YMSL - Legacy Chapter
Closing Year 2019-20
- 798 hours Class 2020 (48 members)
- 1,315 hours Class 2021 (72 members)
- 618 hours Class 2022 (36 members)
- 1,252 hours Class 2023 (68 members)
Message from our President - Becki Girouard
A Year in Review
Congratulations on a phenomenal year, YMSL Legacy Chapter. One of YMSL’s founding principles is “to assist, serve and support those who are in need”. We started this year ready to shake things up & make a difference . . . And boy did we ever. Through the work of our incredibly talented Members, Boys and Board we were able to accomplish and work through things that were unprecedented. Please take a moment to reflect on the volunteer hours we were able to accomplish together. In a year that was cut short, we did not falter in our impact to the community. I am exceptionally proud of all we accomplished & I hope you are as well. As a organization, we have over 14,000 people involved in the organization and serve over 2300 philanthropies nationally. We have made our mark! YOU have made your mark!
We’ve had a full year of Philanthropic endeavors. Thank you, every mom and every young man for your time and your commitment to service and supporting our community, but more importantly being a leader in the lesson of giving back. And hopefully you will walk away with some fond memories too.
Board Recognition
I’d also like to recognize the group of women who initiate all the happenings in our chapter and make sure it runs smoothly. These women have huge hearts and give countless hours to their positions on the board. They have a desire to go above and beyond to serve our communities and to support and lead our young men. I could not be more pleased to have served alongside them this past year. It has truly been my honor.
We will be saying good-bye to several, as their sons are graduating or have taken other assignments for 2020-2021. You are all outstanding, dedicated and amazing women who will be missed greatly. Please join me in expressing our sincere appreciation to:
- Laura Frawley, VP Boys
- Celester DeLuca, VP Membership
- Lianne Boone, VP Communications
- Diana Wright, Secretary
I cannot let the opportunity to pass to welcome our 2020-2021 Board. Thank you for being willing to join the board and supporting our chapter!
- Assistant President - Cande Smillie
- First VP - Summer Gell
- VP Philanthropy - Irene Ramirez
- Assistant Philanthropy/ Ultimate Gift Chair – Ruth Scribner
- Treasurer - Denise Cason
- Parliamentarian - Kim Reichmuth
- VP Boys Coordinator - Kristin Glasscock
- Assistant Boys Coordinator – Stacie Howell
- VP Communications - Heather Hammons
- VP Membership - Tierney Thompson
- Assistant Membership – Kaelynn Osborn
- VP Website - Jami Gray
- Secretary - Melissa Neuweiler
- Assistant Secretary – Mags Duke
I would be remiss if I did not recognize and thank our wonderful banquet committee! These women had planned a wonderful event, and ultimately had to make some very tough decision that are unprecedented. Nevertheless, their contributions are greatly appreciated!
- Kristi Tsao - Banquet Chair
- Betsy Delautre
- Sara Deuillet
- Desiree Dolezal
- Debbie Retterath
- Lisa Spieler
- Christine Spurlock
- Lisa Welsh
To our Class of 2020 Seniors, how do I adequately sum up what you have meant to this chapter? Your class has added spice, laughter, commitment, dedication, compassion, fun and so much more to YMSL Legacy. We wanted to be able to celebrate with you, in person and let you know how deeply we appreciate you, your accomplishments and your contributions. You are an exceptional group of young men, with no limits on your future. We are proud of you! We love you! We are behind you! No matter where life takes you, please remember that you have left your mark on the hearts and lives of YMSL Legacy. Gentleman-Congratulations and Moms-You were great mentors for your boys and set a true example of what it means to be compassionate, reliable and service minded. Congrats to you all!
Have a wonderful summer YMSL Legacy and keep a lookout for chapter updates!
We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!
My best, Becki Girouard
Service Hours Awards
YMSL Service Award (+5 hours)
2022 Cade Reichmuth - 26 hours
2021 Ethan Yu - 27 hours
2021 Nicholas Ramirez - 29.50 hours
YMSL Outstanding Service Award (+10 hours)
2022 Ty Girouard - 31 hours
2022 Nicholas Ballard - 32 hours
2023 Bryce Lagow - 32 hours
2023 Reece Buckmeier - 36 hours
YMSL Superior Service Award (+20 hours)
2021 Austin Witzig - 51 hours
2020 Connor Farrell - 42.50 hours
2020 John Farrell - 42.50 hours
YMSL Spirit of Service Award (Senior most cumulative hours)
2020 Connor Farrell - 199.75 hours
2020 John Farrell - 199.75 hours
YMSL Mom/Son Philanthropy Award (Senior most cumulative hours served together)
2020 Connor Farrell, John Farrell - Mom is Cynthia Farrell - 193.75 hours
2020 Seniors
We love you!
Jacob Berg
Plano Senior High School
University of Arkansas
Garett Boone
Oklahoma Christian University
MECH Engineering & Baseball
Nick Christian
University of Arkansas
Ajay Cinclair
Undecided (Michigan, UT, IU)
Jack DeLuca
High Point University
Nathan Dominick
Claremont McKenna College
Economics & Basketball
Conner Farrell
Texas A&M University
John Farrell
University of Oklahoma
Scotty Frawley
Plano West Senior High
Texas Tech UniversityFinance
Nick Friend
Texas A&M University
Davis Fritz
University of Arkansas
Huter Garcia
University of Arkansas
Andrew Gazda
Computer Science
Mason Gould
University of Arkansas
Cortland Harlan
Plano West Senior High
The University of Oklahoma
Polictical Science
Cameron Hemsell
University of Texas at Dallas
Molecular Biology
Luke Herrod
Oklahoma State University
Alex Janice
Texas A&M University
Public Health
Tyler Kappel
Texas A&M University
Electrical Engineering
Jeffery Linsteadt
Naval Academy
University of Arkansas
Blake Munroe
University of Arkansas
Civil Engineering
Spencer Osborne
University of Arkansas
Computer Science
Brett Pladsen
University of Arkansas
Brady Sanders
Collin College
Petroleum Engineering
Austin Smillie
Texas A&M University
Camden Ulteig
Texas A&M University
Nuclear Engineering
Senior Gifts
In honor of our 2020 Senior Class, YMSL Legacy will be purchasing items to support the Plano Community Home Bingo program. We are very excited to be able to provide additional gifts, raffle items, and event items to this philanthropy!
YMSL Legacy is very excited to present each Senior with a memento gift pack that will include a fun 2020 Senior t-shirt, a YMSL logo stainless water bottle and a commemorative program. Details on distributing these will follow! Please stay tuned for details!
Enjoy this video below to honor our Seniors!
Brandon Sayegh Memorial Scholarship
On December 23, 2019 YMSL Legacy lost one of our young men in a tragic accident. Brandon Sayegh was a one-of-a-kind, gregarious, kind, compassionate fun member who truly embodied the values of YMSL. Upon learning of this terrible loss, we knew we wanted to do something to celebrate the heart of Brandon & all he represented.
It is with grateful hearts and in celebration of this incredible young man, the YMSL Legacy Chapter Board of Directors announces the formation of the Brandon Sayegh Memorial Scholarship. We are working closely with Brandon’s family & National in this effort. The inaugural award will be presented in April 2021.
The following words were shared by Brandon’s Mom, Brenda Sayegh and authored by family friend Georgia Kostas Nichols.
- ‘Brandon was no ordinary young man. He was truly extraordinary. Especially for a young man, just 18 years old. He lived his life in a beautiful way. Helping, caring about, and serving others was his daily focus. His love for His Lord helped him live life prepared to meet His Maker. Our Lord also prepared the hearts of Brandon’s family to deal with their tragic loss, by sending them incredibly beautiful, not-so-coincidental coincidences….to bless them with events so extraordinary and full of unexpected blessings, that they might be comforted. Comforted by knowing their Lord was present with Brandon and present with them, in their most trying moments. Times they most needed blessed assurance. It is as if God were saying: “Look how much I love you. I am with you. See me in the people and events I bring to help you. Be assured, I was right there with Brandon, in every moment, in his last moments, and right now.”
Brandon had graduated with the 2018 YMSL Legacy Senior Class. He was a proud Red Raider attending Texas Tech, majoring in Agribusiness. Brandon was also a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
With a grateful heart,
Becki Girouard, President, YMSL Legacy Chapter
Proposed 2020-2021 YMSL Calendar
Please note that this is a tentative schedule, pending the ability to meet in large groups and direction from National. In addition:
- No Boys/Mom Meeting in June or July
- No Boys/Mom Meeting in December
- Meeting requirements will be adjusted according to when we are able to meet, and in compliance with recommendations from National.
New Member/ Son Orientation
- Sunday 5.17.20 New Member Boys & Moms Only. Meeting will be Virtual, details to follow.
Moms Meetings
- Tuesday 9.15.19 YMSL Moms Meeting
- Tuesday 10.20.20 YMSL Mom Meeting
- Tuesday 11.10.20 YMSL Moms Meeting
- Tuesday 1.19.21 YMSL Moms Meeting
- Tuesday 2.23.21 YMSL Moms Meeting
- Tuesday 4.13.21 YMSL Moms Meeting
- Tuesday 5.18.21 YMSL Moms Meeting
Boys Meetings
- Sunday 9.20.20 Boys Meeting
- Sunday 10.25.20 YMSL Boys Meeting
- Sunday 11.15.20 YMSL Boys Meeting
- Sunday 1.24.21 YMSL Boys Meeting
- Sunday 2.28.21 YMSL Boys Meeting
- Sunday 3.21.21 YMSL Boys Meeting
- Sunday 4.11.21 YMSL Boys Meeting
Other Meetings
- Sunday 4.25.21 YMSL Annual Banquet
- Sunday 5.16.20 New Member/ Boys Orientation
All contents of this newsletter are to the best of the knowledge of those collecting it.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please email the contacts above
or Lianne Boone at lianneboone@att.net