HLHS Vipers!
Fall 2024 Newsletter
Join us on Remind @ck47g4
Hello Vipers!
This year has started with many exciting activities and celebrations, and we can't believe our first semester is almost over. We began by participating in and supporting the American Heart Walk as it provides impactful information that educates our community regarding heart disease and preventive care. After a hiatus, we could finally continue our Vision Clinic here at HLHS, where we provided exams to over FIFTY patients throughout the two-day event. Forty-seven glasses were sent to the VSP lab, with six exam-only patients seeing 53 patients. 12 gift certificates were provided, which totaled 65 patients being served. A huge shout-out and appreciation go out to Dr. Irons, Dr. Tracy Ho, and Dr. Lisa Shin for supporting our event.
We had a fantastic Resource Fair/Title I & Community Schools Event on campus. We appreciate our Community Partners who participated and allowed this successful event to happen. It is always beautiful to see how we all come together and provide each other with the support and resources to improve our community.
We have also had the opportunity to meet with our students and their families during student-led conferences. Our Student Health-Based Center is now open and provides services for our students!
We have gone out in the community to fulfill our meaningful and fun service learning hours as we continue to work on understanding the social determinants of health, the impact that we all have, and what we can do to make our community a better place. Our Seniors put together a fun and exciting Halloween Spirit Week. Our student-led Blood Drive was on November 14th from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm in our school gymnasium. We continue working towards the end of the Fall Semester with our Final Exhibitions and another round of Service Learning. Final Exhibitions are scheduled for December 10th and 11th, and Service Learning is scheduled for December 19th and 20th. Please mark your calendars and save the date for the Final Exhibitions, as we welcome you to come and support our students by participating and providing feedback. We will also have a Winter Ball! Your student's advisor should also have contacted you regarding student-led conferences. Lastly, Winter break is from December 23rd to January 3rd!
Please enjoy our fall newsletter, which has many pictures that can tell the story of our students' unique activities and participation. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.