O So Good News
Osgood Elementary Newsletter- Sept. 20, 2019
Look at Us Shine...
Thank you for visiting us on Tuesday evening, we had a wonderful Open House where students escorted their families though the building connecting with teachers and friends. Thank you to everyone who made this such a great event.
This week has been very busy for all of our students. Our Kindergarten students are beginning the journey into reading, letter names, sounds and picture walks are happening in all of the Kindergarten classrooms. In grade 2 students are working on math facts and numeracy, it is adding up to be a great year in math. Grade 1 students are sharing their writing skills as they describe their day to a friend.
Picture day is September 24th - The pictures will be outside if the weather cooperates.
Thank you for a wonderful 2 weeks of school! You are the reason we are O So Good!!
Lisa M. Farrell
Miss Frank works with kindergarten artists
Mr. Dykas guiding the Preschool students
Magic readers in kindergarten
O So Good - News ....
News from The Nurses' office
Dear Osgood Families,
The nurses are asking for donations of children's clothes, all sizes, for, it is very helpful to have used shirts, shorts and pants in the health room for students to borrow in case of an emergency. Also, if you could send in an extra pair of underpants for students in the lower grades in case of accidents it would be greatly appreciated.
Contact us
Email: LFarrell@cohassetk12.org
Website: https://www.cohassetk12.org
Location: 210 Sohier Street, Cohasset, MA, USA
Phone: 781-383-0255
Twitter: @JOsgoodppal
Dates to Remember for September....
Sept. 24th - Picture Day
Sept. 25th - Fun Run Pep rally
Sept. 27 - Early Release, 1:20 dismissal
Office Communication
Please remember when you are sending in notes to include your child's first and last name and the homeroom teacher name.
Thank you