripped jeans or pajamas.
- No inappropriate pictures, profanity or alcohol/drug related logos.
Breakfast in the Cafeteria
Your children are invited to eat breakfast in the cafeteria EVERY MORNING from 7:30-7:55 AM. Students who will be eating breakfast will need to use the office entrance to access the cafeteria in the morning. Remember that ALL Williams students provided a FREE breakfast and lunch. Students clean up and walk to the playground starting at 7:55 AM.
During the month of September, we'll be celebrating the character trait of "respect." We invite students to wear YELLOW tops/shirts, bottoms, hats, socks and shoes on Character Counts Mondays this month.
Respect: Show respect to everyone • Use good manners and language • Be considerate of feelings • Never bully, hit or hurt others
SHINE After-School Programs
Our SHINE After-School partners have informed us that grades TK-2 are now FULL. We will continue taking SHINE applications in these grades in order to place you on the waiting list. However, we still have room in grades 3-5. We will place completed applications in the SHINE mailbox for processing. The SHINE office will contact parents to inform them when a child may begin staying after school or if they've been added to the waiting list.
We need you!
Be Safe - Be Kind
During arrival in the morning, Assistant Principal Bautista will serve as the crossing guard at the school driveway. PLEASE NOTE: The yellow curb near the blue doors is for drop-offs ONLY. There is NO parking allowed there or at the roundabout in the morning. Drivers MUST PARK their cars to walk students to the blue doors. Please make sure your children exit out of the car door on the sidewalk side.
During dismissal In the afternoon, Assistant Principal Bautista will close the driveway once the 2:20 dismissal bell rings. This is for the safety of ALL of our Williams community. Once the dismissal bell has rung, ONLY Williams staff and drivers with a handicapped placard will be allowed to enter the parking lot. Please plan ahead and park on Anchorage Street or the surrounding streets during busy times. Our parking lot closure times are as follows:
- DISMISSAL: Closed from 2:20-2:40 PM (M/T/Th/F)
- EARLY DISMISSAL WEDNESDAYS: Closed from 12:35-12:50 PM (Wednesdays)
Counselor Hernandez
We hope you've enjoyed your summer break! If you find yourself in need of counseling support for your Williams student, please reach out to Counselor Hernandez at lhernandez@hueneme.org. She may also be reached by telephone at (805) 488-3541.
Don't be afraid to ask for help...let's work together!
Healthy Start Program
Our school counseling program and the Healthy Start Program sponsored by the Ventura County Human Services Agency are collaborating to provide social worker and community resources to support Williams families. Please reach out for assistance from our social worker team:
- Kenya Dominguez, Social Worker - ext. 3058
- Ana Zapata, Case Aide - ext. 3060
See the flyer below for more information...
09/08: Grandparents Day
09/09: School Board Meeting - 6:00-8:00 PM
09/11: 5th Grade Art Classes BEGIN
09/11: Yearbook Crew meets in room 21 - 1:00-2:00 PM
09/12: 2nd Grade Art Classes BEGIN
09/13: 1st Grade Art Classes BEGIN
09/13: 4th/5th Grade Music Classes BEGIN
09/16: Staff Development Day - NO SCHOOL
09/17: Constitution Day Assembly in the quad - 8:15-8:45 AM
09/18: GATE Class in room 21 - 1:00-2:00 PM
09/19: Back to School Night - 5:00-7:00 PM
- 5:00-6:00 PM (Wellness Center Ribbon Cutting, Mural Presentation and Resource Fair)
- 6:00-6:30 PM (English presentations)
- 6:30-7:00 PM (Spanish presentations)
09/23: Kindness is Free - Lunchtime Pop-up Event
09/24: School Picture Day
09/25: Yearbook Crew meets in room 21 - 1:00-2:00 PM
10/02: Custodian Appreciation Day
10/02: Coffee with the Principal in P2 - 8:00-9:00 AM
10/02: GATE Class in room 21 - 1:00-2:00 PM
10/03: Farm to School Assembly
10/04: Mid-T1 Progress Notices - GO HOME TODAY
WeTip - Anonymous Reporting for Safety and Bullying Concerns
We'd like to share that the Hueneme Elementary School District officially launched our new anonymous reporting system, WeTip. Please note the different ways a student may make a report:
- Text REPORT to 844.805.7893
Simply text REPORT to the dedicated phone number to receive a link directly to your mobile device where you can submit any report safely and anonymously.
- Visit the home page of any HESD School Website
Our web-based form gives you an online, anonymous way to report unfolding situations through every school website. You can choose to remain completely anonymous. There is a link on every school website.
- Call (844) 805-7893
Speak anonymously with a trained WeTip Agent to report any bullying, threats, discrimination, or other tips. Report anytime day or night, whatever is most comfortable for you. A bilingual agent is available 24/7.
- Scan the QR Code (On all HESD WeTip Posters)
HESD has been provided with a dedicated QR Code that, when scanned, will take you directly to online reporting forms where you can easily submit concerns.
Here is a brief informational video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4NaodVE8l0
Maria Granado, School Principal
Address: 4300 Anchorage Street, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: (805) 488-3541
Email: mgranado@hueneme.org
Website: https://www.hueneme.org/o/williams-elementary
Twitter: @WilliamsHESD
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FredLWilliamsElementary
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fredlwilliamselementary