Coloma Junior High
Week of December 16th
What a ride for Robotics!
Congratulations to our Robotics Team! Our team traveled to Muskegon this weekend to compete in the State Finals. Our team won 4 out of 7 matches, placing 17th overall in their division. As one of the newest teams, we are very proud of their accomplishment! #CometPride
Final Week of Semester 1
Thursday and Friday this week will be Half Days with dismissal at 11:37am. The bell schedule is available below. Students will report to 1st, 2nd and 3rd hours on Thursday and 4th, 5th and 6th hours on Friday.
Go Green! Hot Chocolate Bar on Friday the 13th
8th Grade Scheduling for High School
It is hard to believe that we are already making plans for High School with your 8th graders, but here we go!
After the first of the year we will begin having conversations with students regarding their high school schedule and 4 year plans. As part of this process, on Friday, January 10th our 8th grade students will attend a presentation that will review all of the elective choices at the High School. It will be important for your child to be in attendance that day as this is the only opportunity that this information is presented in it's entirety.
Students will meet with our High School Counselor to make their course selections in their US History class on February 28th.
The Week Ahead
Boys Basketball Home vs. Watervliet 5:00pm
Competitive Cheer @ Schoolcraft 6:00pm
Study Hall with Mrs. Parker
Choir Concert 6:30
Study Hall with Mrs. Cattes
Competitive Cheer @ Gull Lake 6:00pm
Half Day
Exam Schedule
Exams 1-3
Competitive Cheer @ Home 6pm
Half Day
Exam Schedule
Exams 4-6
Upcoming Dates
18 - End of 2nd Marking Period
19 - Half Day Exams
20 - Half Day Exams
23 - Winter Break Begins
6 - School Resumes
8 - Delayed Start
10 - 8th Grade HS Elective Presentation
20 - No School
22 - Delayed Start
28 - NWEA Testing
30 - NWEA Testing
5 - Delayed Start
11 - 3rd MP Progress Reports
14 - No School
17 - No School
19 - Delayed Start
27 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm - 7pm
It is the policy of Coloma Community Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, disability, height, weight, marital status, or any other status covered by federal, state, or local law shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service, or in employment. Any person suspecting a discriminatory practice should contact complaint@ccs.coloma.org.
Inspire to Achieve - Empower for Success
Wendy Tremblay, Principal
Email: wtremblay@ccs.coloma.org
Website: http://cjh.coloma.org/
Location: 302 West St. Joseph Street, Coloma, MI, USA
Phone: 269-468-2405
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colomajh