Gower Middle Weekly Update
November 8th, 2024
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our fall Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Monday, November 25th from 8AM-8PM. Our conferences are held virtually on this day. The pickAtime website is now open to schedule a conference on this day.
8th Grade Parents
District 86 Registration-Now Available!
Please submit initial registration information to District 86 via https://www.hinsdale86.org/for-families/residency-verification-registration/registration-for-rising-ninth-grade-families. Please submit soon to avoid missing important information about high school course selection.
Gower Wrestling Open Mat
November 20th and 21st, 3:30-5:00
Gower will be hosting two open mat sessions to allow new and experienced wrestlers the chance to learn more about Gower wrestling. Our open mat sessions will consist of information shared from our coach and veteran wrestlers. Participants will have the chance to learn basic wrestling moves and participate in controlled exhibition matches with their teammates. Safety equipment (headgear, wrestling shoes, mouthguard, and knee pads) are recommended but not required for these sessions.
Wrestling is a no cut sport and is open to all 5th-8th grade students.
Students must have a current sports physical on file with our nurse in order to participate.
Bus students may take the late bus at 4:30 on the 20th/21st or arrange for a parent to pick them up at 5:00.
Contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Scott Dunning (sdunning@gower62.com) with any questions.
Girls Volleyball Tryouts
A Google form was shared with all 6th-8th grade students this week in regards to girls volleyball tryouts. If your child is interested in trying out for the girls volleyball team this year please make sure they complete the form. Varsity Tryouts will be December 3rd and 4th from 3:30-5:30. JV Tryouts will be December 10th and 11th from 3:30-5:30. Please contact Ms. Stankiewicz (jstankiewicz@gower62.com) with any questions.
Gower Chess Team
The Gower chess team will begin practicing on Monday, December 2nd. Chess is open to all 5th-8th grade students. Both beginner players (general knowledge of the rules is preferred) and experienced players are welcome to join the team. A Google form was shared with all students this week in regards to chess. If your child would like to be a part of the Gower chess team please remind them to complete the form.
Reality Store-Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for parent volunteers for this year's Reality Store program. This is an annual activity that all 7th graders participate in. Students are assigned a family type and income and they visit different stations (ex: Housing, Childcare, Food, Travel) to make decisions about how to budget their lifestyle. Parent volunteers guide students through the stations and help them make responsible decisions. This is an enlightening and entertaining program for both parents and students! There are two shifts on Friday November 22nd, 8:30-10:15 am or 10-11:45 am. Please sign up to help for one or both shifts-- this program is not possible without our amazing parent volunteers! Thank you so much! For any questions please contact Bob Jankowski bob.jankowski@att.net or Lynn Salahi lsalahi@gmail.com.
Upcoming Events at Gower Middle
Monday, November 11th
Veterans Day!
Veterans Day Assembly
Red, White, Blue and Gold spirit day!
Girls Basketball at Eisenhower JH, 4:15
Wednesday, November 13th
World Kindness Day!
End of first trimester (5th grade specials classes)
Thursday, November 14th
8th grade band members-field trip to Hinsdale South
Friday, November 15th
College and Career Spirit Day!
Girls Basketball vs Butler JH, 4:15