Dake Junior HS
Important details on health information
Dear Families,
I hope you’ve been enjoying the beautiful summer weather, spending time with family and friends. At Dake, we believe that developing and maintaining meaningful relationships is essential for overall well-being. As we gear up for the start of the school year, we’re excited to build positive connections with families and warmly welcome our students on their first day.
To help prepare for the first day, you’ll find important information and resources in this newsletter. Please take time to review this document and share the information with your student.
Need to Know
Tentative student schedules are available in Infinite Campus. Some schedules may change as classes are balanced and conflicts are resolved. Schedules will be available to students on the first day of school.
The first day of school is Thursday, September 5, 2024. There was a mistake in the mailing about the first day of school and 7th grade orientation. I apologize.
At 7:30am, students can enter Exit 3 into the cafeteria for breakfast until students are released by the first bell at 7:50am.
First period starts at 8:00 am and students can enter the main entrance of the building at 7:50 am. Students not in first period by 8:00 am will be marked tardy to school.
Dismissal is at 2:55 pm. After 3:15pm, students who are on school grounds must be under the direct supervision of an adult (teacher, coach, or other staff member) to ensure their safety.
Cell phones need to be off and away during the school day. Students should store their phone in their backpack or their locker.
Picture day is September 13. Ordering information will be given to students on Friday, September 6.
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer.
Carol Stehm
Interim Principal
Health Office
This link below contains all the information you will need from the Health Office. Please note the first few pages indicate what health information is required for school.
Interim Principal: Carol Stehm | carol_stehm@westiron.monroe.edu
Asst. Principal: Joyce Akwaa - Grade 7 | joyce_akwaa@westiron.monroe.edu
Asst. Principal: Alexa Hogestyn - Grade 8 | alexa_hogestyn@westiron.monroe.edu
Secretary: Rachel Dukes - rachel_burdick@westiron.monroe.edu
Main office: 585-342-2140
Fax: 585-336-3034
Website: https://dake.westirondequoit.org/
Health Office: 585-336-2964
- Nurse: Kristina Sodeman
- Health Clerk: Kim DiMarco
Transportation: 585-336-2992 | Web page
District Office: 585-342-5500 | District website: westirondequoit.org
Upcoming Events
- 21- Schedules available to view on Infinite Campus
- 28- 7th grade orientation: Amethyst 7 (8:30am-10:00am), Sapphire 7 (10:30am-12:00pm), Ruby 7 (12:30pm-2:00pm)
- 29- Orientation for students new to the district 1:00pm-2:30pm
- 29- 7th & 8th Grade Locker Day 10:00am-2:30pm
- 5- First day of school
- 13- Picture day
- Spirit week 9/16-9/20
- 3- Dake Open House (6:00pm-8:00 p.m.)
- 11 - NO SCHOOL - Superintendent's Conference Day
- 14 - NO SCHOOL - Indigenous Peoples' Day
- 22 - School Picture Make-Up Day
Dake Spirit Week
Families, do you:
Have a new cell phone number or new carrier?
Have a new email address or work phone number?
Need to update your emergency contacts?
Be sure to keep your child's school informed of any changes to your phone numbers or emergency contact information. Update info directly on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal via this link, or send in a note with your child. Questions about Portal Access? Contact the appropriate support person below:
Grades 7-8: jane_csaszar@westiron.monroe.edu
Grades 9-12: howard_dutton@westiron.monroe.edu
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
With Infinite Campus you can view your students grades, attendance, report cards and much more.
To log in Click Here
Code Of Conduct
To read the 2024-2025 Code of Conduct, click here.
Safe School Helpline
Please report any facts, remarks, or actions that could jeopardize the safety of our children, staff, or school. Examples of harmful or threatening behavior might include:
- Bullying
- Violence
- Theft
- Drug or alcohol use and abuse
- Talk of suicide
- Sexual harassment
- Weapons
A toll-free number has been assigned for our school district. When you dial this number from a touch-tone phone, you will be advised how to leave your information. You may exclude your name or other facts that could identify you. You will then record your message. Use this number to report by phone or text:
- Calling 800-418-6423 (ext. 359)
- Texting “TIPS” to 66746
You can also submit a form online by clicking here: Click here
For Breakfast & Lunch menu's or more information regarding Dake's food program please Click Here.