Farnham FLASH
August 22, 2024
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29th, Thursday - Back to School Night, @6:00-7:05 pm
2nd, Monday - Labor Day NO School
6th, Friday - Movie Night, See Flyer Below
TK/Kinder Dismissal
TK Dismissal:
- 11:30 am (Aug 15th - Aug 30th)
- 12:30 pm (Sept 3rd - 6th)
Kinder Dismissal:
- 11:30 am (Aug 15th - Sept 6th)
A Message from Our Principal
Dear Farnham Families,
What a wonderful first week of school we’ve had! The joy of hearing happy chatter in the classrooms and squeals of delight on the playgrounds fills me with gratitude. I’m so thankful to be part of this community and to work with such talented and dedicated teachers and staff members. It truly takes a village to get a school up and running, especially with the ongoing construction.
I look forward to seeing you all at Back To School Night next Thursday, August 29th. This evening is a key opportunity to strengthen our home-school connection, so please make every effort to attend. Your involvement is crucial to your child’s success. See flyer below for additional information.
As we move forward, maintaining open lines of communication is essential. We’re partners in your child’s education, and it’s important that you keep us informed about any questions. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or for clarifications.
Thank you for your continued support and for exemplifying Farnham’s Three Personal Standards for your children. Continue to Solve Problems, Make Good Decisions, and Show Respect.
Be well,
Amy O’Hehir
Principal, Farnham Elementary
Scroll to the bottom to see our Falcons at work
Children should STAY HOME if he/she is ill or if any of the following symptoms are present. If your child becomes ill while at school and exhibits any of the following symptoms, your child will need to go home.
- FEVER – any temperature over 100 degrees. Your child must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.
- GREENISH NOSE DISCHARGE AND/OR CHRONIC COUGH – please take your child to your health care provider for treatment
- SORE THROAT – especially with fever, rash or swollen glands in the neck.
- DIARRHEA – 3 or more watery stools in a 24 hour period, especially if the child acts or looks ill.
- VOMITING – any instance of vomit, your child will need to stay home or be sent home. Your child may return once he/she is vomit free for 24 hours
- RASH – especially with fever or itching.
- EAR PAIN OR DISCOMFORT – especially with other symptoms
- BEHAVIOR AND/OR APPEARANCE - pale, lack of appetite, unusually tired, sleepy, confused or irritable
- EYES - thick white or yellow discharge from the eyes, matted eyelids, swelling or redness.
Enrollment & Attendance Information
If your plans have changed and your child will NO longer attend school at Farnham, please contact the school office as soon as possible.
Consistent school attendance is a key to success for your child. Ensuring your child is on time and in attendance is very important. Arriving on time gives your children the chance to smoothly transition and settle in, setting a positive tone for the rest of the school day. Thank you for making your child's attendance a priority to support their learning.
Gates open at 8:05 am and close at 8:15 am when the instructional day begins. Students must be present in their classroom before the 8:15 am (tardy) bell rings.
Any absence must be reported to the 24 hour absence line. Please report an absence as soon as you know your child will not be at school. The 24 hour absence phone number is; 408-377-3321 Ext 4102.
Free Up Voicemail for Your Child's Safety
Please make sure that your voicemail is free and set up. School staff will call parents with important and timely information about their child, most often about injury or illness. Please be sure that we are able to contact you during school hours. If your contact number changes at any time, please make sure to let the school office know.
t was great to see so many new and returning families and friends of Farnham at last week's back to school BBQ and we are excited to start the new school year! We also had our first HSC meeting Tuesday evening and reviewed the proposed budget and upcoming volunteer opportunities. Come out and join us on September 10 at 6pm for our next meeting.
HSC will be hosting our first movie night of the year on September 6, at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria. There are two awesome choices that the kids will be voting on before the event to pick the winning choice! More info in the flyer.
Looking to help out? We have volunteer opportunities for Pumpkin Walk, our giving campaign, our fall dance and more. If you are interested in helping please reach out anytime or send us a note at hscfarnham@gmail.com.
Upcoming Events
8/29 - Back to School Night
9/6 - Movie Night
9/10 - HSC Board Meeting
9/27 - Fall Dance (TBC)
Back to School Spirit Wear Sale - t-shirts, sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts, caps, and more! In-person sales before school on Thurs 8/15 and Fri 8/16 or purchase on-line. Purchases made through the Farnham HSC website will be delivered to your student’s classroom. Purchases made through the 3rd party vendor, ApparelNow, will be mailed to you. If you have any questions, please email: FarnhamHSCSpiritwear@gmail.com
Who are our Crossing Guards
We are so lucky to have two crossing guards who help cross our Farnham Falcons safely each and every school day. Please greet our Crossing Guards when you cross the street and thank them for helping us stay safe while crossing the street.
Ms. Ann Sager crossing our Falcons at Starview Drive and Ms. Tania Redlich crossing Falcons at Twilight Drive.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Getting to Know our Classmates
Learning Together
New Rooms are Fabulous
Farnham Elementary School
Website: farnham.cambriansd.org
Location: 15711 Woodard Road, San Jose, CA, 95124
Phone: 408-377-3321