2020-21 Required Training Modules
Tolar ISD Curriculum & Instruction
Region XI Statutory Compliance Bundle
All teachers and staff will be required to complete the Region XI Compliance Bundle before April 30, 2021.
When you complete all 13 modules, please email your transcript (not the individual certificates) to Kristen Carey.
Compliance Bundle Registration:
Click on the following link: https://registration.esc11.net/
Scroll to the middle of the page and on the right hand side click on the word Compliance.
The following modules will need to be completed:
- ADA Compliance for Online Content
- Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine Overview
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Bullying Prevention
- Child Abuse & Maltreatment
- Copyright
- FERPA: Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act
- Internet Safety
- Section 504
- Sexual Harassment
- Suicide Prevention & Intervention
- Teen Dating Violence & Abuse
- Texas Educator's Code of Ethics
Sexual Abuse, Sex Trafficking and Maltreatment
- Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas
- https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/initiatives/human-trafficking
- https://vimeo.com/244718411
- Click the first link-takes you to the home page
- Click the 2nd link- takes you directly to the required video
Grief & Trauma Informed Care
- Texas Department of Family & Protected Services
- Trauma-Informed Care Training
- Post-test
- Certificate provided after post-test: email it to Kristen Carey
Kristen Carey - Director of Instruction & Technology
Email: kcarey@tolarisd.org
Website: www.tolarisd.org
Location: 305 South Oak Street, Tolar, TX, USA
Phone: 254-835-4718