TDS Newsletter
2022/2023 - Quarter 1
First day of the 2022/2023 school year
Aztec Strong Competition
Back to School Night
College and Career Night
Friday Volleyball
9/11 Commemoration Ceremony
Volleyball Tournament
TDS Construction Classes
E Sports
Join ESports! We meet every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:40 - 5:30pm. Have fun working as a team and improving your skills at playing League of Legends and Overwatch 2.
See Mr. Padilla in room 503 for more information.
Quest 4 Success
Applications are now being accepted for SPRING! Classes will start in February. Earn money and elective credits. For more information, see Mrs. Coggshall during lunch in room 505.
Tierra Del Sol Recognized at the Gold Level!
On behalf of the California PBIS Coalition, we are pleased to recognize Tierra Del Sol Continuation High School of the Kern High School District for successful PBIS
implementation at the GOLD level. Your school is a recipient within the California PBIS Coalition’s System of Recognition, reflecting excellence in the implementation of the core features of PBIS.
We sincerely appreciate your hard work and commitment to implementing PBIS with fidelity and creating the conditions to maximize academic and social behavioral outcomes for ALL students. Congratulations again on this outstanding recognition!
Mental Health Awareness #breakthestigma
People may often think that mental health has nothing to do with them, but mental health concerns everyone and is just as important as our physical health. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if people treated mental illnesses the same way they treat physical illnesses? If you have a broken leg, diabetes or cancer you would go to the doctor and get treatment, wouldn’t you? No one is shamed for having heart disease, diabetes, cancer or a broken leg. Likewise, no one should be shamed for depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other mental illnesses, yet there continues to be a lot of stigma associated with mental health. Stigma is when someone, or even you yourself, views a person in a negative way just because they have a mental health condition. Some people describe stigma as a feeling of shame or judgement from someone else. Living life with a mental illness can be tough, and the isolation, blame and secrecy that is often encouraged by stigma can create huge challenges to reaching out, and getting the needed support.
If you are struggling with your “brain health”, please reach out to your counselor Mrs. Alfaro or Mrs. Paradise, Interventionist- Mr. Vasquez, School Social Worker Ms. Lili, or any other trusting adult on campus and we will make sure we connect you to the appropriate services and support. If you are interested in being a part of the NAMI club on campus please see Ms. Lili.
ALONA MOORHOUSE - Class of 2015
Never Give Up
Written by Alona Moorhouse
If you were to tell a sixteen year old me that one day my hopes and dreams would come true I would’ve called you crazy and told you to take a look at my life. I thought peace, happiness, and success belonged to others but never to me. My name is Alona, I am twenty five years old and a former graduate of Tierra Del Sol High School. I’d like to share my story with you. This is a story of hope, struggle, strife, and the perseverance of the human spirit. If you have ever felt stuck, lost, and/or unsupported until coming to Tierra Del Sol then we already have so much in common.
I came to TDS midway into my sophomore year of high school. I attended a high school located on the east side of Bakersfield. I lived in that area of town up until the age of 18. I was sent to TDS because of poor attendance, failing grades, and being caught with prohibited items on campus. From the outside, I appeared to be a troubled teen who didn’t care about education, one who was rebellious and apathetic according to my gate class teachers. The truth was I was going through extreme mistreatment at home. No one asked, I had no one to tell. There was, at the time, no point in focusing on grades, how could I? I had much more serious life events occurring outside of school hours. I went from a straight A student to falling through the cracks of depression and anxiety brought on by mistreatment at home. Being sent TDS was a pivotal moment in my life. I truly believe it was a part of what helped with the course correction of my life. I found for the first time what felt like a long time a happy home at Tierra Del Sol. The educators and staff welcomed me with open arms and zero judgment. For the first time in forever I felt a sense of hope and safety.
Tierra Del Sol High School was the best place I could've ended up at the time. I felt encouraged and understood by the educators. These people were some of the most compassionate individuals I had ever come across and that statement holds true to this day. I felt inspired by Dr.Reed and his expertise in law and criminal justice. His class was my favorite. In a life that felt chaotic, he brought so much structure and order. Truly remarkable. Mr. Turschak helped me through my independent studies. His words of wisdom and experience help fuel my sense of strength to endure my hardships and know that brighter days lie ahead, seriously. Mrs. Frazier is one of the most amazing, caring, and unbelievably strong women I've ever met. Her creating a space for me to express myself creatively in her art classroom brought me such a deep sense of peace and freedom. These individuals and many more had a hand in creating a safe and understanding environment not only for me to educate myself but to have a sense of normality. I know this campus and the people who chose to be here are wanting to create the same space for you. Tierra Del Sol is more than just some school for “troubled” kids, it is a place of healing and growth. My grades improved, my attendance improved, I went back to getting A’s. I began to enjoy knowledge again and I felt really good about myself for the first time in what felt like ever actually. This was all made possible because of the people who believed in me and saw something good in me. They didn’t judge, they led. They led my lost sense of self to somewhere where I gained the strength to press on, to push past adversity.
Again, moving schools was such a huge course correction for me. Whatever path you are on, you can always change and choose to create a life for yourself that you are proud of. You are so special and full of gifts and talents. The world needs people just like you. You matter, these educators and staff believe in you. You deserve success, happiness, and peace. I promise you that with hard work and good choices you can achieve absolutely anything.
Anything is possible if you choose to believe in yourself, seriously! Tierra Del Sol High School helped me become unstoppable, they helped me believe in many things and gave me the foundations to be where I am today. Thank You.
At twenty five years of age, I have held high leadership roles in local restaurants and continue to do so. My dream is to be a local restaurant owner and operator someday. Food and community are my passion. I am attending college and am set on getting a degree in restaurant management. I plan to major in business and attend culinary programs as well. It has been an unbelievably long and hard journey to reach this point, but I am so deeply grateful I have and thankful for those who have positively impacted my life along the way. As hard as it was, as many times as I fell, I got back up and never stopped pushing towards my goals. Life is not always a straight and narrow path. It is filled with peaks and valleys but ultimately we will get to our destination of choice with perseverance. My hobbies now include cooking, mountain hiking, performing spoken word poetry about my life at local coffee shops, and sharing my story and insights with those who are on this journey we call life. You are not alone, your educators and staff are here to help you. Please reach out to them and please know these hardships can be overcome. I believe in every single one of you, the Tierra Del Sol High team believes in you, you have to believe in you, too!
My favorite quote is “ I never lose. I either win or learn.” - Nelson Mandela
This is what it means to me to be an Aztec warrior, to never give up, to persevere especially in the face of adversity, you will come out stronger, wiser, and braver than you can ever imagine.
-----Helpful Resources-----
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Food Pantry - 825 Chester Ave
(661) 281-2130
Families can receive food once every 3 days.
Golden Empire Gleaners - 1326 30th St #A
(661) 324-2767
If you Volunteer from 7:30am – 11:30am you will get a free hot breakfast, lunch, snack, and a food basket to take home.
Friendship House CAPK - 2424 Cottonwood Road
(661) 369-8922
Community Connection for Child Care - 2000 K Street
(661) 861-5200
CAPK Kern County
Information and referral services for assistance with health and human services support.
Family Urgent Response System (FURS)
(833) 939-3877
Free 24/7/365 hotline for current or former foster youth and caregivers to call and get immediate help with any big or small issues.
Mental Health & Crisis Intervention
(800) 991-5272
24 hour counseling for those experiencing a personal, relationship, or mental health crisis or suicidal thoughts.
Alliance Against Family Violence
(661) 327-1091
Mary K. Shell Mental Health Center
(661) 868-8047
If you have Medi-Cal or Kern Family, please contact our community specialist.
-----A LOOK BACK AT 2018/2019-----
Tierra Del Sol Continuation High School
Instagram: @tdsaztecs
Location: 3700 East Belle Terrace, Bakersfield, CA, USA
Phone: (661)832-3700